Backbase Launchpad
CLI development tool for widgets / modules
Name | bb-lp-cli |
Bundle | tools |
Status | node >=0.12.x < 5.0.x |
Dev - Server
npm i bb-lp-cli -g
Using bblp as binary.
Check all the available commands that you can use.
bblp --help
Check command help
bblp <command> --help
Clone a git repository template. Default is using widget-ng-template
- template Can be a git repository url or a local folder.
- -i --processImages Process images by template engine. Images are excluded by default (they will be added to destination folder 'as it is').
bblp generate <template>
- default template is pointing to
Start local development brwserSync server on http://localhost:3000/.
- -a --apiVersion Add version to server route from the raml version files. Default version is not included.
- -p --port Server port
- -l --logLevel Log level information info | silent
- info is the default setting
- silent will disable linting and notifications
- debug/warn/ TODO
- --template Template to use for standalone mode.
is the default. You can provide a custom path. - -d --deploy Deploy item into a running portal (see bblp deploy).
- -e --expand Expand js, css assets (don't minify them)
bblp start [-a] [-p3030] [-l silent] [--template cxp] [-i] [-e]
Tests the widget / module using karma test runner and PhantomJS.
- -w --watch Watch test files and source files
- -c --coverage With coverage
- --browsers A comma separated list of browsers to launch and capture
--browsers Firefox,Chrome,Safari
- --config Custom karma configuration file
- --moduleDirectories A comma separated list of the shared components
--moduleDirectories 'target/bower_components'
bblp test
bblp test -c --browsers Firefox,Chrome --moduleDirectories '../../portal/myportal/statics/dist/itemRoot/static/features/[BBHOST]','target/bower_components'
Bundle the widget/module.
- - f --fulltest with unit tests and linting
- - t --withTemplates Bundle HTML templates into build file (for widgets)
- - m --withModuleId Build with AMD module ID in definition. Default true
- - c --withConfig Build with config using path from arguments
- - e --withCustomEntry Build using specified custom entry point (works with excludes)
- - x --withExcludes Exclude components from main file due to specified as an argument excludes array
- - p --withPerformance Build with performance annotations converted into performance module API calls
- --moduleDirectories A comma separated list of the shared components
--moduleDirectories 'target/bower_components'
bblp build
with moduleDirectories
bblp build --moduleDirectories '../../portal/myportal/statics/dist/itemRoot/static/features/[BBHOST]','target/bower_components'
Compile & build styles:
Some convention is required to compile styles files (less, scss, css). The name of the main file should be named as:
- styles/base.less (for less file)
- styles/index.scss (for scss file)
- styles/index.css (will be minified)
With custom configuration:
- config path to config file for components management. E.g.
bblp build -c ./my-conf.json
If config contains entryPoint and excludes whey are going to be used instead of corresponding arguments. Here is the config example for UI module:
"entryPoint": "./scripts/custom-ui.js",
"excludes": [
excludes Array of components to exclude. Please note, that if custom entry point isn't specified current main is used.
Usage example: bblp build -x touch,color-picker,focus
entryPoint name of entry point file. It is used to create custom entry point due to the excludes array and corresponding dest file.
Usage example: bblp build -ex touch,color-picker,focus ./scripts/my-custom-dist-file.js
Custom build [DEP] - will be revisited
bblp custom-build <config>
- - t --withTemplates Bundle HTML templates into build file (for widgets)
- - u --useUnminified Build with unminified scripts
- - v --useDist Flag to turn on/off webpack output
- - p --withPerformance Build with performance annotations converted into performance module API calls
Custom build is aimed at reducing number of scripts on a page. It combines several widgets and their dependencies into a single bundle using configuration. As a result you'll get the bundle and custom requirejs config which defines paths to concatenated widgets and dependencies.
- config - path to config file for components customization
Here is the config example:
"dist": "./bundles",
"base": "launchpad",
"componentBase": "bower_components",
"componentMain": "scripts/main.js",
"componentDistModule": "dist/scripts/main",
"bundles": {
"login-page": {
"widgets": [
"customComponents": {
"ui": {
"excludes": [
"externals": ["angular", {"name": "jquery", "value": "jQuery"}],
"bundlesConfigPath": "./config/bundles-conf.js"
Config description:
(String) - path to bundles destination folder;config.componentBase
(String) - path to used components;config.componentMain
(String) - path to main script file;config.componentDistModule
(String) - path to destination main file;config.bundles
(Object) - set of bundles configuration;config.bundle[NAME]
(String) NAME is a bundle identifier wich is used to create chunk;config.bundle[NAME].widgets
(Array) - array of widget names which are going to be used as an entry points;config.bundle[NAME].customComponents
(Object) - set of customised components;config.bundle[NAME].customComponents[CNAME]
(String) CNAME is a name of customised component;config.bundle[NAME].customComponents[CNAME].excludes
(Array) - Array of components to exclude;config.externals
(Array) - exterlan libraries array. Values can be both "String" and {"name": "libName", "value": "libGlobalName"} objects. If value is a String - module name is going to be used as a global name for the dependency, overwise passed value is going to be used;config.bundlesConfigPath
(String) - path to require config output.
Bump version in package.json, model.xml, bower.json, and
NOTE if a version property is not found in model.xml file will be created
VERSION Semver compliant major [X.x.x], minor [x.X.x] or patch [x.x.X]
[MESSAGE] Optional bump message
--suffix - Prerelease suffix name EX. .pre, .beta, .rc, Default .pre
--changelog - CHANGELOG file name Default
bblp bump minor [increment] "Some relevant message"
Generating different types of documentation.
--api Generate API reference MarkDown in the docs folder. Based on JSDoc annotations. Default
--services Generate reference MarkDown and HTML files in the docs/services folder. based on RAML 0.8 specifications. Optional you can pass the domain name.
Basic Usage:
bblp docs
bblp docs --services
Use conventional commit messaged. Default will run git commit.
bblp commit
How to add your commit convention adapter.
npm i cz-conventional-changelog -D
... configure it after inside the package.json
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"
Register package to launchpad registry endpoints
bower -
npm -
- manager npm or bower. Default to bower.
- --registry Custom registry endpoint
bblp register [npm]
Unregister package to launchpad registry endpoints
- manager npm or bower. Default to bower.
- --registry Custom registry endpoint
- - f --force - 'use the force' npm functionality.
bblp unregister [npm] [-f]
Theme Build
Builds a theme.
Requires a bower.json file in the directory with a "main" pointing to the base less file
bblp theme build
- entry Path to directory to build.
- collection Pass collection variable to less.
- base-path Pass base-path var to less.
- sourcemaps Whether to generate source maps.
- w, watch Watch less files and rebuild on change.
- disable-compress Don't compress CSS into .min files.
- disable-ie Don't create reworked .ie files for IE8.
- disable-assets Don't collect font/image assets.
- d, deploy Run bblp deploy after building.
bblp theme build retail [-w --disable-compress -d]
Deploy a package into a running portal.
bblp deploy [--all]
- --all Deploy all bower & npm dependencies before deploying local package.
The config for connecting to the portal is obtained by merging multiple configuration files by
this order of importance:
Local .bbrc files upwards the directory tree
All .bbrc files upwards the directory tree
.bbrc file located in user's home folder (~)
The default config is:
"scheme": "http",
"host": "localhost",
"port": "7777",
"context": "portalserver",
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin"
When used through bblp start -d
it will initially deploy all packages (including bower and
npm dependencies), then watch just the local package and re-deploy on any changes.
Configuration under the bower.json or package.json file
This is the default config structure if is not specified otherwise in bower.json file
"config": {
"paths" : {
"scripts": "./scripts",
"docs": "./docs",
"target": "./dist",
"templates": "./templates",
"styles": "./styles",
"test": "./test",
"reports": "./reports",
"index": "./index-dev.html"
"data": {
"route": "",
"files": [
"proxies": {
"eslint": "configs/eslint.conf.yaml",
"karma": "configs/karma.conf.yaml"
Extending configurations:
By default the cli is looking for an configs folder in the root folder of the app. Possible extensions are on karma options:
Example karma.conf.yaml
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Chrome
Example eslint.conf.yaml
eqeqeq: 0
curly: 2
- 2
- "double"
NODE_ENV=production bblp test -c
YAML configuration is preferred format but you can also opt for a .json
The same is possible also for eslint options:
IMPORTANT TO NOTE the file name needs to be karma.conf.yaml
and eslint.conf.yaml
. If you prefer a different name then you can set it up in the bower.json config
"karma": "configs/karma.configuration.yaml"
- add the webpack extension support
Develop & Contributing
Clone and link the repository
git clone && cd bb-lp-cli && npm link
Use the develop branch
npm install backbase/bb-lp-cli
Publish a beta version
git tag x.x.x-beta.0
git tag push --tags
npm login
npm publish --tags beta
npm info
Q. How can i disable some folders, file, or rules from being linted?
A. They are two options: Global and Inline.
1. Global: use a `.eslintignore` file in the root of the project and specify that to ignore, for ex:
# Ignore scripts but not the main file
2. Inline: using a comment inside of your JavaScript file, use the following format
/*eslint-disable */
Adding environments paths for python
- node: 0.12.x, 4.x
- npm: 2.x 3.x
- node: 0.12.x, 4.x
- npm: 2.14.x
Important Notes
The cli uses node-gyp
You will also need to install:
On Unix:
recommended, v3.x.x
is not supported)make
- A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain, like GCC
On Mac OS X:
recommended, v3.x.x
is not supported) (already installed on Mac OS X)- Xcode
- You also need to install the
Command Line Tools
via Xcode. You can find this under the menu Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads
- This step will install
and the related toolchain containing make
On Windows:
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\bin\Setenv.cmd" /Release /x86
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\bin\Setenv.cmd" /Release /x64
If you have multiple Python versions installed, you can identify which Python
version node-gyp
uses by setting the '--python' variable:
$ node-gyp --python /path/to/python2.7
If node-gyp
is called by way of npm
and you have multiple versions of
Python installed, then you can set npm
's 'python' config key to the appropriate
$ npm config set python /path/to/executable/python2.7
Note that OS X is just a flavour of Unix and so needs python
, make
, and C/C++.
An easy way to obtain these is to install XCode from Apple,
and then use it to install the command line tools (under Preferences -> Downloads).
Check node-gyp project for more info.
root/Administrator error
- Please try running this command again as root/Administrator
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
It turns out that you don’t have to run the command again as Administrator, and doing so won’t fix the problem. Try npm cache clean first. If that doesn’t fix things, take a look in %APPDATA%\npm-cache, or if you’re using PowerShell, $env:APPDATA\npm-cache. After cleaning the cache, you may still be left with remnants. Manually remove everything in that directory, and try again.