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binance - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2


# Changelog
## 1.1.2
- Add lots of example responses and query paramter details to the README
- Fix onUserData where the promise wasn't being returned
- Add travis CI and coveralls
## 1.1.1

@@ -4,0 +9,0 @@ - Minor docs updates



@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ const WebSocket = require('ws');

this._beautifier = new Beautifier();
this._dataStreamInterval = -1;

@@ -42,3 +43,3 @@

onUserData(binanceRest, eventHandler, interval) {
return binanceRest.startUserDataStream()
.then((response) => {

@@ -51,4 +52,5 @@ return this._setupWebSocket(eventHandler, response.listenKey);

module.exports = BinanceWS;
"name": "binance",
"version": "1.1.1",
"version": "1.1.2",
"description": "node.js wrapper for the Binance REST and WebSocket APIs",
"main": "./lib/binance.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha"
"test": "mocha",
"cover": "istanbul cover _mocha",
"coveralls": "npm run cover -- --report lcovonly && cat ./coverage/ | coveralls"
"dependencies": {
"coveralls": "^3.0.0",
"istanbul": "^0.4.5",
"mocha-lcov-reporter": "^1.3.0",
"request": "^2.81.0",

@@ -11,0 +16,0 @@ "underscore": "^1.8.3",

@@ -0,1 +1,5 @@

![npm downloads](
![testing status](
![code coverage](
# Binance

@@ -80,59 +84,689 @@ A wrapper for the Binance REST and WebSocket APIs. Uses both promises and callbacks, and beautifies the

[allPrices([callback _function_])](
### **[allPrices([callback _function_])](**
[allBookTickersTi([callback _function_])](
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
price: '0.04789700'
symbol: 'LTCBTC',
price: '0.01885200'
[ping([callback _function_])](
### **[allBookTickers([callback _function_])](**
[time([callback _function_])](
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
bidPrice: '0.04790000',
bidQty: '15.00000000',
askPrice: '0.04801200',
askQty: '13.86000000'
symbol: 'LTCBTC',
bidPrice: '0.01885200',
bidQty: '3.13000000',
askPrice: '0.01889000',
askQty: '0.07000000'
[depth(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
### **[ping([callback _function_])](**
[aggTrades(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
[klines(query _object_, [callback _function_])](
### **[time([callback _function_])](**
[ticker24hr(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
{ serverTime: 1513800453289 }
[newOrder(query _object_, [callback _function_])](
### **[depth(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
[testOrder(query _object_, [callback _function_])]( - If this ends up making a real order it's the API, not this library
Query Parameters
[queryOrder(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
| Name | Type | Details |
| symbol | string | |
| limit *(optional)* | integer | Default and maximum of 100 |
[cancelOrder(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
lastUpdateId: 52347642,
bids: [
'0.04838500', // Price
'0.18400000', // Quantity
[] // Ignored
asks: [
[openOrders(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
### **[aggTrades(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
[allOrders(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
Query Parameters
[account(query _object_, [callback _function_])](
| Name | Type | Details |
| symbol | string | |
| fromId *(optional)* | long | include to retrieve trades with ID >= fromId |
| startTime *(optional)* | long | Timestamp in ms, include to retrieve trade.timestamp >= startTime |
| endTime *(optional)* | long | Timestamp in ms, include to retrieve trade.timestamp <= endTime |
| limit *(optional)* | integer | Default and maximum of 500 |
[myTrades(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
aggTradeId: 7891757,
price: '0.04840900',
quantity: '0.02800000',
firstTradeId: 8516629,
lastTradeId: 8516629,
timestamp: 1513801086350,
maker: false,
bestPriceMatch: true
aggTradeId: 7891758,
price: '0.04841100',
quantity: '0.10600000',
firstTradeId: 8516630,
lastTradeId: 8516630,
timestamp: 1513801086350,
maker: false,
bestPriceMatch: true
[withdraw(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
### **[klines(query _object_, [callback _function_])](**
[withdrawHistory(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
Query Parameters
[depositHistory(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
[depositAddress(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
| interval | string | Options: 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 1d, 3d, 1w, 1M |
| startTime *(optional)* | long | Timestamp in ms |
| endTime *(optional)* | long | Timestamp in ms |
| limit *(optional)* | integer | Default and maximum of 500 |
[startUserDataStream([callback _function_])](
openTime: 1513802580000,
open: '0.04837200',
high: '0.04859200',
low: '0.04837000',
close: '0.04837100',
volume: '181.69100000',
closeTime: 1513802639999,
quoteAssetVolume: '8.79608770',
trades: 249,
takerBaseAssetVolume: '75.74200000',
takerQuoteAssetVolume: '3.67104146',
ignored: '0'
openTime: 1513802640000,
open: '0.04837100',
high: '0.04850100',
low: '0.04837000',
close: '0.04837200',
volume: '93.56300000',
closeTime: 1513802699999,
quoteAssetVolume: '4.53177905',
trades: 149,
takerBaseAssetVolume: '20.14700000',
takerQuoteAssetVolume: '0.97561723',
ignored: '0'
[keepAliveUserDataStream(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
### **[ticker24hr(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
[closeUserDataStream(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
priceChange: '0.00177600',
priceChangePercent: '3.809',
weightedAvgPrice: '0.04668755',
prevClosePrice: '0.04662400',
lastPrice: '0.04840000',
lastQty: '4.91500000',
bidPrice: '0.04831400',
bidQty: '0.76500000',
askPrice: '0.04844200',
askQty: '7.13800000',
openPrice: '0.04662400',
highPrice: '0.04900000',
lowPrice: '0.04400000',
volume: '306627.07000000',
quoteVolume: '14315.66748465',
openTime: 1513716659596,
closeTime: 1513803059596,
firstId: 8168545,
lastId: 8523993,
count: 355449
### **[newOrder(query _object_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
| side | enum | BUY, SELL |
| type | enum | LIMIT, MARKET |
| timeInForce | enum | GTC, IOC (Good till cancelled, Immediate or Cancel) |
| quantity | decimal | |
| price | decimal | |
| newClientOrderId *(optional)* | string | A unique id for the order, will be generated if not sent |
| stopPrice *(optional)* | decimal | Used with stop orders |
| icebergQty *(optional)* | decimal | Used with iceberg orders |
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"orderId": 1,
"clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
"transactTime": 1499827319559
### **[testOrder(query _object_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
| side | enum | BUY, SELL |
| type | enum | LIMIT, MARKET |
| timeInForce | enum | GTC, IOC (Good till cancelled, Immediate or Cancel) |
| quantity | decimal | |
| price | decimal | |
| newClientOrderId *(optional)* | string | A unique id for the order, will be generated if not sent |
| stopPrice *(optional)* | decimal | Used with stop orders |
| icebergQty *(optional)* | decimal | Used with iceberg orders |
### **[queryOrder(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
| orderId *(optional)* | long | If not present, origClientOrderId must be sent |
| origClientOrderId *(optional)* | string | If not present, orderId must be sent |
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"orderId": 1,
"clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
"price": "0.1",
"origQty": "1.0",
"executedQty": "0.0",
"status": "NEW",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"type": "LIMIT",
"side": "BUY",
"stopPrice": "0.0",
"icebergQty": "0.0",
"time": 1499827319559
### **[cancelOrder(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
| orderId *(optional)* | long | If not present, origClientOrderId must be sent |
| origClientOrderId *(optional)* | string | If not present, orderId must be sent |
| newClientOrderId *(optional)* | string | Used to uniquely identify this cancel, generated by default |
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"origClientOrderId": "myOrder1",
"orderId": 1,
"clientOrderId": "cancelMyOrder1"
### **[openOrders(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"orderId": 1,
"clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
"price": "0.1",
"origQty": "1.0",
"executedQty": "0.0",
"status": "NEW",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"type": "LIMIT",
"side": "BUY",
"stopPrice": "0.0",
"icebergQty": "0.0",
"time": 1499827319559
### **[allOrders(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
| orderId *(optional)* | long | If set, retrieve orders with ID >= orderId, otherwise most recent are returned |
| limit *(optional)* | integer | Default and maximum of 500 |
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"orderId": 1,
"clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
"price": "0.1",
"origQty": "1.0",
"executedQty": "0.0",
"status": "NEW",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"type": "LIMIT",
"side": "BUY",
"stopPrice": "0.0",
"icebergQty": "0.0",
"time": 1499827319559
### **[account(query _object_, [callback _function_])](**
"makerCommission": 15,
"takerCommission": 15,
"buyerCommission": 0,
"sellerCommission": 0,
"canTrade": true,
"canWithdraw": true,
"canDeposit": true,
"updateTime": 1502765854332,
"balances": [
"asset": "BTC",
"free": "4723846.89208129",
"locked": "0.00000000"
### **[myTrades(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| symbol | string | |
| fromId *(optional)* | long | TradeId to fetch from. Retrieves most recent trades by default |
| limit *(optional)* | integer | Default and maximum of 500 |
id: 1068299,
orderId: 5496403,
price: '0.00050431',
qty: '30.00000000',
commission: '0.00001513',
commissionAsset: 'BTC',
time: 1513275761857,
isBuyer: false,
isMaker: false,
isBestMatch: true
### **[withdraw(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| asset | string | |
| address | string | |
| addressTag *(optional)* | string | Secondary address identifier for coins like XRP, XMR, etc... |
| amount | decimal | |
| name *(optional)* | string | Description of the address |
"msg": "success",
"success": true,
"id": "7213fea8e94b4a5593d507237e5a555b"
### **[withdrawHistory(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| asset *(optional)* | string | |
| status *(optional)* | integer | { 0: 'Email Sent', 1: 'Cancelled', 2: 'Awaiting Approval', 3: 'Rejected', 4: 'Processing', 5: 'Failure', 6: 'Completed' } |
| startTime *(optional)* | long | Timestamp in ms |
| endTime *(optional)* | long | Timestamp in ms |
"withdrawList": [
"id": "7213fea8e94b4a5593d507237e5a555b"
"amount": 1,
"address": "0x6915f16f8791d0a1cc2bf47c13a6b2a92000504b",
"asset": "ETH",
"txId": "0xdf33b22bdb2b28b1f75ccd201a4a4m6e7g83jy5fc5d5a9d1340961598cfcb0a1",
"applyTime": 1508198532000,
"status": 4
"success": true
### **[depositHistory(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| asset *(optional)* | string | |
| status *(optional)* | integer | { 0: 'Pending', 1: 'Success' } |
| startTime *(optional)* | long | Timestamp in ms |
| endTime *(optional)* | long | Timestamp in ms |
"depositList": [
"insertTime": 1508298532000,
"amount": 1000,
"asset": "XMR",
"address": "463tWEBn5XZJSxLU34r6g7h8jtxuNcDbjLSjkn3XAXHCbLrTTErJrBWYgHJQyrCwkNgYvyV3z8zctJLPCZy24jvb3NiTcTJ",
"addressTag": "342341222",
"txId": "b3c6219639c8ae3f9cf010cdc24fw7f7yt8j1e063f9b4bd1a05cb44c4b6e2509",
"status": 1
"success": true
### **[depositAddress(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
Query Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| asset | string | |
"address": "0x6915f16f8791d0a1cc2bf47c13a6b2a92000504b",
"success": true,
"addressTag": "1231212",
"asset": "BNB"
### **[startUserDataStream([callback _function_])](**
{ "listenKey": "pqia91ma19a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1" }
### **[keepAliveUserDataStream(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
### **[closeUserDataStream(query _object|string_, [callback _function_])](**
# WebSocket APIs
[onDepthUpdate(symbol, eventHandler)]( - Returns the websocket, an instance of
### **[onDepthUpdate(symbol, eventHandler)](**
[onKline(symbol, interval, eventHandler)]( - Returns the websocket, an instance of
Function call returns the websocket, an instance of
[onAggTrade(symbol, eventHandler)]( - Returns the websocket, an instance of
eventType: 'depthUpdate',
eventTime: 1513807798461,
symbol: 'BNBBTC',
U: 17962354,
updateId: 17962357, // syncs with updateId on depth route
bidDepthDelta: [
price: '0.00031239',
quantity: '0.00000000', //quantity of 0 means remove it
ignored: []
askDepthDelta: [
price: '0.00031388',
quantity: '0.00000000',
ignored: []
[onUserData(binanceRest, eventHandler, [interval])]( - Will return the websocket via promise, **interval** defaults to 60000, is the amount of time between calls made to keep the user stream alive, **binanceRest** should be an instance of BinanceRest that will be used to get the listenKey and keep the stream alive
### **[onKline(symbol, interval, eventHandler)](**
Returns the websocket, an instance of
eventType: 'kline',
eventTime: 1513808234049,
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
startTime: 1513808220000,
endTime: 1513808279999,
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
interval: '1m',
firstTradeId: 8542266,
lastTradeId: 8542357,
open: '0.04854000',
close: '0.04865100',
high: '0.04865200',
low: '0.04854000',
volume: '53.30600000',
trades: 92,
final: false,
quoteVolume: '2.59145375',
volumeActive: '41.01100000',
quoteVolumeActive: '1.99422739',
ignored: '0'
### **[onAggTrade(symbol, eventHandler)](**
Returns the websocket, an instance of
eventType: 'aggTrade',
eventTime: 1513808427335,
symbol: 'ETHBTC',
tradeId: 7915993,
price: '0.04858100',
quantity: '0.06100000',
firstTradeId: 8543066,
lastTradeId: 8543066,
time: 1513808427329,
maker: false,
ignored: true
### **[onUserData(binanceRest, eventHandler, [interval])](**
Will return the websocket via promise, **interval** defaults to 60000, is the amount of time between calls made to keep the user stream alive, **binanceRest** should be an instance of BinanceRest that will be used to get the listenKey and keep the stream alive
eventType: 'executionReport',
eventTime: 1513808673916,
symbol: 'IOTABTC',
newClientOrderId: '81gmMRozYdU73D27Ho1W1K',
side: 'SELL',
orderType: 'LIMIT',
cancelType: 'GTC',
quantity: '10.00000000',
price: '0.00030120',
P: '0.00000000',
F: '0.00000000',
g: -1,
C: 'null',
executionType: 'TRADE',
orderStatus: 'FILLED',
rejectReason: 'NONE',
orderId: 9409314,
lastTradeQuantity: '10.00000000',
accumulatedQuantity: '10.00000000',
lastTradePrice: '0.00030120',
commission: '0.00000301',
commissionAsset: 'BTC',
tradeTime: 1513808673912,
tradeId: 3023119,
I: 21799081,
w: false,
maker: true,
M: true
eventType: 'outboundAccountInfo',
eventTime: 1513808673916,
makerCommission: 10,
takerCommission: 10,
buyerCommission: 0,
sellerCommission: 0,
canTrade: true,
canWithdraw: true,
canDeposit: true,
balances: [
asset: 'BTC',
availableBalance: '0.00301025',
onOrderBalance: '0.00000000'
# License

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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