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Online assets converter for .FBX, .DAE, .OBJ and .MXB
Online sandbox where you can test your .babylon scenes with a simple drag'n'drop
•Complete scene graph with lights, cameras, materials and meshes
•Collisions engine
•Physics engine (thanks to cannon.js)
•Scene picking
•Animations engine
•Particles Systems
•Sprites and 2D layers
•Optimizations engines: ◦Frustum clipping
◦Sub-meshes clipping
◦Hardware scaling
◦Selection octrees
◦Offline mode (Assets are saved locally to prevent reloading them)
◦Incremental loading
•Standard material is a per pixel material that supports: ◦Diffuse lightning and texture
◦Ambient lightning and texture
◦Specular lightning
◦Opacity texture
◦Reflection texture (Spheric, planar, cubic and projection)
◦Mirror texture
◦Emissive texture
◦Specular texture
◦Bump texture
◦Up to 4 lights (points, directionals, spots, hemispherics)
◦Custom materials
◦Vertex color
◦Bones (Animations and shadows are supported)
• Special FX ◦Fog
◦Alpha blending
◦Alpha testing
◦Fullscreen mode
◦Shadow Maps and Variance Shadow Maps
◦Rendering layers
◦Post-processes (blur, refraction, black'n'white, fxaa, customs...)
◦Lens flares
• Textures: ◦Render target textures
◦Dynamic textures (canvas)
◦Video textures
• Cameras (Perspective and orthographic): ◦Arc rotate camera
◦Free camera
◦Touch camera
• Meshes: ◦Mesh cloning
◦Dynamic meshes
◦Height maps
• Import: ◦Babylon scene file can be converted from .OBJ, .FBX, .MXB
◦Exporter for Blender