blake - generate site
![David DM](
The blake
Node.js module provides a simple, blog aware infrastructure to generate static sites. For unrestricted choice of input formats and template languages, blake
confines itself to IO and template routing; it delegates artifact generation to user-written functions.
CLI Usage
blake source_directory target_directory
blake source_directory target_directory source_file ...
In the first synopsis form, blake
writes all files generated from input data in the source_directory
to the target_directory
. In the second synopsis form, output is generated from the specified source files only.
Library Usage
Generate from directory
var blake = require('blake')
, source = 'blake-site'
, target = '/tmp/blake-site'
, join = require('path').join
, Reader = require('fstream').Reader
, props = { path:join(source, 'data') }
, cop = require('cop')
new Reader(props)
.pipe(blake(source, target))
.pipe(cop(function (filename) { return filename + '\n' }))
Copy static resources and generate from directory
var blake = require('blake')
, join = require('path').join
, source = join(process.cwd(), './blake-site')
, target = '/tmp/blake-site'
, Reader = require('fstream').Reader
, props = { path:join(source, 'data') }
, cop = require('cop')
, copy = require('../lib/copy.js')
copy(join(source, 'resources'), target)
.on('error', console.error)
.on('end', function () {
new Reader(props)
.pipe(blake(source, target))
.pipe(cop(function (filename) { return filename + '\n' }))
Generate from files
var blake = require('blake')
, cop = require('cop')
, readArray = require('event-stream').readArray
, filenames = ['first/file', 'second/file', 'third/file']
, source = 'source_directory'
, target = 'target_directory'
.pipe(blake(source, target))
.pipe(cop(function (filename) { return filename + '\n' }))
Generate and push to S3
Since the blake
function returns a Transform stream that emits the paths of the generated artifacts, we can pipe to pushup, and upload the files directly to S3.
var resolve = require('path').resolve
, cop = require('cop')
, getProps = require('pushup/lib/getProps')
, blake = require('blake')
, pushup = require('pushup')
, Reader = require('fstream').Reader
, sep = require('path').sep
, source = 'source_directory'
, target = '/tmp/target_directory'
, reader = new Reader({ path:resolve(source, 'data') })
, props = getProps()
.pipe(blake(source, target))
function adjustPath (p) {
return p.split(sep).slice(3).join(sep)
blake(source, target)
The blake
module exports a single function that returns a Transform stream. While writing source filenames to it, you can read target filenames (of written arfifacts) from it.
The source
The target directory.
requires a configuration module at source_directory/config.js
, which exports paths
, and views
, a map of generator functions:
exports.paths = {
data: 'data'
, templates: 'templates'
, resources: 'resources'
, posts: 'data/posts'
exports.views = {
'rss.jade': require('./rss.js')
, 'article.jade': require('./article.js')
, 'home.jade': require('./home.js')
, 'about.jade': require('./about.js')
, 'archive.jade': require('./archive.js')
The paths
object defines input paths, with two required directories: data
and templates
. From data
blake loads general input data, templates
is the directory for templates. The two optional directories are resources
and posts
. The content of resources
is copied to the target_directory' unchanged. The
posts` directory hosts blog posts.
The views
object is a map of user-written functions that implement the actual generation of output artifacts. Here, these functions are mapped by template name.
At the top of each input file blake expects a JSON string that is interpreted as header providing transformation parameters. Besides it can contain additional user defined data—the item
parameter, passed to the view functions, provides a reference to the raw header. Input data for a blog entry could look like so:
"title": "Example",
"description": "An example article",
"template": "article.jade",
"date": "2012-03-21"
<The content of the example article.>
The end of the header is marked by an empty line. Everything that follows is interpreted as content and is passed to the views untouched.
JSON at the top of an input file:
"title": "Example",
"description": "An example article",
"template": "article.jade",
"date": "2012-03-21",
"path": "2012/03",
"name": "example"
is the title of the page (optional)description
is the description of the page or rather the post (optional)template
is the filename of the template to use (required)date
is the publish date, if not provided it's set to NOW
is the output path, if not provided the path of the input file is used (optional)name
is used as filename of the output file, if not provided the filename of the input file is used (optional)
The source object, passed to the views, provides a reference to the raw header object. Thus, the header is extendable with arbritrary fields, which can be interpreted by the generators (written by you).
If you decide to mirror the input paths in your output, you can omit path and name. In that case a typical header of a blog post might look like the following:
"title": "Example",
"description": "An example article",
"template": "article.jade",
"date": "2012-03-21",
Input data with this header, located at source_directory/data/posts/2012/03/
, would produce 2012/03/article.html
An input file can consist of just a header (without content) to generate, for example, an RSS feed.
"title": "Blog",
"description": "Stuff I write",
"link": "",
"template": "rss.jade",
"name": "rss.xml"
The views—alternative naming would be: transformers, generators, or bakers—are the functions that generate your artifacts; they have the following signature:
function (item, callback)
The passed in 'item' provides the input data to generate the artifact (or most likely the page).
Here, for example, an item
representing a blog post:
{ header:
{ title: 'Static Websites',
description: '...',
template: 'article.jade',
data: Thu May 17 2012 02:00:00 GMT +0200 (CEST),
path: '2012/05',
name: 'static-websites.html' }
body: '...',
{ target: '/tmp/michaelnisi-site',
resources: '/Users/michael/workspace/michaelnisi/resources',
data: '/Users/michael/workspace/michaelnisi/data',
templates: '/Users/michael/workspace/michaelnisi/templates',
posts: '/Users/michael/workspace/michaelnisi/data/posts' },
title: 'Static Websites',
name: 'static-websites.html',
date: Thu May 17 2012 02:00:00 GMT+0200 (CEST),
templatePath: '/Users/michael/workspace/michaelnisi/templates/article.jade',
path: '/tmp/michaelnisi-site/2012/05/static-websites.html',
link: '2012/05/static-websites',
dateString: 'Thu May 17 2012',
bake: [Function],
template: <Buffer 0a 20 20 20 20 64 69 76 ...> }
To see a simple example:
git clone git://
cd blake/example
npm install
node generate.js
open /tmp/blake-site/index.html
To evaluate a more elaborate example, you might generate my blog, for which I use Jade and Markdown:
npm install -g blake
git clone git://
cd troubled
npm install
blake . /tmp/troubled-site
Of course you can build your site locally, and upload it to your webserver manually; but I recommend to run blake on a server, using post-receive hooks to automatically generate your site, post to each push your input data repository receives.
To use the CLI (as in the above examples):
npm install -g blake
MIT License