Mixin which marshalls attributes to properties (and eventually
vice versa)
This only supports string properties for now.
Kind: global class
Mixin to create references to elements in a component's Shadow
DOM subtree
This adds a member on the component called $
that can be used to reference
elements with IDs. E.g., if component's shadow contains an element
<button id="foo">
, then this mixin will create a member this.$.foo
points to that button. Such references simplify a component's access to its
own elements.
This trades off a one-time cost of querying all elements in the shadow tree
against having to query for an element each time the component wants to
inspect or manipulate it.
This mixin is inspired by Polymer's automatic node finding feature.
Kind: global class
Mixin which defines a component's content as its children. Changes
in the content will be tracked, and a contentChanged method will be invoked
on the component when its children change.
Kind: global class
Mixin which maps a click (actually, a mousedown) to selection
If the user clicks an element, and the element is an item in the list, then
the component's selectedIndex will be set to the index for that item.
Kind: global class
A group of elements that have been joined together for the purpose of
accomplishing some collective behavior, e.g., keyboard handling.
This is not a mixin, but a class used by the CollectiveMember mixin.
Kind: global class
Mixin which allows a component to provide aggregate behavior with
other elements, e.g., for keyboard handling
Kind: global class
Mixin to make a class more easily composable with other mixins
The main contribution is the introduction of a compose
method that applies
a set of mixin functions and returns the resulting new class. This sugar
can make the application of many mixins at once easier to read.
Kind: global class
Mixin that defines the target of a component -- the element the
component is managing or somehow responsible for -- as its first child
Kind: global class
Mixin which maps content semantics (children) to list item
Items differ from children in several ways:
- They can be referenced via index.
- They can have a selection state.
- Auxiliary invisible child elements are filtered out and not counted as
items. Auxiliary elements include link, script, style, and template
Kind: global class
Mixin which maps direction semantics (goLeft, goRight, etc.) to
selection semantics (selectPrevious, selectNext, etc.)
Kind: global class
Mixin that allows a component to support a "generic" style: a
minimalist style that can easily be removed to reset its visual appearance to
a baseline state
By default, a component should provide a minimal visual presentation that
allows the component to function. However, the more styling the component
provides by default, the harder it becomes to get the component to fit in
in other settings. Each CSS rule has to be overridden. Worse, new CSS rules
added to the default style won't be overridden by default, making it hard to
know whether a new version of a component will still look okay.
As a compromise, the simple Polymer behavior here defines a "generic"
attribute. This attribute is normally set by default, and styles can be
written that apply only when the generic attribute is set. This allows the
construction of CSS rules that will only apply to generic components like
:host([generic=""]) {
This makes it easy to remove all default styling -- set the generic attribute
to false, and all default styling will be removed.
Kind: global class
Mixin which manages ARIA roles for a component that wants to act
as a list
Kind: global class
Mixin which manages selection semantics for items in a list
Kind: global class
Mixin which manages the keydown handling for a component
TODO: Document collective behavior.
TODO: Provide baseline behavior outside of a collective.
Kind: global class
Mixin which maps direction keys (Left, Right, etc.) to direction
semantics (goLeft, goRight, etc.)
Kind: global class
Mixin which maps page keys (Page Up, Page Down) into operations
that move the selection by one page
The keyboard interaction model generally follows that of Microsoft Windows'
list boxes instead of those in OS X:
The Page Up/Down and Home/End keys actually change the selection, rather
than just scrolling. The former behavior seems more generally useful for
keyboard users.
Pressing Page Up/Down will change the selection to the topmost/bottommost
visible item if the selection is not already there. Thereafter, the key
will move the selection up/down by a page, and (per the above point) make
the selected item visible.
To ensure the selected item is in view following use of Page Up/Down, use the
related SelectionScroll mixin.
Kind: global class
Mixin that handles list box-style prefix typing, in which the user
can type a string to select the first item that begins with that string
Kind: global class
Mixin which applies standard highlight colors to a selected item
Kind: global class
Mixin which scrolls a container to keep the selected item visible
Kind: global class
Mixin which maps touch gestures (swipe left, swipe right) to direction
semantics (goRight, goLeft)
Kind: global class
Mixin that allows a component to delegate its own selection
semantics to a target element
This is useful when defining components that act as optional decorators for a
component that acts like a list.
Kind: global class
Mixin for stamping a template into a Shadow DOM subtree upon
component instantiation
If a component defines a template property (as a string or referencing a HTML
template), when the component class is instantiated, a shadow root will be
created on the instance, and the contents of the template will be cloned into
the shadow root.
For the time being, this extension retains support for Shadow DOM v0.
That will eventually be deprecated as browsers implement Shadow DOM v1.
Kind: global class
Mixin provides for automatic timed changes in selection, as in a
automated slideshow
Kind: global class
Mixin which maps a horizontal trackpad swipe gestures (or
horizontal mouse wheel actions) to direction semantics
To respond to the trackpad, we can listen to the DOM's "wheel" events. These
events are fired as the user drags their fingers across a trackpad.
Unfortunately, this scheme is missing a critical event — there is no event
when the user stops a gestured on the trackpad.
To complicate matters, the mainstream browsers continue to generate wheel
events even after the user has stopped dragging their fingers. These fake
events simulate the user gradually slowing down the drag until they come to a
smooth stop. In some contexts, these fake wheel events might be helpful, but
in trying to supply typical trackpad swipe navigation, these fake events get
in the way.
This component uses some heuristics to work around these problems, but the
complex nature of the problem make it extremely difficult to achieve the same
degree of trackpad responsiveness possible with native applications.
Kind: global class
Given two templates, this "folds" one inside the other
For now, the folding process just entails putting the first inside the
location of the first node in the second template.
Example: if the first (sub) template is
and the second (base) template is
Then the returned folded template is
Kind: global class
undefinedcontent : Array
The flattened content of this component.
Kind: global variable
The current set of items in the list.
Kind: global variable
undefinedgeneric : Boolean
True if the component would like to receive generic styling.
This property is true by default — set it to false to turn off all
generic styles. This makes it easier to apply custom styling; you won't
have to explicitly override styling you don't want.
Kind: global variable
Default: true
undefinedselectedIndex : Number
The index of the item which is currently selected, or -1 if there is no
Kind: global variable
undefinedselectedItem : Object
The currently selected item, or null if there is no selection.
Kind: global variable
undefinedselectionRequired : Boolean
True if the list should always have a selection (if it has items).
Kind: global variable
The element that should be scrolled with the Page Up/Down keys.
Default is the current element.
Kind: global variable
The element that should be scrolled with the Page Up/Down keys.
Default is the current element.
Kind: global variable
undefinedposition : Number
The distance the user has moved the first touchpoint since the beginning
of a drag, expressed as a fraction of the element's width.
Kind: global variable
undefinedselectedIndex : Number
The index of the item which is currently selected, or -1 if there is no
Kind: global variable
undefinedselectedItem : Object
The currently selected item, or null if there is no selection.
Kind: global variable
undefinedplaying : Boolean
True if the selection is being automatically advanced.
Kind: global variable
Apply a set of mixin functions or mixin objects to the present class and
return the new class.
A call like
let MyClass = Mixin1(Mixin2(Mixin3(Mixin4(Mixin5(BaseClass)))));
Can be converted to:
let MyClass = Composable(BaseClass).compose(
This function can also take mixin objects. A mixin object is just a
shorthand for a mixin function that creates a new subclass with the given
members. The mixin object's members are not copied directly onto the
prototype of the base class, as with traditional mixins.
Kind: global function
indexOfItem(item) ⇒ number
Returns the positional index for the indicated item.
Because this acts like a getter, this does not invoke a base implementation.
Kind: global function
Returns: number
- The index of the item, or -1 if not found.
Param | Type | Description |
item | object | The item whose index is requested. |
Select the first item in the list.
Kind: global function
Select the last item in the list.
Kind: global function
Select the next item in the list.
Kind: global function
Select the previous item in the list.
Kind: global function
Scroll down one page.
Kind: global function
Scroll up one page.
Kind: global function
Select the first item whose text content begins with the given prefix.
Kind: global function
Param | Description |
prefix | [String] The string to search for |
Scroll the given element completely into view, minimizing the degree of
scrolling performed.
Blink has a scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() function that almost the same thing,
but unfortunately it's non-standard, and in any event often ends up
scrolling more than is absolutely necessary.
Kind: global function
Begin automatic progression of the selection.
Kind: global function
Pause automatic progression of the selection.
Kind: global function
Fires when the items in the list change.
Kind: event emitted
Fires when the selectedItem property changes.
Kind: event emitted
Param | Description |
detail.selectedItem | The new selected item. |
detail.previousItem | The previously selected item. |
Fires when the selectedIndex property changes.
Kind: event emitted
Param | Description |
detail.selectedIndex | The new selected index. |