Wrap a promise and send it to loop N times and receive back a time period in seconds. Use the result for benchmarking purposes.
When developing some Node.js module, I wanted to check the speed of different methods. So before writing the code I intended, I decided to publish this script first.
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var screaper = require('screaper');
var Cream = require('./benchmark-cream');
var options = {selector: "h2", class: "entry-title", endTag: "a", length: "250"};
var giveMeOnePromise = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
screaper.action('', options).then(function (data) {
Cream.main(100, giveMeOnePromise, function (result) {
-giveMeOnePromise - a common pattern to wrap your asynchronous function with new promise
-screaper.action - thenable method under benchmarking.
##main(numberLoops, giveMeOnePromise, callback)
-- numberLoops - number iterations
-- giveMeOnePromise - thenable
-- callback - it returns an object
###.time - time as a number - the period between the start and the finish of benchmarking
###.timeString - time as a string
example output - '38 seconds' - array of resolved within giveMeOnePromise values
For example, if you resolve a string, you will get array of strings
example output - [resolvedDataStep1,resolvedDataStep2, ... resolvedDataStepN]
same as main but returns only time as number
same as main but uses async's each and returns time as number
same as main but uses async's times and returns an array:
index 0 => time as number
index 1 => array of resolved within giveMeOnePromise values
The tests file is not only show the library in actin, but also shows how cool testing is with Unexpected.