![Hermes is like: 'Hey Baucis, don't kill that goose. And thanks for the REST.' David Rjckaert III - Philemon and Baucis Giving Hospitality to Jupiter and Mercury](
David Rijckaert - Philemon and Baucis Giving Hospitality to Jupiter and Mercury
Like Baucis and Philemon of old, this library provides REST to the weary traveler. Automatically creates REST services from Mongoose schemata:
var Vegetable = new Schema({
name: String
singular: 'vegetable'
var app = express.createServer();
// create RESTful routes;
Later make requests:
GET /vegetable/:id — get the addressed document
PUT /vegetable/:id — create or update the addressed document
DEL /vegetable/:id — delete the addressed object
GET /vegetables/ — get all documents (in the future will accept query args to pass to the mongo server)
POST /vegetables/ — creates a new document and sends back its ID
PUT /vegetables/ — replace all documents with given new documents
DEL /vegetables/ — delete all documents (also will accept query args in future)
Examples with jQuery:
$.getJSON('/vegetable/4f4028e6e5139bf4e472cca1', function (data) {
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/vegetables/',
data: { name: 'Potato' }
}).done(function( id ) {
}); will accept arrays, hashes, or single Schema objects. An example with require-index:
var schemata = requireindex('./schemata');;
Use middleware for security, etc. Middleware is plain old Connect middleware, so it can be used with pre-existing modules like passport. Set the middleware metadata to a function or array of functions.
singular: 'vegetable',
middleware: function(request, response, next) {
if (request.isAuthenticated()) return next();
else return response.send(401);
Contact Info
© 2012 William P. Riley-Land
Licensed under the GPL v3
Please fork and create issues!