I don't use Grunt anymore, so I don't maintain this package.
Bacon for Grunt
Makes for tastier Gruntfiles
(not in any way related to Bacon.js)
- Allows inline definition of every task in a sequence
- No more scrolling back and forth between
and grunt.initConfig()
- Define glob patterns in one line of code instead of four!
- Just syntactic sugar! All Grunt functionality works just like it used to.
- It's so good I named it "Bacon".
Getting Started
This add-on requires Grunt 1.x.
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains Grunt's inner workings. Once you're familiar with the basics of Grunt, you may install Bacon with this command:
npm install bacon-grunt --save-dev
Once the module has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
var bacon = require('bacon-grunt')(grunt);
Here's a sample (slightly contrived) Gruntfile enhanced by Bacon:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var bacon = require('bacon-grunt')(grunt);
jshint: {
options: {
curly: true
all: {
src: ['public/js/**/*.js']
bacon.task('build', [
bacon.globFiles('public/js/**/*.js', 'dist/js/', {
ext: '.min.js'
}), {
sourceMap: true
bacon.subtask('clean', ['tmp']),
bacon.subtask('copy:img', bacon.globFiles('public/img/**/*.png', 'dist/img/')),
bacon.subtask('copy:index', {
src: 'dist/index.html',
dest: 'public/index.html'
bacon.subtaskCustom('logDone', function() {
For comparison, here's the same Gruntfile written without Bacon and load-grunt-tasks (a fellow warrior in the battle against messy Gruntfiles). Notice how you need to scroll back and forth between the grunt.registerTask()
calls and the grunt.initConfig()
section in order to understand it:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
clean: {
build: ['tmp']
jshint: {
options: {
curly: true
all: {
src: ['public/js/*.js']
copy: {
buildImg: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'public/img/'
src: '**/*.png',
dest: 'dist/img/'
buildIndex: {
src: 'dist/index.html',
dest: 'public/index.html'
uglify: {
build: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'public/js/'
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'dist/js/',
ext: '.min.js',
options: {
sourceMap: true
grunt.registerTask('build:logDone', function() {
grunt.registerTask('build', ['jshint', 'uglify:build', 'clean:build', 'copy:buildImg', 'copy:buildIndex', 'build:logDone']);
Bacon functions
bacon.task(taskName: String, subtasks: [String or BaconSubtask])
Registers a new task sequence with the name taskName
Any BaconSubtasks
(created with bacon.subtask()
, or bacon.subtaskCustom()
) in the subtasks
array will be registered with Grunt. In addition, any strings in the subtasks
array will be interpreted as the name of a task defined elsewhere.
If only strings are used in the subtasks
array, this function is identical to grunt.registerTask(taskName, subtasks)
bacon.subtask(subtaskName: String, config: Object[, options: Object])
Returns a BaconSubtask
for use with bacon.task()
Example usage:
bacon.task('doThings', [
bacon.subtask('build', 'allTheThings'),
bacon.subtask('clean:tmp', ['tmp']),
bacon.subtask('uglify', {
src: 'public/**/*.js', dest: 'build'
}, {
mangle: false
Equivalent vanilla Gruntfile:
build: {
doThings: 'allTheThings'
clean: {
doThingsTmp: ['tmp']
uglify: {
doThings: {
src: 'public/**/*.js', dest: 'build',
options: {
mangle: false
grunt.registerTask('doThings:build', ['build:doThings']);
grunt.registerTask('doThings:clean:tmp', ['clean:doThingsTmp']);
The subtaskName
usually refers to the name of a multiTask (e.g. clean
, build
, and uglify
in this example, or copy
, less
, etc). You can optionally add additional colon-seperated names for additional specificity (e.g. clean:tmp
in this example, or copy:img
, less:bootstrap
, etc). This is sometimes required, since every subtask must have a unique name within the task.
This function will set config
as the Grunt configuration for a task with the convention of <multiTask>:<parentTask><Specificiers>
(any colons in the subtaskName
will be converted to camelcase). The examples above will create Grunt configuration for build:doThings
, clean:doThingsTmp
, and uglify:doThings
tasks, respectively.
If the optional options
argument is provided, the value will merged into config
with a key of options
; see the uglify
task in this example.
For more intuitive task names, this function will also create an alias to this task called <parentTask>:<subtaskName>
. In this example, the aliases are doThings:build
, doThings:clean:tmp
, and doThings:uglify
bacon.subtaskCustom(subtaskName: String, subtask: Function)
Returns a BaconSubtask
for use with bacon.task()
Example usage:
bacon.task('doThings', [
bacon.subtaskCustom('build:allTheThings', function() {
console.log("BUILT ALL THE THINGS");
Equivalent vanilla Gruntfile:
grunt.registerTask('doThings:build:allTheThings', function() {
console.log("BUILT ALL THE THINGS");
This mounts the subtask
function as a task called <parentTask>:<subtaskName>
. Unlike with bacon.subtask()
, colons in the subtaskName
are left mostly untouched. (In this example, the task is created as doThings:build:allTheThings
Returns an Object configuration for building a Files list dynamically.
The src
argument will be split between the cwd
and src
properties of the return object: everything before the first wildcard (*
) will be put into cwd
Optional extras
: A String or array of Strings representing glob patterns that should not be matched.
Any properties in extras
will be merged into the result.
Example usage:
bacon.task('build', [
bacon.subtask('uglify', bacon.globFiles('public/js/**/*.js', 'dist/js', {
exclude: ['public/js/vendor/**/*.js', 'public/js/jquery.js']
ext: '.min.js'
Equivalent vanilla Gruntfile:
uglify: {
build: {
expand: true,
cwd: ['public/js/', '!vendor/**/*.js', '!jquery.js'],
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'dist/js',
ext: '.min.js'
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.