What is bintrees?
The bintrees npm package provides data structures for binary search trees, including Red-Black trees and Splay trees. These structures are useful for efficiently storing and retrieving ordered data.
What are bintrees's main functionalities?
Red-Black Tree
This feature allows you to create and manipulate a Red-Black tree, which is a balanced binary search tree. The code sample demonstrates how to create a Red-Black tree, insert elements, and find an element.
const { RBTree } = require('bintrees');
const tree = new RBTree((a, b) => a - b);
console.log(tree.find(3)); // Output: 3
console.log(tree.size); // Output: 3
Splay Tree
This feature allows you to create and manipulate a Splay tree, which is a self-adjusting binary search tree. The code sample demonstrates how to create a Splay tree, insert elements, and find an element.
const { SplayTree } = require('bintrees');
const tree = new SplayTree((a, b) => a - b);
console.log(tree.find(3)); // Output: 3
console.log(tree.size); // Output: 3
Other packages similar to bintrees
The avl package provides an implementation of AVL trees, which are another type of self-balancing binary search tree. Compared to bintrees, avl focuses specifically on AVL trees, which may offer different performance characteristics depending on the use case.
The js-sdsl package offers a variety of data structures, including Red-Black trees and other balanced trees. It provides a more comprehensive set of data structures compared to bintrees, which focuses specifically on Red-Black and Splay trees.
The functional-red-black-tree package provides an immutable Red-Black tree implementation. This package is useful for functional programming paradigms, offering immutability features that bintrees does not provide.
Binary Trees
This package provides Binary and Red-Black Search Trees written in Javascript. It is released under the MIT License.
Binary Search Trees are a good way to store data in sorted order. A Red-Black tree is a variation of a Binary Tree that balances itself.
Algorithms were taken from Julienne Walker: http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/jsw_home.aspx
- BinTree - Binary Search Tree
- RBTree - Red-Black Tree
var Tree = require('bintrees').RBTree;
see /test/test_simple.js for more info
In the browser:
see /test/test.html for more info
Requires 1 argument: a comparator function f(a,b) which returns:
- 0 if a == b
0 if a > b
- <0 if a < b
- insert(item)
- remove(item)
- clear()
- find(item)
- min()
- max()
- each(f)
- reach(f)
- iterator()
See the comments inside the lib directory for more info.
tree.iterator() will return a null-iterator. On a null iterator,
- next() will return the first element in the tree
- prev() will return the last element in the tree
- next() will return the next element
- prev() will return the previous element
When iteration reaches the end, the iterator becomes a null-iterator again.
Forward iteration example:
var it=tree.iterator(), item;
while((item = it.next()) !== null) {
// do stuff with item
If you are iterating forward through the tree, you can always call prev() to go back, and vice versa.