Open Source Modular CSS Framework. Blaze is designed to give you structure and a good starting point for your website.
Blaze is available from JSDelivr:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
. . .
Install via NPM
npm install blaze
Install via Bower
bower install blazecss
Small size
When compressed and gzipped the whole framework is only 8.7kb.
You can use any part of Blaze independently, just want to use the Grid? or only need styles for some Toggles? Each part is available as separate CSS files.
If you'd like to suggest new styles or enhancements please raise an issue.
First of all, Pull Requests, suggestions or comments about Blaze are all welcome and valued. To start contributing follow these steps:
Step 1
Fork the repo!
Step 2
Write some code...
Step 3
Submit your Pull Request to our DEV branch so that we can review the code before merging into master.
Sit back
At some point your changes will get merged in and we'll publish a new version! Yay!
Code Conduct
We're all friends! This project adheres to the [Open Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct]. By participating, you are expected to honor this code.