Rig your Backbone applications.
Dependencies and Usage
Rig extends the functionality of Backbone by extending Backbone.View
. Load the library into your project after Backbone is
available and extend from the corresponding Rig base classes.
By default Rig uses jQuery.then
for deferring start on initialization. In
order to use a different implementation for handling the promises replace
with another implementation like this:
// use a promise A+ compatible implementation like cujojs/when
Rig.Application.when = when.join
Application startup
Bootstrap different parts of your application independetly by registering
initializers. An Initialzer can be a function or any object that responds to
, #start()
or both.
Widget =
initialize: (config, app) ->
// returning a promise will defer startup
jQuery.getJSON "#{config.apiRoot}/widget/defaults.json"
.then (data) -> _(config).defaults data
start: (config, app) ->
// called after ALL initialize promises are resolved
view = new Widget.View config.widget
config.container.append view.render().el
A shared config object ist passed to all initializer calls.
app = MyApp.create apiRoot: ''
app.register Widget, widget: { with: 50, height: 200 }
app.register -> Backbone.history.start()
app.start container: $('#my-app')
extends Backbone.Events
so that it can be used as a central
event hub.
Rendering views
Extending Rig.View
provides sensible defaults for updating the content by
rendering a template
from serialized data
class TaskView extends Rig.View
initialize: ->
@listenTo @model, 'change', @render
template: (data) ->
_.template '<p><%= title %></p>', data
data: ->
title: @model.escape 'title'
Static layout
can optionally be rendered once at creation. Render will only
update the defined content
. It is also possible to render a list of elements.
class TasksView extends Rig.View
initialize: ->
@listenTo @collection, 'change', @render
layout: ->
template: (data) ->
_.template '<li><%- title %></li>', data
data: ->
@collection.pluck 'title'
content: ->
@$ 'ul'
If an update
method is defined it will be called after each call to render
This is useful for updating e.g. visibility of content dependent on the actual
class EditTaskView extends Rig.View
initalize: (@roles) ->
template: (data) ->
_.template '<li><%- title %> <span class="delete">-</span></li>', data
data: ->
title: @model.escape 'title'
canDelete: 'manager' in @roles
update: (data) ->
@$('.delete').hide() unless data.canDelete
A Workflow manages a sequence of steps and transitions that build up a
discrete entitiy of the application flow:
class LoginSteps extends Rig.Workflow
initialStep: 'login'
transitions: [
{ name: 'submit', from: ['login', 'error'], to: 'pending' }
{ name: 'cancel', from: 'error' , to: 'exit' }
{ name: 'fail' , from: 'pending' , to: 'error' }
{ name: 'done' , from: 'pending' , to: 'exit' }
initialize: (@el) ->
@view = new LoginForm
.appendTo $(@el)
enter: ->
@view.on 'submit', @submit, @
exit: -> 'submit'
enter: ->
.on 'success', @done, @
.on 'error' , @fail, @
exit: ->
.off 'success'
.off 'error'
enter: (msg) ->
.on 'submit', @submit, @
.on 'cancel', @cancel, @
.displayError msg
exit: ->
.off 'submit cancel'
enter: ->
@trigger 'login:exit'
When calling a transition with any arguments these are forwarded to the enter
login = new LoginSteps($ 'body') 'Could not login'
Additionally a series of events will be triggered to allow hooking into the
flow at several stages. All callbacks receive the transition as its first
argument followed by any additional arguments from the transition call:
Use a Slot to manage switching views inside an element. Keeps track of the
current view and takes care of rendering and housekeeping:
sidebar = new Slot
$('body').append sidebar.el
sidebar.switch new FileIndexView
TODO (not yet implemented)
Configure your routes using an expressive and flexible syntax. For maximum
compatibility with Backbone.Router
the standard hash map style is also
class TasksRouter extends Rig.Router
namespace: 'tasks'
routes: [
{route: 'tasks' , to: 'index' }
{route: 'tasks/:id' , to: 'show' }
{route: 'tasks/search', to: 'search' }
You can lookup matching fragments and paths via centralized helper methods:
Rig.routes.fragment_for 'tasks#show', 123 # 'tasks/123'
Rig.routes.path_for 'tasks#search', q: 'foo' # '/root/tasks/search?q=foo'
Rig.routes.url_for 'tasks#index' # ''