What is babel-preset-solid?
babel-preset-solid is a Babel preset for compiling Solid.js applications. Solid.js is a declarative JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. This preset transforms JSX syntax and other Solid.js specific features into JavaScript code that can be executed in the browser.
What are babel-preset-solid's main functionalities?
JSX Transformation
Transforms JSX syntax into JavaScript code that Solid.js can understand and render.
const App = () => <div>Hello, Solid!</div>;
Reactive Primitives
Supports Solid.js reactive primitives like createSignal, which allows for reactive state management.
import { createSignal } from 'solid-js';
const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
setCount(count() + 1);
Component Compilation
Compiles Solid.js components, enabling the use of props and component composition.
const Button = (props) => <button>{props.label}</button>;
const App = () => <Button label='Click me' />;
Other packages similar to babel-preset-solid
babel-preset-react is a Babel preset for compiling React applications. It transforms JSX syntax and other React-specific features into JavaScript code. While both presets handle JSX transformation, babel-preset-react is tailored for React's component model and lifecycle methods, whereas babel-preset-solid is optimized for Solid.js's fine-grained reactivity and compilation model.
babel-preset-preact is a Babel preset for compiling Preact applications. Preact is a lightweight alternative to React with a similar API. This preset transforms JSX syntax for Preact. Compared to babel-preset-solid, babel-preset-preact focuses on Preact's lightweight and fast rendering, while babel-preset-solid is designed for Solid.js's reactivity and performance optimizations.
babel-preset-vue is a Babel preset for compiling Vue.js applications. It transforms Vue's template syntax into JavaScript code. Unlike babel-preset-solid, which focuses on JSX and fine-grained reactivity, babel-preset-vue is tailored for Vue's template-based syntax and reactivity system.
Babel preset to transform JSX into Solid runtime calls.
npm install babel-preset-solid --save-dev
or Yarn
yarn add babel-preset-solid --dev
Make or update your .babelrc config file with the preset:
"presets": [
Via package.json
"babel": {
"presets": [
"plugins": [
Usage for SSR code
When need to transform JSX code to be used on the server, pass the following options
"presets": [
["solid", { "generate": "ssr", "hydratable": true }]
And for the browser build pass the hydratable option as well:
"presets": [
["solid", { "generate": "dom", "hydratable": true }]