An mixin for realigning your typographic elements with proper graphic design baseline. The intent is to make it much easier to compose pages while maintaining your vertical rhythm.
In CSS, the text in a given element will sit centred within its own line-height. In the design world the line height is measured from the baseline of the text. As a result our UIs often deviate from the designers intentions, requiring a heap of pixel-nudging to get things to line up again.
If you want to know more about the how or why, here is a link to a presentation a gave at MelbCSS about the problem this has solved for our teams — Teaching CSS to talk like a designer
Current Solution
Using CSS transforms we can translate the text back onto the baseline where it should be.
The goal is for everything to be scalable. If the font-size
is changed or a new level in your typographic hierarchy introduced, it would be great not to have to recalculate the descender height every time.
Install the mixin into your project, and pass it the following parameters:
@import (reference) "basekick/mixin";
.MyHeading {
bk-type-size-modifier (required)
The multiplier for type font size, relative to the base font size of your typographic hierarchy.
bk-descender-height-scale (required)
The height of the descender expressed as a ratio of the font.
bk-type-row-span (required)
The number of rows the type should span.
bk-grid-row-height (required)
The number of pixels for each grid row.
bk-base-font-size (required)
The base font size on which your type size modifiers are based.
bk-line-height-override (optional)
Explicit line height override to set an exact value in exceptional cases.
var basekick = require("basekick");
var myHeadingStyles = basekick(options);
options (required)
Options | Type | Required | Description |
typeSizeModifier | int | Y | The multiplier for type font size, relative to the base font size of your typographic hierarchy. |
typeRowSpan | int | Y | The multiplier for type font size, relative to the base font size of your document. |
descenderHeightScale | int | Y | The multiplier for type font size, relative to the base font size of your document. |
baseFontSize | int | Y | The base font size on which your type size modifiers are based. |
gridRowHeight | int | Y | The number of pixels for each grid row. |
lineHeightOverride | int | N | Explicit line height override to set an exact value in exceptional cases. |
The following example has the following design requirements:
- Base font size is
. - Grid rows are
high. - Standard type is
over an 2 grid rows. - Headings are
over a 3 grid rows.
@base-font-size: 10;
@grid-row-height: 9px;
@font-descender-height-scale: 0.14;
@standard-type-scale: 1.4;
@standard-row-span: 2;
@heading-type-scale: 2.1;
@heading-row-span: 3;
Card component styles
.card {
font-family: Helvetica Neue;
.card__content {
.card__title {
- Sass version
- Stylus version