What is babel-plugin-minify-numeric-literals?
The babel-plugin-minify-numeric-literals package is a Babel plugin that minifies numeric literals in your JavaScript code. It converts numeric literals to their shortest representation, which can help reduce the size of the code and potentially improve performance.
What are babel-plugin-minify-numeric-literals's main functionalities?
Minify Integer Literals
This feature converts large integer literals into their exponential form to save space. For example, the integer 1000 is converted to 1e3.
const a = 1000; // becomes const a = 1e3;
Minify Floating-Point Literals
This feature converts small floating-point literals into their exponential form. For example, the floating-point number 0.000001 is converted to 1e-6.
const b = 0.000001; // becomes const b = 1e-6;
Minify Hexadecimal Literals
This feature converts hexadecimal literals to their decimal form if it results in a shorter representation. For example, the hexadecimal number 0xFF is converted to 255.
const c = 0xFF; // becomes const c = 255;
Other packages similar to babel-plugin-minify-numeric-literals
This package minifies boolean literals in your code. It converts true and false to !0 and !1 respectively, which can save space. Unlike babel-plugin-minify-numeric-literals, it focuses on boolean values rather than numeric literals.
This package performs constant folding, which is the process of simplifying constant expressions at compile time. It can optimize arithmetic expressions, boolean expressions, and more. While it can handle numeric literals, its scope is broader than just minifying numeric literals.
This package simplifies expressions and statements in your code. It can remove unnecessary code, inline variables, and more. It includes numeric literal simplification as part of its broader optimization strategies.
Shortening of numeric literals via scientific notation
[1000, -20000]
[1e3, -2e4]
npm install babel-plugin-minify-numeric-literals --save-dev
Via .babelrc
"plugins": ["minify-numeric-literals"]
babel --plugins minify-numeric-literals script.js
Via Node API
require("@babel/core").transform("code", {
plugins: ["minify-numeric-literals"]