Babelfish react helpers. Can be used for rendering props as react widgets. All babelfish power accessible from helper. Returns array of translated strings and functions:
t(message: string, params: ?Map<string, string|object|func>): Array<string|object|func>|string
t('Translated #{str}', {str: 'test'})
t('Translated #{str} #{func} #{obj} #{arr}', {
t: 'test',
func: p => p,
obj: {a: 1},
arr: [1, 2, 3]
As library
import translator from 'babelfish-plus'
const options = {
locale: 'ru',
phrases: {
user: {
birthday: 'День рождения: #{date}'
const t = translator(options)
t('user.birthday', {date: '01.01.1970'})
t('user.birthday', {date: p => new Date(p)})
React component
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'
import translator from 'babelfish-plus'
import T from 'babelfish-plus/react/T'
const {func, string} = PropTypes
class Date extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
date: string.isRequired
render() {
return (
<span className="date">{}</span>
class UserBirthday extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
date: string.isRequired
render() {
return (
<T>User info</T>
<T date={<Date value={} />}>user.birthday</T>
class App extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
t: func.isRequired,
birthday: string.isRequired
static childContextTypes = {
t: func
getChildContext() {
return {
t: this.props.t
render() {
return (
<UserBirthday date={this.props.birthday} />
const options = {
locale: 'ru',
phrases: {
'User info': 'О пользователе',
user: {
birthday: 'День рождения: #{date}'
const t = translator(options)
React.render(<App t={t} birthday="01.01.1970" />, document.geteElementById('root'))