A blazing fast, slim communication protocol for NodeJS IPC.
- A lightweight protocol minimizes network traffic and provides high processing performance
- The TypeScript API enables you to specify strictly typed endpoints and reuse the same type definitions on client and server side
- Support for Unix, Windows, TCP and TLS sockets
- Requesting, messaging and publish / subscribe
- Send any payload (objects, buffers and strings)
- No third party dependencies
enum AuthTopics {
interface AuthApi {
[AuthTopics.login]: {
req: Credentials;
res: User;
import { createServer } from "beamed";
import { AuthApi, AuthTopics } from "./shared";
const bs = createServer<AuthApi>()
.onRequest(AuthTopics.login, authenticate)
import { connect } from "beamed";
import { AuthApi, AuthTopics } from "./shared";
const bc = connect<AuthApi>("/tmp/auth-test");
bc.request(AuthTopics.login, new Credentials("user", "p4ssw0rd")).then((user) =>
Message types (Not completely implementing yet).
Type | Message-Pattern | Examples |
Request | <length>?<topic>|<id>[|payload] | 19?1|8|J{"foo":"bar"}
5?2|45 |
Response | <length>.<id>[|payload] | 17.8|J{"foo":"bar"}
3.45 |
Error-Response | <length>X<id>|<error-code>[|message] | 17.8|J{"foo":"bar"}
6X45|42 |
Subscribe | <length>+<topic> | 2+1 |
Unsubscribe | <length>-<topic> | 2-1 |
Message / Push | <length>!<topic>[|payload] | 17!1|J{"foo":"bar"}
2!2 |
Where the tokens have the following format
Token | Format | Note |
length | numeric | The byte length of the message content without this length (auto-generated) |
topic | utf-8 (except | ) | You can use TS Enums |
id | numeric | The request id (auto-generated) |
error-code | utf-8 (except | ) | You can use TS Enums |
message | utf-8 | Custom Error decription |
payload | utf-8 or Buffer | Prefixed by a character that determines the content type:
J for Json,
B for binary data,
T for text |