##Simple, fast and secure node ACL
bacl is a nodejs module to work with ACL (access control list). It's work with mongodb using mongoose but you can create your own adapter to work with other databases.
Install and use bacl is very simple
Just the 'bacl' library:
npm install bacl
Using bacl with the mongoose adapter
Initialize the bacl and pass a mongoose connection
bacl = require('bacl');
bacl = new bacl(new bacl.mongooseAdapter(mongoose));
bacl has got a default list of messages for diferent events (grantAccess,denyAccess and userNotFound) you can change this
bacl = new bacl(new bacl.mongooseAdapter(mongoose),
{"grantAccess": "User has got grant access", ...});
Example adding roles
bacl.allow('guest', '*');
bacl.allow(['guest', 'manager'], '*');
bacl.allow('guest', 'posts#index');
bacl.allow('guest', 'posts');
bacl.allow('guest', { rule: 'posts#index', method: 'get' } );
bacl.allow('guest', { rule: 'posts#index', method: ['get','post','put'] });
bacl.allow('guest', { rule: [ 'posts#index' , 'posts#edit' ], method: ['get', 'post'] });
bacl.allow('guest', [ { rule: 'posts#index', method: 'get' },
{ rule: 'posts#edit', method: 'post' } ]);
Example adding users
bacl.add('user1', 'guest');
bacl.add('user1', ['guest', 'manager']);
bacl.add(['user1','user2'], 'guest');
Example checking access
bacl.can('user1','posts', function (ok, user, message) {
if (ok) {
allowed access
deny access
bacl.can('user1','posts#index', function (ok, user, message) {
if (ok) {
allowed access
deny access
bacl.can('user1', { url: 'posts#index', method: 'get' }, function (ok, user, message) {
if (ok) {
allowed access
deny access
When you recive the user with the method "can" you can check the roles when you want for example to show and hide elements in the views for diferents roles.
if ('guest')) {
if (['guest', 'guest2']) {
if ({or: ['guest', 'guest2'], and: 'guest3'})) {
bacl has got a fast and simple way to enable/disable users
bacl.enable('user1', function(err){
bacl.disable('user1', function(err){
Using bacl in compoundjs with the jugglingdb Adapter
In the world of nodejs we have an excellent framework called compoundjs, I'm going to show how integrate bacl with compoundjs.
In config/environment.js
First we are going to create a new file in config/initializers/acl.js of the compound app and copy/paste this code:
module.exports = function(compound) {
var bacl = require('bacl');
bacl = new bacl(new bacl.jugglingdbAdapter(compound.orm._schemas[0]));
bacl.allow('guest','posts#index', function(){
console.log('Create a new set of rules for the rol guest');
bacl.add('user1', 'guest', function(){
console.log('Set the rol guest for the user1');
compound.bacl = bacl;
And this is everthing. For example, if you want check the access of the user1 in the controller posts you can write this in the controller app/controllers/posts_controller.js:
before(function (req) {
compound.bacl.can('user1', controllerName+'#'+actionName, function (result) {
if (result == false){
return send({ code: 404, error: 'Nooo access' });
Very simple!
Free Software, Fuck Yeah!