A babel preset for transforming your JavaScript for Airbnb.
Currently contains transforms for all standard syntax that is stage 4 (ES2017) or stage 3, except for the following:
- generators:
is too heavyweight for our use. async/await
: regenerator-runtime
is too heavyweight for our use, and async-to-promises is not yet complete enough to be safely used.SIMD
: this is a performance feature, so is pretty pointless to polyfill/transpile.- lifted template literal restrictions: we do not use tagged template literals, nor implement custom DSLs, otherwise we would enable this.
We have also enabled object rest/spread, although it is only at stage 2. It will hopefully achieve stage 3 soon.
$ npm install --save-dev babel-preset-airbnb
Via .babelrc
"presets": ["airbnb"]
$ babel script.js --presets airbnb
Via Node API
require("babel-core").transform("code", {
presets: ["airbnb"]