Workers Javascript
Manage your functions asynchronously or as stack/timeout/interval/queue with baby-workers and promises.
npm install --save baby-workers
Last release
Version | Change log | Compatibility |
2.0.0 | Add promises after run/timeout/interval/stack function + add then/catch callback + catch error in run/timeout/interval/stack callback + add feature to create worker without name | >= 2.0.0 |
1.0.71 | Add getNodes function | <= 1.0.71 |
Create as much workers that you need, for a simple function or for each element of an array, they will be executed in specific callback !
Plus, It's like Thread in another language you can control all workers and limit the number of execute of asynchronous functions.
const babyWorkers = require('baby-workers');
const workers = new babyWorkers;
workers.create((worker, elem) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('unknown =>', elem, ' - ', 'my id =>', worker.getId());
}, (~~(Math.random() * 1000)));
}, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']).run().then((data) => {
console.log('Unknown Promises then', data);
}).catch((data) => {
console.log('Unknown Promises catch', data);
workers.create('basic', (worker, elem) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('basic =>', elem, ' - ', 'my id =>', worker.getId());
}, (~~(Math.random() * 1000)));
}, ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']).run();
workers.basic.complete(() => {
console.log('All "basic" has finished');
}).then((data) => {
console.log('Basic Then', data);
}).catch((data) => {
console.log('Basic Catch', data);
workers.complete((error) => {
console.log('All "workers" has finished', 'maybe some errors ?', error);
More examples at the end of file.
How is it works ?
Three entites :
- Root (default instance never use by you)
- Parent (parent instance created by worker.create)
- Node (node instance created by parent for each element of array).
The principe is to run asynchronouse (or not) function easily and manage them when the worker has finished with a callback.
Launch any request on any element.
Name | Available | Description | Additionnal |
create(name: string , callback: function , data: any = undefined ) : currentWorker | ALL | Create a new worker (if data is null so no node will be create) | |
run() : Promises | PARENT | Run current worker | |
stack() : Promises | PARENT | Run nodes like stack | |
timeout(time: number = 1 ) : Promises | PARENT | Run nodes like run in setTimeout | |
interval(time: number = 1000 ) : Promises | PARENT | Run nodes like run in setInterval | stop() : currentWorker , NODE, Stop interval |
push(data: any ) : currentWorker | PARENT | Push a new node to worker it will be executed if worker is running (if data is null so no node will be create) | |
cancel() : currentWorker | PARENT | Cancel current instance and execute complete callback | |
limit(maxWorkers: number = 0 , extra: boolean = false ) | ALL | Limit the number of workers as running (maxWorkers = 0 = unlimited or take limit of parent | maxWorkers = -1 = unlimited and ignore parent). If extra = true is true so maxWorkers is taken ONLY if parent workers limit is full |
pop() : currentWorker | NODE | Stop current node | |
addWorker() : currentWorker | ALL | Add virtual worker in current worker (it used for external asynch function) | |
removeWorker() : currentWorker | ALL | Remove virtual worker in current worker (it used for external asynch function) | |
complete(callback: function , removeAfterCall: boolean ) : currentWorker | ALL | Call function when current process is finish (node, parent => when childrens are finish or root => when childrens are finish) | |
then(callback: function , removeAfterCall: boolean ) : currentWorker | ALL | Call function when current process is finish without error | |
catch(callback: function , removeAfterCall: boolean ) : currentWorker | ALL | Call function when current process is finish with error | |
error(error: string ) : currentWorker | ALL | Set error in current worker and all parent in the tree | |
save(data: any ) : currentWorker | ALL | Save any data in current worker (node, parent or root) | |
_save(data: any ) : currentWorker | ALL | Save any data in current worker (node, parent or root) from root | |
get() : any | ALL | Get data previously saved | |
_get() : any | ALL | Get data previously saved from root | |
root() : parentWorker | NODE | Get root/parent of current worker | |
parent(name: string , type: string = 'parent' ) : parentWorker OR nodeWorker | PARENT & NODE | Get any parent/node going up the tree | |
parentNode(name: string ) : parentWorker OR nodeWorker | PARENT & NODE | Get any node going up the tree | |
node(key: number ) : nodeWorker | PARENT | Get direct node going down the tree | |
getId() : number | NODE | Get id of current node worker | |
getStatus() : string | ALL | Get status of current worker | |
getNodeStatus() : string | NODE | Get node status of current worker | |
getName() : string | ALL | Get name of current worker | |
getType() : string | ALL | Return type of current worker | |
getNodes() : array | PARENT | Return all nodes | |
getLimit() : number | ALL | Return the limit of workers allowed in current workers | |
getWorkers() : number | ALL | Return the number of workers | |
getWaitingWorkers() : number | ALL | Return the number of waiting workers | |
getRunningWorkers() : number | ALL | Return the number of running workers | |
getTotalWorkers() : number | ALL | Return the total number of workers (nodes included) | |
getTotalWaitingWorkers() : number | ALL | Return the total number of workers (nodes included) | |
getTotalRunningWorkers() : number | ALL | Return the total number of workers (nodes included) | |
All example
const babyWorkers = require('baby-workers');
const workers = new babyWorkers;
workers.create((worker, elem) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('unknown =>', elem, ' - ', 'my id =>', worker.getId());
}, (~~(Math.random() * 1000)));
}, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']).run().then((data) => {
console.log('Unknown Promises then', data);
}).catch((data) => {
console.log('Unknown Promises catch', data);
workers.create('basic', (worker, elem) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('basic =>', elem, ' - ', 'my id =>', worker.getId());
}, (~~(Math.random() * 1000)));
}, ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']).run();
workers.basic.complete(() => {
console.log('All "basic" has finished');
}).then((data) => {
console.log('Basic Then', data);
}).catch((data) => {
console.log('Basic Catch', data);
workers.create('promises', (worker, elem) => {
worker.error('There are an error').pop();
}, 'Test promises').run().catch((error) => {
console.log('Promises catch', '"', error, '"');
workers.create('promises2', (worker, elem) => {
worker._save('There are no error !').pop();
}, 'Test promises').run().then((data) => {
console.log('Promises then', '"', data, '"');
workers.create('stack', (worker, elem) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('stack =>', elem, ' - ', 'my id =>', worker.getId());
}, (~~(Math.random() * 1000)));
}, ['z', 'y', 'x', 'w']).stack();
workers.stack.complete(() => {
console.log('All "stack" has finished');
workers.create('simple', (worker, elem) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('simple =>', elem);
}, (~~(Math.random() * 1000)));
}, "toto").run();
workers.simple.complete(() => {
console.log('All "simple" has finished');
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Okay now "simple" is complete');
}, 2000);
workers.create('timeout', (worker) => {
console.log('Timeout called');
workers.create('pushWorker', (worker, elem) => {
console.log('My elem', elem);
}, null).run();
workers.pushWorker.complete(() => {
console.log('All "pushWorker" has finished');
}, false);
workers.create('interval', (worker) => {
const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
workers.pushWorker.push(possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length))); + 1);
if (worker.get() == 5) {
}).save(0).interval(~~(Math.random() * 1000));
workers.create('data', (worker) => {
var tab = worker._get();
worker._save(tab);'coucou is my name');
worker.create('data2', (worker) => {
var tab = worker.parent('data').get();
worker.complete(() => {
console.log('Tab ?', worker._get());
const runMe = workers.create('cancel', (worker) => {
console.log('Here is never called');
const random = ['<r>', '<a>', '<n>', '<d>', '<o>', '<m>'];
var a = workers.create('limitWorker', (worker, randomValue) => {
console.log('limitWorker', randomValue,
'LimitWorker Workers:', worker.getWorkers(),
'LimitWorker Waiting workers', worker.getWaitingWorkers(),
'LimitWorker Running workers', worker.getRunningWorkers(),
'Total workers:', workers.getTotalWorkers(),
'Total waiting workers', workers.getTotalWaitingWorkers(),
'Total running workers', workers.getTotalRunningWorkers()
setTimeout(() => {
const random2 = [randomValue + '<r>', randomValue + '<a>', randomValue + '<n>', randomValue + '<d>', randomValue + '<o>', randomValue + '<m>'];
worker.create('randomLimit', (worker, randomValue) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('randomLimit', randomValue,
'Total workers:', workers.getTotalWorkers(),
'Total waiting workers', workers.getTotalWaitingWorkers(),
'Total running workers', workers.getTotalRunningWorkers()
}, (~~(Math.random() * 1000)));
}, random2)
worker.randomLimit.complete(() => {
}, (~~(Math.random() * 1000)));
}, random).limit(2).run();
workers.create('errorComplete', (worker) => {
worker.error('Why ?', 'Because you stole my bread dude...')
workers.then(() => {
console.log('All "workers" has finished', 'Then is called');
}).catch(() => {
console.log('All "workers" has finished', 'Catch is called');
}).complete((error) => {
console.log('All "workers" has finished', 'maybe some errors ?', error);