Balanced Node.js library
The official Node.js library for Balanced Payments. Originally written by Tenor Enterprises.
The Balanced Payments API located here:
The preferred way to install balanced for Node.js is to use the npm package manager for Node.js. Simply type the following
into a terminal window:
npm install balanced-node-new
Set up your definitions:
cp tests/definitions.sample.js tests/definitions.js
Edit the new definitions.js to contain your API secret
, api_verion
, and marketplace_uri
(although marketplace_uri) is not used yet.
Run the tests:
node tests/run
Make your own tests with simple JSON. Place them in tests/run/*.js
Basic Usage
var balanced = require('balanced-node-new');
balanced.init("API_SECRET", "MARKETPLACE_URI");
card_number: "5105105105105100",
expiration_year: 2020,
expiration_month: 12,
security_code: "123"
}, function (err, object) {
if (err) {
console.error("api.Cards.create", err);
throw err;
myCard = object;
console.log("Created new Card:", myCard.uri);
are the best way to manage an entity's bank accounts, cards and transactions
in the Balanced API and supersede the functionality previously provided by Accounts. Customers
were created to simplify merchant underwriting so that you can accept money on a vendors behalf.
balanced.customer.create({ name: "Valued Customer" }, function (err, newCustomer) {
if (err) {
console.error("customer.create", err);
throw err;
Which now allows us to do:
balanced.customer.add_bank({bank_account_uri: <bank_account_uri>}, {customer_id: newCustomer.customer_uri}, function(err, response){ ... })