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Warning: ini hanyalah repo baileys yang sudah ter update & fix jika ada problem. memudahkan bagi pemula jika ada pull req di repo utama yang belum di acc

Note: kalau ada problem atau masalah, tanya2 ke grup dibawah ini



Button, Template & List ga work?

silahkan tambahkan ini pada kode config connection anda. jika hydrate ga work, tambahin viewOnce: true setelah footer. kode lengkapnya cek contoh hydrate dibawah

const sock = makeWASocket({
            // can provide additional config here
            printQRInTerminal: true,
            patchMessageBeforeSending: (message) => {
                const requiresPatch = !!(
                    || message.templateMessage
                    || message.listMessage
                if (requiresPatch) {
                    message = {
                        viewOnceMessage: {
                            message: {
                                messageContextInfo: {
                                    deviceListMetadataVersion: 2,
                                    deviceListMetadata: {},

                return message;


edit package.json anda
ubah menjadi "@adiwajshing/baileys": "github:amiruldev20/Baileys"
jika ingin versi npm
ubah menjadi "@adiwajshing/baileys": "npm:baileys@^version"

Contoh Kirim Pesan

// pesan teks
sock.sendMessage(id, {
text: "Hello, i'm Amirul Dev"

// pesan teks reply
sock.sendMessage(id, {
text: "Hello, i'm Amirul Dev"
}, { quoted: message })

// pesan tag
sock.sendMessage(id, {
text: `Hello @6285157489446`,
mentions: [""]

// pesan lokasi
sock.sendMessage(id, {
location: { 
degreesLatitude: 24.121231, 
degreesLongitude: 55.1121221 

// pesan kontak
const vcard = 'BEGIN:VCARD\n' // metadata kontak
            + 'VERSION:3.0\n' // versi
            + 'FN:Amirul Dev\n' // nama
            + 'ORG:Dikode Team;\n' // organisasi
            + 'TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=6285157489446:+62 851-5748-9446\n' // id wa & nomor hp
            + 'END:VCARD'

sock.sendMessage(id, {
        contacts: { 
            displayName: 'Developer', 
            contacts: [{ vcard }] 

// pesan button (kalau ga work, pastikan sudah ngikutin tutor diatas. jika tetap tidak fungsi, silahkan lapor ke grup)

const buttons = [
  {buttonId: 'id1', buttonText: {displayText: 'Button 1'}, type: 1},
  {buttonId: 'id2', buttonText: {displayText: 'Button 2'}, type: 1},
  {buttonId: 'id3', buttonText: {displayText: 'Button 3'}, type: 1}

const buttonMessage = {
    text: "Hi it's button message",
    footer: 'Hello World',
    buttons: buttons,
    headerType: 1
sock.sendMessage(id, buttonMessage)

// pesan hydrate (kalau ga work, pastikan sudah ngikutin tutor diatas. jika tetap tidak fungsi, silahkan lapor ke grup)

const templateButtons = [
    {index: 1, urlButton: {displayText: '⭐ Star Baileys on GitHub!', url: ''}},
    {index: 2, callButton: {displayText: 'Call me!', phoneNumber: '+6285157489446'}},
    {index: 3, quickReplyButton: {displayText: 'This is a reply, just like normal buttons!', id: 'id-like-buttons-message'}},

const templateMessage = {
    text: "Hi it's a template message",
    footer: 'Hello World',
    viewOnce: true,
    templateButtons: templateButtons
sock.sendMessage(id, templateMessage)

// pesan list
const sections = [
	title: "Section 1",
	rows: [
	    {title: "Option 1", rowId: "option1"},
	    {title: "Option 2", rowId: "option2", description: "This is a description"}
	title: "Section 2",
	rows: [
	    {title: "Option 3", rowId: "option3"},
	    {title: "Option 4", rowId: "option4", description: "This is a description V2"}

const listMessage = {
  text: "This is a list",
  footer: "nice footer, link:",
  title: "Amazing boldfaced list title",
  buttonText: "Required, text on the button to view the list",
sock.sendMessage(id, listMessage)

// kirim reaksi
const reactionMessage = {
    react: {
        text: "💖", // reaksi
        key: message.key // key pesan

sock.sendMessage(id, reactionMessage)

// kirim pesan media (video,sticker,image)
sock.sendMessage(id, {
tye: buffer, // type bisa anda ubah video,sticker atau image
caption: 'Hello world', 
gifPlayback: true // true jika ingin mengirim video tipe gif

// kirim pesan audio
sock.sendMessage(id, {
audio: {
}, {
mimetype: 'audio/mp4'

// send an audio file
await sock.sendMessage(
    { audio: { url: "./Media/audio.mp3" }, mimetype: 'audio/mp4' }
    { url: "Media/audio.mp3" }, // can send mp3, mp4, & ogg

// send a buttons message with image header!
const buttons = [
  {buttonId: 'id1', buttonText: {displayText: 'Button 1'}, type: 1},
  {buttonId: 'id2', buttonText: {displayText: 'Button 2'}, type: 1},
  {buttonId: 'id3', buttonText: {displayText: 'Button 3'}, type: 1}

const buttonMessage = {
    image: {url: ''},
    caption: "Hi it's button message",
    footer: 'Hello World',
    buttons: buttons,
    headerType: 4

const sendMsg = await sock.sendMessage(id, buttonMessage)

//send a template message with an image **attached**!
const templateButtons = [
  {index: 1, urlButton: {displayText: '⭐ Star Baileys on GitHub!', url: ''}},
  {index: 2, callButton: {displayText: 'Call me!', phoneNumber: '+1 (234) 5678-901'}},
  {index: 3, quickReplyButton: {displayText: 'This is a reply, just like normal buttons!', id: 'id-like-buttons-message'}},

const buttonMessage = {
    text: "Hi it's a template message",
    footer: 'Hello World',
    templateButtons: templateButtons,
    image: {url: ''}

const sendMsg = await sock.sendMessage(id, templateMessage)


  • id is the WhatsApp ID of the person or group you're sending the message to.
    • It must be in the format [country code][phone number]
      • Example for people:
      • For groups, it must be in the format
    • For broadcast lists, it's [timestamp of creation]@broadcast.
    • For stories, the ID is status@broadcast.
  • For media messages, the thumbnail can be generated automatically for images & stickers provided you add jimp or sharp as a dependency in your project using yarn add jimp or yarn add sharp. Thumbnails for videos can also be generated automatically, though, you need to have ffmpeg installed on your system.
  • MiscGenerationOptions: some extra info about the message. It can have the following optional values:
    const info: MessageOptions = {
        quoted: quotedMessage, // the message you want to quote
        contextInfo: { forwardingScore: 2, isForwarded: true }, // some random context info (can show a forwarded message with this too)
        timestamp: Date(), // optional, if you want to manually set the timestamp of the message
        caption: "hello there!", // (for media messages) the caption to send with the media (cannot be sent with stickers though)
        jpegThumbnail: "23GD#4/==", /*  (for location & media messages) has to be a base 64 encoded JPEG if you want to send a custom thumb, 
                                    or set to null if you don't want to send a thumbnail.
                                    Do not enter this field if you want to automatically generate a thumb
        mimetype: Mimetype.pdf, /* (for media messages) specify the type of media (optional for all media types except documents),
                                    import {Mimetype} from 'baileys'
        fileName: 'somefile.pdf', // (for media messages) file name for the media
        /* will send audio messages as voice notes, if set to true */
        ptt: true,
        /** Should it send as a disappearing messages. 
         * By default 'chat' -- which follows the setting of the chat */
        ephemeralExpiration: WA_DEFAULT_EPHEMERAL

Forwarding Messages

const msg = getMessageFromStore('', 'HSJHJWH7323HSJSJ') // implement this on your end
await sock.sendMessage('', { forward: msg }) // WA forward the message!

Reading Messages

A set of message keys must be explicitly marked read now. In multi-device, you cannot mark an entire "chat" read as it were with Baileys Web. This means you have to keep track of unread messages.

const key = {
    remoteJid: '',
    id: 'AHASHH123123AHGA', // id of the message you want to read
    participant: '' // the ID of the user that sent the  message (undefined for individual chats)
// pass to readMessages function
// can pass multiple keys to read multiple messages as well
await sock.readMessages([key])

The message ID is the unique identifier of the message that you are marking as read. On a WAMessage, the messageID can be accessed using messageID =

Update Presence

await sock.sendPresenceUpdate('available', id) 

This lets the person/group with id know whether you're online, offline, typing etc.

presence can be one of the following:

type WAPresence = 'unavailable' | 'available' | 'composing' | 'recording' | 'paused'

The presence expires after about 10 seconds.

Note: In the multi-device version of WhatsApp -- if a desktop client is active, WA doesn't send push notifications to the device. If you would like to receive said notifications -- mark your Baileys client offline using sock.sendPresenceUpdate('unavailable')

Downloading Media Messages

If you want to save the media you received

import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'
import { downloadMediaMessage } from 'baileys'

sock.ev.on('messages.upsert', async ({ messages }) => {
    const m = messages[0]

    if (!m.message) return // if there is no text or media message
    const messageType = Object.keys (m.message)[0]// get what type of message it is -- text, image, video
    // if the message is an image
    if (messageType === 'imageMessage') {
        // download the message
        const buffer = await downloadMediaMessage(
            { },
                // pass this so that baileys can request a reupload of media
                // that has been deleted
                reuploadRequest: sock.updateMediaMessage
        // save to file
        await writeFile('./my-download.jpeg', buffer)

Note: WhatsApp automatically removes old media from their servers. For the device to access said media -- a re-upload is required by another device that has it. This can be accomplished using:

const updatedMediaMsg = await sock.updateMediaMessage(msg)

Deleting Messages

const jid = '' // can also be a group
const response = await sock.sendMessage(jid, { text: 'hello!' }) // send a message
// sends a message to delete the given message
// this deletes the message for everyone
await sock.sendMessage(jid, { delete: response.key })

Note: deleting for oneself is supported via chatModify (next section)

Modifying Chats

WA uses an encrypted form of communication to send chat/app updates. This has been implemented mostly and you can send the following updates:

  • Archive a chat

    const lastMsgInChat = await getLastMessageInChat('') // implement this on your end
    await sock.chatModify({ archive: true, lastMessages: [lastMsgInChat] }, '')
  • Mute/unmute a chat

    // mute for 8 hours
    await sock.chatModify({ mute: 8*60*60*1000 }, '', [])
    // unmute
    await sock.chatModify({ mute: null }, '', [])
  • Mark a chat read/unread

    const lastMsgInChat = await getLastMessageInChat('') // implement this on your end
    // mark it unread
    await sock.chatModify({ markRead: false, lastMessages: [lastMsgInChat] }, '')
  • Delete a message for me

    await sock.chatModify(
      { clear: { messages: [{ id: 'ATWYHDNNWU81732J', fromMe: true, timestamp: "1654823909" }] } }, 
  • Delete a chat

    const lastMsgInChat = await getLastMessageInChat('') // implement this on your end
    await sock.chatModify({
      delete: true,
      lastMessages: [{ key: lastMsgInChat.key, messageTimestamp: lastMsgInChat.messageTimestamp }]
  • Pin/unpin a chat

    await sock.chatModify({
      pin: true // or `false` to unpin

Note: if you mess up one of your updates, WA can log you out of all your devices and you'll have to log in again.

Disappearing Messages

const jid = '' // can also be a group
// turn on disappearing messages
await sock.sendMessage(
    // this is 1 week in seconds -- how long you want messages to appear for
    { disappearingMessagesInChat: WA_DEFAULT_EPHEMERAL }
// will send as a disappearing message
await sock.sendMessage(jid, { text: 'hello' }, { ephemeralExpiration: WA_DEFAULT_EPHEMERAL })
// turn off disappearing messages
await sock.sendMessage(
    { disappearingMessagesInChat: false }


  • To check if a given ID is on WhatsApp
    const id = '123456'
    const [result] = await sock.onWhatsApp(id)
    if (result.exists) console.log (`${id} exists on WhatsApp, as jid: ${result.jid}`)
  • To query chat history on a group or with someone TODO, if possible
  • To get the status of some person
    const status = await sock.fetchStatus("")
    console.log("status: " + status)
  • To change your profile status
    const status = 'Hello World!'
    await sock.updateProfileStatus(status)
  • To change your profile name
    const name = 'My name'
    await sock.updateProfileName(name)
  • To get the display picture of some person/group
    // for low res picture
    const ppUrl = await sock.profilePictureUrl("")
    console.log("download profile picture from: " + ppUrl)
    // for high res picture
    const ppUrl = await sock.profilePictureUrl("", 'image')
  • To change your display picture or a group's
    const jid = '' // can be your own too
    await sock.updateProfilePicture(jid, { url: './new-profile-picture.jpeg' })
  • To get someone's presence (if they're typing or online)
    // the presence update is fetched and called here
    sock.ev.on('presence-update', json => console.log(json))
    // request updates for a chat
    await sock.presenceSubscribe("") 
  • To block or unblock user
    await sock.updateBlockStatus("", "block") // Block user
    await sock.updateBlockStatus("", "unblock") // Unblock user
  • To get a business profile, such as description or category
    const profile = await sock.getBusinessProfile("")
    console.log("business description: " + profile.description + ", category: " + profile.category)

Of course, replace xyz with an actual ID.


  • To create a group
    // title & participants
    const group = await sock.groupCreate("My Fab Group", ["", ""])
    console.log ("created group with id: " + group.gid)
    sock.sendMessage(, { text: 'hello there' }) // say hello to everyone on the group
  • To add/remove people to a group or demote/promote people
    // id & people to add to the group (will throw error if it fails)
    const response = await sock.groupParticipantsUpdate(
        ["", ""],
        "add" // replace this parameter with "remove", "demote" or "promote"
  • To change the group's subject
    await sock.groupUpdateSubject("", "New Subject!")
  • To change the group's description
    await sock.groupUpdateDescription("", "New Description!")
  • To change group settings
    // only allow admins to send messages
    await sock.groupSettingUpdate("", 'announcement')
    // allow everyone to send messages
    await sock.groupSettingUpdate("", 'not_announcement')
    // allow everyone to modify the group's settings -- like display picture etc.
    await sock.groupSettingUpdate("", 'unlocked')
    // only allow admins to modify the group's settings
    await sock.groupSettingUpdate("", 'locked')
  • To leave a group
    await sock.groupLeave("") // (will throw error if it fails)
  • To get the invite code for a group
    const code = await sock.groupInviteCode("")
    console.log("group code: " + code)
  • To revoke the invite code in a group
    const code = await sock.groupRevokeInvite("")
    console.log("New group code: " + code)
  • To query the metadata of a group
    const metadata = await sock.groupMetadata("") 
    console.log( + ", title: " + metadata.subject + ", description: " + metadata.desc)
  • To join the group using the invitation code
    const response = await sock.groupAcceptInvite("xxx")
    console.log("joined to: " + response)
    Of course, replace xxx with invitation code.
  • To get group info by invite code
    const response = await sock.groupGetInviteInfo("xxx")
    console.log("group information: " + response)
  • To join the group using groupInviteMessage
    const response = await sock.groupAcceptInviteV4("", groupInviteMessage)
    console.log("joined to: " + response)
    Of course, replace xxx with invitation code.

Broadcast Lists & Stories

Note: messages currently cannot be sent to broadcast lists from the MD version.

  • You can send messages to broadcast lists the same way you send messages to groups & individual chats.
  • Right now, WA Web does not support creating broadcast lists, but you can still delete them.
  • Broadcast IDs are in the format 12345678@broadcast
  • To query a broadcast list's recipients & name:
    const bList = await sock.getBroadcastListInfo("1234@broadcast")
    console.log (`list name: ${}, recps: ${bList.recipients}`)

Writing Custom Functionality

Baileys is written with custom functionality in mind. Instead of forking the project & re-writing the internals, you can simply write your own extensions.

First, enable the logging of unhandled messages from WhatsApp by setting:

const sock = makeWASocket({
    logger: P({ level: 'debug' }),

This will enable you to see all sorts of messages WhatsApp sends in the console.

Some examples:

  1. Functionality to track the battery percentage of your phone. You enable logging and you'll see a message about your battery pop up in the console: {"level":10,"fromMe":false,"frame":{"tag":"ib","attrs":{"from":""},"content":[{"tag":"edge_routing","attrs":{},"content":[{"tag":"routing_info","attrs":{},"content":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,2,8,5]}}]}]},"msg":"communication"}

    The "frame" is what the message received is, it has three components:

    • tag -- what this frame is about (eg. message will have "message")
    • attrs -- a string key-value pair with some metadata (contains ID of the message usually)
    • content -- the actual data (eg. a message node will have the actual message content in it)
    • read more about this format here

    You can register a callback for an event using the following:

    // for any message with tag 'edge_routing'`CB:edge_routing`, (node: BinaryNode) => { })
    // for any message with tag 'edge_routing' and id attribute = abcd`CB:edge_routing,id:abcd`, (node: BinaryNode) => { })
    // for any message with tag 'edge_routing', id attribute = abcd & first content node routing_info`CB:edge_routing,id:abcd,routing_info`, (node: BinaryNode) => { })


This library was originally a project for CS-2362 at Ashoka University and is in no way affiliated with WhatsApp. Use at your own discretion. Do not spam people with this.

Also, this repo is now licenced under GPL 3 since it uses libsignal-node



Package last updated on 26 Jan 2023

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