Bitcoin|Computer is a library for running smart contracts on BitcoinSV and Bitcoin Cash. For details check out the Bitcoin|Computer docs.
Run in Node
In an empty directory run npm init -y && npm i -s bitcoin-computer
Create index.mjs
as shown below. Replace the string "replace this seed" with your own seed phrase (eg from your wallet or from here).
import Computer from 'bitcoin-computer'
// the smart contract
class Counter {
constructor() { this.n = 0 }
inc() { this.n += 1 }
// run the smart contract
;(async () => {
const computer = new Computer({
seed: 'replace this seed',
chain: 'BSV' // 'BSV' and 'BCH' are currently supported
const counter = await, [])
Run the contract using node --experimental-modules index.mjs
. You will get an error message "Insufficient balance in address <your_address>"
Send a small amount of Bitcoin Cash to <your_address>, eg from a Bitcoin Cash Faucet. Run the contract again and if it worked you will see:
Counter {
n: 1,
_owners: [ '028b43c3e12159179c...' ],
_amount: 2000
Congrats, you are now one of the first people to ever to run a smart contract on Bitcoin! Now go ahead and change the program above to create your own smart contract.
Run in the Browser
Create file .babelrc
"presets": [ "@babel/preset-env" ],
"plugins": [ [ "@babel/transform-runtime" ] ]
Create file index.html
<script src="./index.js"></script>
<div id='el'></div>
Create file index.js
import Computer from 'bitcoin-computer';
class Counter {
constructor() { this.n = 0 }
inc() { this.n += 1 }
; (async () => {
const computer = new Computer({
seed: 'replace this seed',
chain: 'BCH' // 'BSV' and 'BCH' are currently supported
const counter = await, [])
document.getElementById("el").innerHTML = `Counter is ${counter.n}`;
document.getElementById("el").innerHTML = `Counter is ${counter.n}`;
Run the following in an empty directory
npm init -y
npm i -s bitcoin-computer
npm i -g parcel-bundler
npm i -s @babel/runtime
npm i -d @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
parcel index.html
Open your browser at http://localhost:1234
. See the instructions for how to pick your own seed phrase and how to deal with the error message "Insufficient balance in address <your_address>"
You can find more information in the Bitcoin|Computer Docs
Getting Help
Bitcoin|Computer is in alpha stage, so there will be bugs. If you have any issues, please