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barkoder-capacitor - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.8 to 1.2.9



@@ -657,2 +657,36 @@ {

"name": "setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled",
"signature": "(options: { enabled: boolean; }) => Promise<any>",
"parameters": [
"name": "options",
"docs": "",
"type": "{ enabled: boolean; }"
"returns": "Promise<any>",
"tags": [],
"docs": "",
"complexTypes": [],
"slug": "setdatamatrixdpmmodeenabled"
"name": "configureBarkoder",
"signature": "(options: { barkoderConfig: BarkoderConfig; }) => Promise<any>",
"parameters": [
"name": "options",
"docs": "",
"type": "{ barkoderConfig: BarkoderConfig; }"
"returns": "Promise<any>",
"tags": [],
"docs": "",
"complexTypes": [
"slug": "configurebarkoder"
"name": "isFlashAvailable",

@@ -1018,2 +1052,12 @@ "signature": "() => Promise<any>",

"slug": "isvinrestrictionsenabled"
"name": "getBarkoderResolution",
"signature": "() => Promise<any>",
"parameters": [],
"returns": "Promise<any>",
"tags": [],
"docs": "",
"complexTypes": [],
"slug": "getbarkoderresolution"

@@ -1020,0 +1064,0 @@ ],



@@ -130,2 +130,8 @@ import { Plugin } from '@capacitor/core';

}): Promise<any>;
setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled(options: {
enabled: boolean;
}): Promise<any>;
configureBarkoder(options: {
barkoderConfig: BarkoderConfig;
}): Promise<any>;
isFlashAvailable(): Promise<any>;

@@ -170,3 +176,37 @@ isCloseSessionOnResultEnabled(): Promise<any>;

isVINRestrictionsEnabled(): Promise<any>;
getBarkoderResolution(): Promise<any>;
export declare enum DecodingSpeed {
fast = 0,
normal = 1,
slow = 2
export declare enum FormattingType {
disabled = 0,
automatic = 1,
gs1 = 2,
aamva = 3
export declare enum MsiChecksumType {
disabled = 0,
mod10 = 1,
mod11 = 2,
mod1010 = 3,
mod1110 = 4,
mod11IBM = 5,
mod1110IBM = 6
export declare enum Code39ChecksumType {
disabled = 0,
enabled = 1
export declare enum Code11ChecksumType {
disabled = 0,
single = 1,
double = 2
export declare enum BarkoderResolution {
normal = 0,
high = 1
export declare enum BarcodeType {

@@ -202,34 +242,112 @@ aztec = 0,

export declare enum FormattingType {
disabled = 0,
automatic = 1,
gs1 = 2,
aamva = 3
export declare class BarkoderConfig {
locationLineColor?: string;
locationLineWidth?: number;
roiLineColor?: string;
roiLineWidth?: number;
roiOverlayBackgroundColor?: string;
closeSessionOnResultEnabled?: boolean;
imageResultEnabled?: boolean;
locationInImageResultEnabled?: boolean;
locationInPreviewEnabled?: boolean;
pinchToZoomEnabled?: boolean;
regionOfInterestVisible?: boolean;
barkoderResolution?: BarkoderResolution;
beepOnSuccessEnabled?: boolean;
vibrateOnSuccessEnabled?: boolean;
decoder?: DekoderConfig;
constructor(config: Partial<BarkoderConfig>);
export declare enum MsiChecksumType {
disabled = 0,
mod10 = 1,
mod11 = 2,
mod1010 = 3,
mod1110 = 4,
mod11IBM = 5,
mod1110IBM = 6
export declare class DekoderConfig {
aztec?: BarcodeConfig;
aztecCompact?: BarcodeConfig;
qr?: BarcodeConfig;
qrMicro?: BarcodeConfig;
code128?: BarcodeConfigWithLength;
code93?: BarcodeConfigWithLength;
code39?: Code39BarcodeConfig;
codabar?: BarcodeConfigWithLength;
code11?: Code11BarcodeConfig;
msi?: MSIBarcodeConfig;
upcA?: BarcodeConfig;
upcE?: BarcodeConfig;
upcE1?: BarcodeConfig;
ean13?: BarcodeConfig;
ean8?: BarcodeConfig;
pdf417?: BarcodeConfig;
pdf417Micro?: BarcodeConfig;
datamatrix?: DatamatrixBarcodeConfig;
code25?: BarcodeConfig;
interleaved25?: BarcodeConfig;
itf14?: BarcodeConfig;
iata25?: BarcodeConfig;
matrix25?: BarcodeConfig;
datalogic25?: BarcodeConfig;
coop25?: BarcodeConfig;
code32?: BarcodeConfig;
telepen?: BarcodeConfig;
dotcode?: BarcodeConfig;
general?: GeneralSettings;
constructor(config: Partial<DekoderConfig>);
export declare enum Code39ChecksumType {
disabled = 0,
enabled = 1
export declare class BarcodeConfig {
enabled?: boolean;
constructor(config: Partial<BarcodeConfig>);
export declare enum Code11ChecksumType {
disabled = 0,
single = 1,
double = 2
export declare class BarcodeConfigWithLength {
enabled?: boolean;
minLength?: number;
maxLength?: number;
constructor(config: Partial<BarcodeConfigWithLength>);
setLengthRange(minLength: number, maxLength: number): void;
export declare enum DecodingSpeed {
fast = 0,
normal = 1,
slow = 2
export declare class MSIBarcodeConfig {
enabled?: boolean;
minLength?: number;
maxLength?: number;
checksum?: MsiChecksumType;
constructor(config: Partial<MSIBarcodeConfig>);
setLengthRange(minLength: number, maxLength: number): void;
export declare enum BarkoderResolution {
normal = 0,
high = 1
export declare class Code39BarcodeConfig {
enabled?: boolean;
minLength?: number;
maxLength?: number;
checksum?: Code39ChecksumType;
constructor(config: Partial<Code39BarcodeConfig>);
setLengthRange(minLength: number, maxLength: number): void;
export declare class Code11BarcodeConfig {
enabled?: boolean;
minLength?: number;
maxLength?: number;
checksum?: Code11ChecksumType;
constructor(config: Partial<Code11BarcodeConfig>);
setLengthRange(minLength: number, maxLength: number): void;
export declare class DatamatrixBarcodeConfig {
enabled?: boolean;
dpmMode?: number;
minLength?: number;
maxLength?: number;
constructor(config: Partial<DatamatrixBarcodeConfig>);
setLengthRange(minLength: number, maxLength: number): void;
export declare class GeneralSettings {
threadsLimit?: number;
decodingSpeed?: DecodingSpeed;
roiX?: number;
roiY?: number;
roiWidth?: number;
roiHeight?: number;
formattingType?: FormattingType;
encodingCharacterSet?: string;
maximumResultsCount?: number;
duplicatesDelayMs?: number;
multicodeCachingDuration?: number;
multicodeCachingEnabled?: boolean;
upcEanDeblur?: number;
enableMisshaped1D?: number;
constructor(config: Partial<GeneralSettings>);
setROI(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void;



@@ -1,32 +0,7 @@

export var BarcodeType;
(function (BarcodeType) {
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztec"] = 0] = "aztec";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztecCompact"] = 1] = "aztecCompact";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qr"] = 2] = "qr";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qrMicro"] = 3] = "qrMicro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code128"] = 4] = "code128";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code93"] = 5] = "code93";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code39"] = 6] = "code39";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["codabar"] = 7] = "codabar";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code11"] = 8] = "code11";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["msi"] = 9] = "msi";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcA"] = 10] = "upcA";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE"] = 11] = "upcE";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE1"] = 12] = "upcE1";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean13"] = 13] = "ean13";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean8"] = 14] = "ean8";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417"] = 15] = "pdf417";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417Micro"] = 16] = "pdf417Micro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datamatrix"] = 17] = "datamatrix";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code25"] = 18] = "code25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["interleaved25"] = 19] = "interleaved25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["itf14"] = 20] = "itf14";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["iata25"] = 21] = "iata25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["matrix25"] = 22] = "matrix25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datalogic25"] = 23] = "datalogic25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["coop25"] = 24] = "coop25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code32"] = 25] = "code32";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["telepen"] = 26] = "telepen";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["dotcode"] = 27] = "dotcode";
})(BarcodeType || (BarcodeType = {}));
export var DecodingSpeed;
(function (DecodingSpeed) {
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["fast"] = 0] = "fast";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["normal"] = 1] = "normal";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["slow"] = 2] = "slow";
})(DecodingSpeed || (DecodingSpeed = {}));
export var FormattingType;

@@ -60,8 +35,2 @@ (function (FormattingType) {

})(Code11ChecksumType || (Code11ChecksumType = {}));
export var DecodingSpeed;
(function (DecodingSpeed) {
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["fast"] = 0] = "fast";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["normal"] = 1] = "normal";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["slow"] = 2] = "slow";
})(DecodingSpeed || (DecodingSpeed = {}));
export var BarkoderResolution;

@@ -72,2 +41,104 @@ (function (BarkoderResolution) {

})(BarkoderResolution || (BarkoderResolution = {}));
export var BarcodeType;
(function (BarcodeType) {
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztec"] = 0] = "aztec";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztecCompact"] = 1] = "aztecCompact";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qr"] = 2] = "qr";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qrMicro"] = 3] = "qrMicro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code128"] = 4] = "code128";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code93"] = 5] = "code93";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code39"] = 6] = "code39";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["codabar"] = 7] = "codabar";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code11"] = 8] = "code11";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["msi"] = 9] = "msi";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcA"] = 10] = "upcA";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE"] = 11] = "upcE";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE1"] = 12] = "upcE1";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean13"] = 13] = "ean13";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean8"] = 14] = "ean8";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417"] = 15] = "pdf417";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417Micro"] = 16] = "pdf417Micro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datamatrix"] = 17] = "datamatrix";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code25"] = 18] = "code25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["interleaved25"] = 19] = "interleaved25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["itf14"] = 20] = "itf14";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["iata25"] = 21] = "iata25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["matrix25"] = 22] = "matrix25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datalogic25"] = 23] = "datalogic25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["coop25"] = 24] = "coop25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code32"] = 25] = "code32";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["telepen"] = 26] = "telepen";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["dotcode"] = 27] = "dotcode";
})(BarcodeType || (BarcodeType = {}));
export class BarkoderConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
export class DekoderConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
export class BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
export class BarcodeConfigWithLength {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
export class MSIBarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
export class Code39BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
export class Code11BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
export class DatamatrixBarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
export class GeneralSettings {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setROI(x, y, width, height) {
this.roiX = x;
this.roiY = y;
this.roiWidth = width;
this.roiHeight = height;

@@ -7,33 +7,8 @@ 'use strict';

exports.BarcodeType = void 0;
(function (BarcodeType) {
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztec"] = 0] = "aztec";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztecCompact"] = 1] = "aztecCompact";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qr"] = 2] = "qr";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qrMicro"] = 3] = "qrMicro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code128"] = 4] = "code128";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code93"] = 5] = "code93";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code39"] = 6] = "code39";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["codabar"] = 7] = "codabar";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code11"] = 8] = "code11";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["msi"] = 9] = "msi";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcA"] = 10] = "upcA";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE"] = 11] = "upcE";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE1"] = 12] = "upcE1";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean13"] = 13] = "ean13";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean8"] = 14] = "ean8";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417"] = 15] = "pdf417";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417Micro"] = 16] = "pdf417Micro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datamatrix"] = 17] = "datamatrix";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code25"] = 18] = "code25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["interleaved25"] = 19] = "interleaved25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["itf14"] = 20] = "itf14";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["iata25"] = 21] = "iata25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["matrix25"] = 22] = "matrix25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datalogic25"] = 23] = "datalogic25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["coop25"] = 24] = "coop25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code32"] = 25] = "code32";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["telepen"] = 26] = "telepen";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["dotcode"] = 27] = "dotcode";
})(exports.BarcodeType || (exports.BarcodeType = {}));
exports.DecodingSpeed = void 0;
(function (DecodingSpeed) {
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["fast"] = 0] = "fast";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["normal"] = 1] = "normal";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["slow"] = 2] = "slow";
})(exports.DecodingSpeed || (exports.DecodingSpeed = {}));
exports.FormattingType = void 0;

@@ -67,8 +42,2 @@ (function (FormattingType) {

})(exports.Code11ChecksumType || (exports.Code11ChecksumType = {}));
exports.DecodingSpeed = void 0;
(function (DecodingSpeed) {
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["fast"] = 0] = "fast";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["normal"] = 1] = "normal";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["slow"] = 2] = "slow";
})(exports.DecodingSpeed || (exports.DecodingSpeed = {}));
exports.BarkoderResolution = void 0;

@@ -79,2 +48,104 @@ (function (BarkoderResolution) {

})(exports.BarkoderResolution || (exports.BarkoderResolution = {}));
exports.BarcodeType = void 0;
(function (BarcodeType) {
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztec"] = 0] = "aztec";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztecCompact"] = 1] = "aztecCompact";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qr"] = 2] = "qr";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qrMicro"] = 3] = "qrMicro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code128"] = 4] = "code128";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code93"] = 5] = "code93";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code39"] = 6] = "code39";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["codabar"] = 7] = "codabar";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code11"] = 8] = "code11";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["msi"] = 9] = "msi";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcA"] = 10] = "upcA";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE"] = 11] = "upcE";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE1"] = 12] = "upcE1";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean13"] = 13] = "ean13";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean8"] = 14] = "ean8";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417"] = 15] = "pdf417";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417Micro"] = 16] = "pdf417Micro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datamatrix"] = 17] = "datamatrix";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code25"] = 18] = "code25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["interleaved25"] = 19] = "interleaved25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["itf14"] = 20] = "itf14";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["iata25"] = 21] = "iata25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["matrix25"] = 22] = "matrix25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datalogic25"] = 23] = "datalogic25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["coop25"] = 24] = "coop25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code32"] = 25] = "code32";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["telepen"] = 26] = "telepen";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["dotcode"] = 27] = "dotcode";
})(exports.BarcodeType || (exports.BarcodeType = {}));
class BarkoderConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
class DekoderConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
class BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
class BarcodeConfigWithLength {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class MSIBarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class Code39BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class Code11BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class DatamatrixBarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class GeneralSettings {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setROI(x, y, width, height) {
this.roiX = x;
this.roiY = y;
this.roiWidth = width;
this.roiHeight = height;

@@ -93,3 +164,12 @@ const Barkoder = core.registerPlugin('Barkoder', {

exports.BarcodeConfig = BarcodeConfig;
exports.BarcodeConfigWithLength = BarcodeConfigWithLength;
exports.Barkoder = Barkoder;
exports.BarkoderConfig = BarkoderConfig;
exports.Code11BarcodeConfig = Code11BarcodeConfig;
exports.Code39BarcodeConfig = Code39BarcodeConfig;
exports.DatamatrixBarcodeConfig = DatamatrixBarcodeConfig;
exports.DekoderConfig = DekoderConfig;
exports.GeneralSettings = GeneralSettings;
exports.MSIBarcodeConfig = MSIBarcodeConfig;
var capacitorBarkoder = (function (exports, core) {
'use strict';
exports.BarcodeType = void 0;
(function (BarcodeType) {
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztec"] = 0] = "aztec";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztecCompact"] = 1] = "aztecCompact";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qr"] = 2] = "qr";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qrMicro"] = 3] = "qrMicro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code128"] = 4] = "code128";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code93"] = 5] = "code93";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code39"] = 6] = "code39";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["codabar"] = 7] = "codabar";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code11"] = 8] = "code11";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["msi"] = 9] = "msi";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcA"] = 10] = "upcA";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE"] = 11] = "upcE";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE1"] = 12] = "upcE1";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean13"] = 13] = "ean13";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean8"] = 14] = "ean8";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417"] = 15] = "pdf417";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417Micro"] = 16] = "pdf417Micro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datamatrix"] = 17] = "datamatrix";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code25"] = 18] = "code25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["interleaved25"] = 19] = "interleaved25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["itf14"] = 20] = "itf14";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["iata25"] = 21] = "iata25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["matrix25"] = 22] = "matrix25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datalogic25"] = 23] = "datalogic25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["coop25"] = 24] = "coop25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code32"] = 25] = "code32";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["telepen"] = 26] = "telepen";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["dotcode"] = 27] = "dotcode";
})(exports.BarcodeType || (exports.BarcodeType = {}));
exports.DecodingSpeed = void 0;
(function (DecodingSpeed) {
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["fast"] = 0] = "fast";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["normal"] = 1] = "normal";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["slow"] = 2] = "slow";
})(exports.DecodingSpeed || (exports.DecodingSpeed = {}));
exports.FormattingType = void 0;

@@ -63,8 +38,2 @@ (function (FormattingType) {

})(exports.Code11ChecksumType || (exports.Code11ChecksumType = {}));
exports.DecodingSpeed = void 0;
(function (DecodingSpeed) {
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["fast"] = 0] = "fast";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["normal"] = 1] = "normal";
DecodingSpeed[DecodingSpeed["slow"] = 2] = "slow";
})(exports.DecodingSpeed || (exports.DecodingSpeed = {}));
exports.BarkoderResolution = void 0;

@@ -75,2 +44,104 @@ (function (BarkoderResolution) {

})(exports.BarkoderResolution || (exports.BarkoderResolution = {}));
exports.BarcodeType = void 0;
(function (BarcodeType) {
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztec"] = 0] = "aztec";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["aztecCompact"] = 1] = "aztecCompact";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qr"] = 2] = "qr";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["qrMicro"] = 3] = "qrMicro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code128"] = 4] = "code128";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code93"] = 5] = "code93";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code39"] = 6] = "code39";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["codabar"] = 7] = "codabar";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code11"] = 8] = "code11";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["msi"] = 9] = "msi";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcA"] = 10] = "upcA";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE"] = 11] = "upcE";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["upcE1"] = 12] = "upcE1";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean13"] = 13] = "ean13";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["ean8"] = 14] = "ean8";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417"] = 15] = "pdf417";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["pdf417Micro"] = 16] = "pdf417Micro";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datamatrix"] = 17] = "datamatrix";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code25"] = 18] = "code25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["interleaved25"] = 19] = "interleaved25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["itf14"] = 20] = "itf14";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["iata25"] = 21] = "iata25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["matrix25"] = 22] = "matrix25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["datalogic25"] = 23] = "datalogic25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["coop25"] = 24] = "coop25";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["code32"] = 25] = "code32";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["telepen"] = 26] = "telepen";
BarcodeType[BarcodeType["dotcode"] = 27] = "dotcode";
})(exports.BarcodeType || (exports.BarcodeType = {}));
class BarkoderConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
class DekoderConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
class BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
class BarcodeConfigWithLength {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class MSIBarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class Code39BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class Code11BarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class DatamatrixBarcodeConfig {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setLengthRange(minLength, maxLength) {
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
class GeneralSettings {
constructor(config) {
Object.assign(this, config);
setROI(x, y, width, height) {
this.roiX = x;
this.roiY = y;
this.roiWidth = width;
this.roiHeight = height;

@@ -89,3 +160,12 @@ const Barkoder = core.registerPlugin('Barkoder', {

exports.BarcodeConfig = BarcodeConfig;
exports.BarcodeConfigWithLength = BarcodeConfigWithLength;
exports.Barkoder = Barkoder;
exports.BarkoderConfig = BarkoderConfig;
exports.Code11BarcodeConfig = Code11BarcodeConfig;
exports.Code39BarcodeConfig = Code39BarcodeConfig;
exports.DatamatrixBarcodeConfig = DatamatrixBarcodeConfig;
exports.DekoderConfig = DekoderConfig;
exports.GeneralSettings = GeneralSettings;
exports.MSIBarcodeConfig = MSIBarcodeConfig;

@@ -92,0 +172,0 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

"name": "barkoder-capacitor",
"version": "1.2.8",
"version": "1.2.9",
"description": "Capacitor plugin that connects to barkoderSDK which helps users scan barcodes with mobile devices",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/plugin.cjs.js",

@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ # barKoder Barcode Scanner SDK plugin for Capacitor

1D - [Codabar](, [Code 11](, [Code 25](, [Code 39](, [Code 93](, [Code 128](, [DotCode](, [EAN-8](, [EAN-13](, [Interleaved 2 of 5](, [ITF-14](, [MSI Plessey](, [Pharmacode](, [Telepen](, [UPC-A]( & [UPC-E](
2D - [Aztec Code](, [Aztec Compact](, [Data Matrix](, [PDF417](, [Micro PDF417](, [QR Code]( & [Micro QR Code](
1D - [Codabar](, [Code 11](, [Code 25](, [Code 39](, [Code 93](, [Code 128](, [EAN-8](, [EAN-13](, [Interleaved 2 of 5](, [ITF-14](, [MSI Plessey](, [Pharmacode](, [Telepen](, [UPC-A]( & [UPC-E](
2D - [Aztec Code](, [Aztec Compact](, [Data Matrix](, [DotCode](, [PDF417](, [Micro PDF417](, [QR Code]( & [Micro QR Code](

@@ -201,2 +201,4 @@ The [barKoder SDK]( features multiple algorithms that handle a wide variety of barcode scanning scenarios with unprecedented performance in terms of speed and success rate:

* [`setEnableVINRestrictions(...)`](#setenablevinrestrictions)
* [`setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled(...)`](#setdatamatrixdpmmodeenabled)
* [`configureBarkoder(...)`](#configurebarkoder)
* [`isFlashAvailable()`](#isflashavailable)

@@ -237,2 +239,3 @@ * [`isCloseSessionOnResultEnabled()`](#isclosesessiononresultenabled)

* [`isVINRestrictionsEnabled()`](#isvinrestrictionsenabled)
* [`getBarkoderResolution()`](#getbarkoderresolution)

@@ -858,2 +861,32 @@ </docgen-index>

### setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled(...)
setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled(options: { enabled: boolean; }) => Promise<any>
| Param | Type |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| **`options`** | <code>{ enabled: boolean; }</code> |
**Returns:** <code>Promise&lt;any&gt;</code>
### configureBarkoder(...)
configureBarkoder(options: { barkoderConfig: BarkoderConfig; }) => Promise<any>
| Param | Type |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| **`options`** | <code>{ barkoderConfig: BarkoderConfig; }</code> |
**Returns:** <code>Promise&lt;any&gt;</code>
### isFlashAvailable()

@@ -1251,2 +1284,13 @@

### getBarkoderResolution()
getBarkoderResolution() => Promise<any>
**Returns:** <code>Promise&lt;any&gt;</code>

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