baucis v0.3.1
Baucis is Express middleware for automatically creating REST services from Mongoose schemata.
Like Baucis and Philemon of old, this library provides REST to the weary traveler. The goal is to create a JSON REST API for Mongoose that matches as closely as possible the richness and versatility of the HTTP 1.1 protocol.
Those versions published to npm represent release versions. Those versions not published to npm are development releases.
Relase versions of baucis can be considered stable. (Please report issues on GitHub if bugs are encountered.)
The API is subject to change. (Baucis uses semver.)
![Hermes is like: 'Hey Baucis, don't kill that goose. And thanks for the REST.' David Rjckaert III - Philemon and Baucis Giving Hospitality to Jupiter and Mercury](
David Rijckaert - Philemon and Baucis Giving Hospitality to Jupiter and Mercury
To install:
npm install baucis
An example of creating a REST API from a Mongoose schema:
// Define a Mongoose schema
var Vegetable = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String
mongoose.model('vegetable', Vegetable);
// Create routes for the schema{
singular: 'vegetable'
// Create the app and listen for API requests
var app = express();
app.use('/api/v1', baucis());
Later, make requests:
GET /api/v1/vegetables/:id — get the addressed document
PUT /api/v1/vegetables/:id — create or update the addressed document
DEL /api/v1/vegetables/:id — delete the addressed object
GET /api/v1/vegetables — get all documents
POST /api/v1/vegetables — creates a new document and sends back its ID
PUT /api/v1/vegetables — replace all documents with given new documents
DEL /api/v1/vegetables — delete all documents
Use plain old Connect/Express middleware, including pre-existing modules like passport
. For example, set the all
option to add middleware to be called before all the model's API routes.{
singular: 'vegetable',
all: function (request, response, next) {
if (request.isAuthenticated()) return next();
return response.send(401);
Or, set some middleware for specific HTTP verbs or disable verbs completely:{
singular: 'vegetable',
get: [middleware1, middleware2],
post: middleware3,
del: false,
put: false
returns an instance of the controller created to handle the schema's API routes.
var subcontroller ={
singular: 'bar',
basePath: '/:fooId/bars'
publish: false, // don't add API routes automatically
restrict: function (query, request) {
// Only retrieve bars that are children of the given foo
query.where('parent', request.params.fooId);
var controller ={
singular: 'foo',
configure: function (controller) {
// Embed the subcontroller at /foos/:fooId/bars
// Embed arbitrary middleware at /foos/qux
controller.use('/qux', function (request, response, next) {
// Do something cool…
Controllers are Express apps, so do whatever you want with them.
var controller ={
singular: 'robot',
configure: function (controller) {
// Add middleware before all other rotues in the controller
// Add middleware after default controller routes
controller.use(function () { ... });
controller.set('some option name', 'value');
Baucis uses the power of Express, without getting in its way. It's meant to be a way to organize your REST API's Express middleware.
Also note that Mongoose middleware will be executed as usual.
Vegetable.pre('save', function () { ... });
Requests to the collection (not its members) take standard MongoDB query parameters to filter the documents based on custom criteria.
Examples with jQuery:
$.getJSON('/api/v1/vegetables/4f4028e6e5139bf4e472cca1', function (data) {
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/vegetables',
data: { name: 'Potato' }
}).done(function (vegetable) {
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/vegetables',
data: { query: JSON.stringify({ color: 'red' }) }
}).done(function (vegetables) {
An example with Backbone:
var Vegetables = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/vegetables',
baucis: function (query) {
return this.fetch({ data: { query: JSON.stringify(query) } });
var Vegetable = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: '/vegetables'
var redVeges = new Vegetables();
redVeges.baucis({ color: 'red' }).then(function () { ... });
Contact Info
© 2012-2013 William P. Riley-Land