Node Bintray
CLI and programmatic API client for
Bintray is free social service for easy OSS software packages distribution
Bintray offers developers the fastest way to publish and consume OSS software releases. Whether you are distributing software packages or downloading ones.
Click here for more information
For CLI usage, is preferably you install the package globally
$ npm install bintray -g
Otherwise for JavaScript usage from your package you should install it locally
$ npm install bintray --save
For full API usage, you must create an account at
When you get the account, go to your user profile, click in Edit
and then click in API key
option menu for getting your API token.
For easy automation, usage from other languages or from your shell scripts you can use the full supported command-line interface:
$ bintray --help
Usage: bintray [options] [command]
auth [options]
Defines the Bintray authentication credentials
package [options] <action> <organization> <repository> [pkgname] [pkgfile]
Get, update, delete or create packages. Authentication is required
search [options] <type> <query>
Search packages, repositories, files, users or attributes
repositories [options] <organization> [repository]
Get information about one or more repositories. Authentication is optional
user [options] <username> [action]
Get information about a user. Authentication is required
webhook [options] <action> <organization> [repository] [pkgname]
Manage webhooks. Authentication is required
package-version [options] <action> <organization> <repository> <pkgname> [versionfile]
Get, create, delete or update package versions. Authentication is required
files [options] <action> <organization> <repository> <pkgname>
Upload or publish packages. Authentication is required
sign [options] <organization> <repository> <pkgname> <passphrase>
Sign files and packages versions with GPG. Authentication is required
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
Usage Examples:
$ bintray auth set -u username -k apikey
$ bintray search package node.js -o myOrganization
$ bintray repositories organizationName
$ bintray files publish myorganization myrepository mypackage -n 0.1.0
Stores the authentication credentials
$ bintray auth -u myuser -k myapikey
Available options for the auth
Usage: auth [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-c, --clean Clean the stored authentication credentials
-s, --show Show current stored authentication credentials
-u, --username <username> Bintray username
-k, --apikey <apikey> User API key
Usage examples:
$ bintray auth -u myuser -k myapikey
$ bintray auth --show
Programmatic API
The current implementation only supports the REST API version 1.0
For more information about the current API stage, see the Bintray API documentation
Basic example usage
var Bintray = require('bintray');
var repository = new Bintray({
username: 'username',
apikey: 'apiKeyToken',
organization: 'my-packages',
repository: 'stable'
var myPackage = {
name: 'node',
desc: 'Node.js event-based server-side JavaScript engine',
labels: ['JavaScript', 'Server-side', 'Node'],
licenses: ['MIT']
.then(function(response) {
console.log('Package registered: ', response.code);
.then(function (response) {
}, function(error) {
console.error('Cannot create the package: ', error.code);
new Bintray (options[Object])
Creates a new Bintray instance for working with the API
Autentication is optional for some resources (see documentation)
var Bintray = require('bintray')
var myRepository = new Bintray({
username: 'username',
apikey: 'apiKeyToken',
organization: 'my-packages',
repository: 'stable'
Available config options:
[String] Bintray usernameapikey
[String] Bintray API key tokenorganization
[String] Bintray organization or subject identifierrepository
[String] Repository name to usedebug
[Boolean] Enables de console verbose modebaseUrl
[String] REST API base URL (just for testing)
You can get the current API version from the following static Object property
$ bintray repositories --help
Usage: repositories <organization> [repository]
-h, --help output usage information
-u, --username <username> Defines the authentication username
-k, --apikey <apikey> Defines the authentication API key
-r, --raw Outputs the raw response (JSON)
-d, --debug Enables the verbose/debug output mode
Usage examples:
$ bintray repositories organizationName
$ bintray repositories organizationName repoName
getRepositories ()
Get a list of repos writeable by subject (personal or organizational) This resource does not require authentication
Link to documentation
getRepository ()
Get general information about a repository of the specified user
Link to documentation
selectRepository (repositoryName)
Switch to another repository
selectSubject (subject)
Switch to another subject
Usage: package <list|info|create|delete|update|url> <organization> <repository> [pkgname] [pkgfile]?
-h, --help output usage information
-s, --start-pos [number] [list] Packages list start position
-n, --start-name [prefix] [list] Packages start name prefix filter
-t, --description <description> [create|update] Package description
-l, --labels <labels> [create|update] Package labels comma separated
-x, --licenses <licenses> [create|update] Package licenses comma separated
-z, --norepository [url] Get package URL from any repository
-u, --username <username> Defines the authentication username
-k, --apikey <apikey> Defines the authentication API key
-r, --raw Outputs the raw response (JSON)
-d, --debug Enables the verbose/debug output mode
Usage examples:
$ bintray package list myorganization myrepository
$ bintray package get myorganization myrepository mypackage
$ bintray package create myorganization myrepository mypackage \
--description 'My package' --labels 'package,binary' --licenses 'MIT,AGPL'
$ bintray package delete myorganization myrepository mypackage
getPackages ([start = 0, startName])
Get general information about a specified package. This resource does not require authentication
Link to documentation
getPackage (packageName)
Get general information about a specified package. This resource is rate limit free
Link to documentation
createPackage (packageObject)
Creates a new package in the specified repo (user has to be an owner of the repo)
Link to documentation
deletePackage (packageName)
Delete the specified package
Link to documentation
updatePackage (packageName, packageObject)
Update the information of the specified package.
Creates a new package in the specified repo (user has to be an owner of the repo)
Link to documentation
getPackageUrl (packageName[, repository])
Get the package download URL
Package versions
$ bintray package-version --help
Usage: package-version <get|create|delete|update> <organization> <repository> <pkgname>
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --version <version> Use a specific package version
-c, --release-notes <notes> [create] Add release note comment
-w, --url <url> [create] Add a releases URL notes/changelog
-t, --date <date>
[create] Released date in ISO8601 format (optional)
-f, --file <path>
[create|update] Path to JSON package version manifest file
-u, --username <username> Defines the authentication username
-k, --apikey <apikey> Defines the authentication API key
-r, --raw Outputs the raw response (JSON)
-d, --debug Enables the verbose/debug output mode
Usage examples:
$ bintray package-version get myorganization myrepository mypackage
$ bintray package-version delete myorganization myrepository mypackage -n 0.1.0
$ bintray package-version create myorganization myrepository mypackage \
-n 0.1.0 -c 'Releases notes...' -w ''
$ bintray package-version update myorganization myrepository mypackage \
-n 0.1.0 -c 'My new releases notes' -w ''
getPackageVersion (packageName, version = '_latest')
Get general information about a specified version, or query for the latest version
Link to documentation
createPackageVersion (packageName, versionObject)
Creates a new version in the specified package (user has to be owner of the package)
Link to documentation
deletePackageVersion (packageName, version)
Delete the specified version Published versions may be deleted within 30 days from their publish date.
Link to documentation
updatePackageVersion (packageName, version)
Update the information of the specified version
Link to documentation
getVersionAttrs (packageName, attributes, version = '_latest')
Get attributes associated with the specified package or version. If no attribute names are specified, return all attributes.
Link to documentation
setPackageAttrs (packageName, attributesObj [, version])
Associate attributes with the specified package or version, overriding all previous attributes.
Link to documentation
updatePackageAttrs (packageName, attributesObj [, version])
Update attributes associated with the specified package or version.
Link to documentation
deletePackageAttrs (packageName, names [, version])
Delete attributes associated with the specified repo, package or version. If no attribute names are specified, delete all attributes
Link to documentation
$ bintray search --help
Usage: search <package|user|attribute|repository|file> <query> [options]?
-h, --help output usage information
-d, --desc Descendent search results
-o, --organization <name>
[packages|attributes] Search only packages for the given organization
-r, --repository <name>
[packages|attributes] Search only packages for the given repository (requires -o param)
-f, --filter <value>
[attributes] Attribute filter rule string or JSON file path with filters
-p, --pkgname <package>
[attributes] Search attributes on a specific package
-c, --checksum
Query search like MD5 file checksum
-u, --username <username>
Defines the authentication username
-k, --apikey <apikey>
Defines the authentication API key
-r, --raw
Outputs the raw response (JSON)
-d, --debug
Enables the verbose/debug output mode
Usage examples:
$ bintray search user john
$ bintray search package node.js -o myOrganization
$ bintray search repository reponame
$ bintray search attribute os -f 'linux'
$ bintray search file packageName -h 'linux'
$ bintray search file d8578edf8458ce06fbc5bb76a58c5ca4 --checksum
searchRepository (repositoryName, description)
Search for a repository. At least one of the name and description search fields need to be specified. Returns an array of results, where elements are similar to the result of getting a single repository.
Link to documentation
searchPackage (packageName, description [, subject = current, repository])
Search for a package. At least one of the name and description search fields need to be specified. May take an optional single subject name and if specified, and optional (exact) repo name. Returns an array of results, where elements are similar to the result of getting a single package.
Link to documentation
searchUser (packageName)
Link to documentation
searchAttributes (attributesObj, name)
Search for packages/versions inside a given repository matching a set of attributes.
Link to documentation
searchFile (filename [, repository])
Search for a file by its name. name can take the * and ? wildcard characters. May take an optional (exact) repo name to search in.
Link to documentation
searchFileChecksum (hash [, repository])
Search for a file by its sha1 checksum. May take an optional repo name to search in.
Link to documentation
$ bintray user --help
Usage: user <username> [action]
-h, --help output usage information
-u, --username <username> Defines the authentication username
-k, --apikey <apikey> Defines the authentication API key
-s, --start-pos [number] Followers list start position
-r, --raw Outputs the raw response (JSON)
-d, --debug Enables the verbose/debug output mode
Usage examples:
$ bintray user john
$ bintray user john followers -s 1
getUser (username)
Get general information about a specified repository owner
Link to documentation
getUserFollowers (username [, startPosition = 0])
Get followers of the specified repository owner
Link to documentation
$ bintray files --help
Usage: files <upload|publish|maven> <organization> <repository> <pkgname>
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --version <version>
[publish|upload] Upload a specific package version
-e, --explode Explode package
-h, --publish Publish package
-x, --discard [publish] Discard package
-f, --local-file <path>
[upload|maven] Package local path to upload
-p, --remote-path <path>
[upload|maven] Repository remote path to upload the package
-u, --username <username> Defines the authentication username
-k, --apikey <apikey> Defines the authentication API key
-r, --raw Outputs the raw response (JSON)
-d, --debug Enables the verbose/debug output mode
Usage examples:
$ bintray files upload myorganization myrepository mypackage \
-n 0.1.0 -f files/mypackage-0.1.0.tar.gz -p /files/x86/mypackage/ --publish
$ bintray files publish myorganization myrepository mypackage -n 0.1.0
uploadPackage (name, version, filePath [, remotePath = '/', publish = true, explode = false, mimeType = 'application/octet-stream'])
Upload content to the specified repository path, with package and version information (both required).
Link to documentation
mavenUpload (name, version, filePath [, remotePath = '/', publish = true, explode = false, mimeType = 'application/octet-stream'])
Link to documentation
publishPackage (name, version [, discard = false])
Publish all unpublished content for a user’s package version. Returns the number of published files. Optionally, pass in a "discard” flag to discard any unpublished content, instead of publishing.
Link to documentation
$ bintray webhook --help
Usage: webhook <list|create|test|delete> <organization> [respository] [pkgname]
-h, --help output usage information
-w, --url <url>
Callback URL. May contain the %r and %p tokens for repo and package name
-m, --method <method>
HTTP request method for the callback URL. Defaults to POST
-n, --version <version> Use a specific package version
-u, --username <username> Defines the authentication username
-k, --apikey <apikey> Defines the authentication API key
-r, --raw Outputs the raw response (JSON)
-d, --debug Enables the verbose/debug output mode
Usage examples:
$ bintray webhook list myorganization myrepository
$ bintray webhook create myorganization myrepository mypackage \
-w '' -m 'GET'
$ bintray webhook test myorganization myrepository mypackage -n '0.1.0'
$ bintray webhook delete myorganization myrepository mypackage
getWebhooks (repositoryName)
Get all the webhooks registered for the specified subject, optionally for a specific repository.
Link to documentation
createWebhook (packageName, configObject)
Register a webhook for receiving notifications on a new package release. By default a user can register up to 10 webhook callbacks.
Link to documentation
testWebhook (packageName, version, configObject)
Test a webhook callback for the specified package release.
A webhook post request is authenticated with a authentication header that is the HMAC-MD5 of the registering subject’s API key seeded with package name, base64-encoded UTF-8 string.
Link to documentation
deleteWebhook (packageName)
Delete a webhook associated with the specified package.
Link to documentation
$ bintray sing --help
Usage: sign <organization> <repository> <pkgname> <passphrase>
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --version <version> Defines a specific package version
-u, --username <username> Defines the authentication username
-k, --apikey <apikey> Defines the authentication API key
-r, --raw Outputs the raw response (JSON)
-d, --debug Enables the verbose/debug output mode
Usage examples:
$ bintray sign myorganization myrepository mypackage mypassphrasevalue -n 0.1.0
$ bintray sign myorganization myrepository /my/file/path.tag.gz mypassphrasevalue
signFile (remotePath [, passphrase])
GPG sign the specified repository file. This operation requires enabling GPG signing on the targeted repo.
Link to documentation
signVersion (packageName, version [, passphrase])
GPG sign all files associated with the specified version.
Link to documentation
Rate limits
getRateLimit ()
Returns the total daily avaiable requests rate limit (defaults to 300)
getRateLimitRemaining ()
Returns the remaining API calls available for the current user
For more information about the usage limits, take a look to the documentation
Promises API
The library uses a promise-based wrapper elegant and made easy way to manage async tasks. It uses internally Q.js
The promise resolve/error object has the following members:
The HTTP response body or error message. It can be an object if it was served as application/json mime typecode
The HTTP response status codestatus
The HTTP status stringresponse
The HTTP native response object
Clone the repository
$ git clone && cd node-bintray
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Compile and test (you should have installed grunt-cli as global package)
$ npm test
Add mock test cases in test/mocks/ like JSON data collection
- First release (still beta)
- Better HTTP response error handling and messages
- Upload progress status (chunk data)
- More tests and mocks for error cases
- Package creation process via prompt
Code under MIT license