NodeJS process designed to run on top of (ndt)[]
We assume you already have bitcoind installed and available on your system.
We also assume you already have node and npm installed and available.
Next we want daemontools to run ndt.
On Debian (adapt as neccessary)
$ apt-get install daemontools daemontools-run
$ ln -s /etc/service /service
Now we need ndt and bitcoind-watchdog
$ npm -g install ndt bitcoind-watchdog
Now we want ndt to use bitcoind watchdog or you can use it in the foreground
$ bitcoind-watchdog -i 300 //restart every 300 seconds 5 mins
<ctl + c to shutdown>
We need to setup ndt for this
$ mkdir /opt/bitcoind-watchdog
$ cd /opt/bitcoind-watchdog
Make `/opt/bitcoind-watchdog/dt.json` like so
"name": "bitcoind-watchdog",
"cwd": "/opt/bitcoind-watchdog",
"user": "root",
"command": "bitcoind-watchdog",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "production"
"log": {
"user": "root",
"command": "multilog s16777215 t /opt/bitcoind-watchdog/log"
Now install it
$ cd /opt/bitcoind-watchdog
$ ndt install
$ ndt save
It should be running now see tail -f /opt/bitcoind-watchdog/log/current
This will now start on reboots and automatically watch and restart the process.