BlinkID SDK wrapper for React Native
This repository contains example wrapper for BlinkID native SDK for Android and iOS. For 100% of features and maximum control, consider using native SDK.
React Native Version
BlinkID React Native was built and tested with React Native v0.48.3
First generate an empty project if needed:
react-native init NameOfYourProject
Add the blinkid-react-native module to your project:
cd <path_to_your_project>
npm i --save blinkid-react-native
Link module with your project:
react-native link blinkid-react-native
Add microblink maven repository to project level build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
// don't forget to add maven and jcenter
// ... other repositories your project needs
maven { url "" }
This repository contains script that will create React Native project and download all of its dependencies. Put that script in your wanted folder and run this command:
iOS Installation and Settings
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like BlinkID in your projects.
- If you wish to use version v1.4.0 or above, you need to install Git Large File Storage by running these comamnds:
brew install git-lfs
git lfs install
- Be sure to restart your console after installing Git LFS
Go to NameOfYourProject/ios folder and create Podfile
pod init
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'TargetName' do
pod 'PPBlinkID', '~> 2.10.0'
After setting Your Podfile, run in terminal
pod install
To run iOS application, open NameOfYourProject.xcworkspace, set Your team for every Target in General settings and add Privacy - Camera Usage Description key to Your info.plist file and press run
To use the module you call it in your or index.ios.js file like the example below:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {BlinkID, MRTDKeys, USDLKeys, EUDLKeys, MYKADKeys} from 'blinkid-react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native';
const licenseKey ={
var renderIf = function(condition, content) {
if (condition) {
return content;
return null;
export default class BlinkIDReactNative extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {showImage: false,
resultImage: '',
results: '',
licenseKeyErrorMessage: ''};
async scan() {
try {
const scanningResult = await BlinkID.scan(
useFrontCamera: false,
shouldReturnCroppedImage: true,
shouldReturnSuccessfulImage: false,
recognizers: [
if (scanningResult) {
let resultList = scanningResult.resultList;
let resultsFormattedText = "";
let fieldDelim = ";\n";
for (let i = 0; i < resultList.length; i++) {
var recognizerResult = resultList[i];
resultsFormattedText += "Result type: " + recognizerResult.resultType + fieldDelim;
if (recognizerResult.resultType == "USDL result") {
var fields = recognizerResult.fields
resultsFormattedText +=
"USDL version: " + fields[USDLKeys.StandardVersionNumber] + fieldDelim +
"Family name: " + fields[USDLKeys.CustomerFamilyName] + fieldDelim +
"First name: " + fields[USDLKeys.CustomerFirstName] + fieldDelim +
"Date of birth: " + fields[USDLKeys.DateOfBirth] + fieldDelim +
"Sex: " + fields[USDLKeys.Sex] + fieldDelim +
"Eye color: " + fields[USDLKeys.EyeColor] + fieldDelim +
"Height: " + fields[USDLKeys.Height] + fieldDelim +
"Street: " + fields[USDLKeys.AddressStreet] + fieldDelim +
"City: " + fields[USDLKeys.AddressCity] + fieldDelim +
"Jurisdiction: " + fields[USDLKeys.AddressJurisdictionCode] + fieldDelim +
"Postal code: " + fields[USDLKeys.AddressPostalCode] + fieldDelim +
"Issue date: " + fields[USDLKeys.DocumentIssueDate] + fieldDelim +
"Expiration date: " + fields[USDLKeys.DocumentExpirationDate] + fieldDelim +
"Issuer ID: " + fields[USDLKeys.IssuerIdentificationNumber] + fieldDelim +
"Jurisdiction version: " + fields[USDLKeys.JurisdictionVersionNumber] + fieldDelim +
"Vehicle class: " + fields[USDLKeys.JurisdictionVehicleClass] + fieldDelim +
"Restrictions: " + fields[USDLKeys.JurisdictionRestrictionCodes] + fieldDelim +
"Endorsments: " + fields[USDLKeys.JurisdictionEndorsementCodes] + fieldDelim +
"Customer ID: " + fields[USDLKeys.CustomerIdNumber] + fieldDelim;
} else if (recognizerResult.resultType == "MRTD result") {
var fields = recognizerResult.fields
resultsFormattedText +=
"Family name: " + fields[MRTDKeys.PrimaryId] + fieldDelim +
"First name: " + fields[MRTDKeys.SecondaryId] + fieldDelim +
"Date of birth: " + fields[MRTDKeys.DateOfBirth] + fieldDelim +
"Sex: " + fields[MRTDKeys.Sex] + fieldDelim +
"Nationality: " + fields[MRTDKeys.Nationality] + fieldDelim +
"Date of Expiry: " + fields[MRTDKeys.DateOfExpiry] + fieldDelim +
"Document Code: " + fields[MRTDKeys.DocumentCode] + fieldDelim +
"Document Number: " + fields[MRTDKeys.DocumentNumber] + fieldDelim +
"Issuer: " + fields[MRTDKeys.Issuer] + fieldDelim +
"Opt1: " + fields[MRTDKeys.Opt1] + fieldDelim +
"Opt2: " + fields[MRTDKeys.Opt2] + fieldDelim;
} else if (recognizerResult.resultType == "EUDL result") {
var fields = recognizerResult.fields
resultsFormattedText +=
"First name: " + fields[EUDLKeys.FirstName] + fieldDelim +
"Last name: " + fields[EUDLKeys.LastName] + fieldDelim +
"Date of Expiry: " + fields[EUDLKeys.ExpiryDate] + fieldDelim +
"Issue Date: " + fields[EUDLKeys.IssueDate] + fieldDelim +
"Driver Number: " + fields[EUDLKeys.DriverNumber] + fieldDelim +
"Address: " + fields[EUDLKeys.Address] + fieldDelim +
"Birth Data: " + fields[EUDLKeys.BirthData] + fieldDelim;
} else if (recognizerResult.resultType == "MyKad result") {
var fields = recognizerResult.fields
resultsFormattedText +=
"Full name: " + fields[MYKADKeys.FullName] + fieldDelim +
"NRIC Number: " + fields[MYKADKeys.NricNumber] + fieldDelim +
"Address: " + fields[MYKADKeys.Address] + fieldDelim +
"City: " + fields[MYKADKeys.AddressCity] + fieldDelim +
"State: " + fields[MYKADKeys.AddressState] + fieldDelim +
"Street: " + fields[MYKADKeys.AddressStreet] + fieldDelim +
"Zip code: " + fields[MYKADKeys.AddressZipCode] + fieldDelim +
"Date of birth: " + fields[MYKADKeys.DateOfBirth] + fieldDelim +
"Religion: " + fields[MYKADKeys.Religion] + fieldDelim +
"Sex: " + fields[MYKADKeys.Sex] + fieldDelim;
} else if (recognizerResult.resultType == "DocumentFace result") {
resultsFormattedText += '\n';
this.setState({ showImage: scanningResult.resultImageCropped, resultImage: 'data:image/jpg;base64,' + scanningResult.resultImageCropped, results: resultsFormattedText});
} catch(error) {
this.setState({ showImage: false, resultImage: '', results: error.message});
render() {
let displayImage = this.state.resultImage;
let displayFields = this.state.results;
let licenseKeyErrorMessage = this.state.licenseKeyErrorMessage;
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.label}>MicroBlink Ltd</Text>
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
<View style={styles.imageContainer}>
source={{uri: displayImage, scale: 3}} style={styles.imageResult}/>
<Text style={styles.results}>{displayFields}</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'column',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF'
label: {
fontSize: 20,
textAlign: 'center',
marginTop: 50
buttonContainer: {
margin: 20
imageContainer: {
flexDirection: 'row',
justifyContent: 'center'
results: {
fontSize: 20,
textAlign: 'center',
margin: 10,
imageResult: {
flex: 1,
flexShrink: 1,
height: 200,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
margin: 10
AppRegistry.registerComponent('BlinkIDReactNative', () => BlinkIDReactNative);
Available recognizers are:
- RECOGNIZER_USDL - scans barcodes located on the back of US driver's license
- RECOGNIZER_MRTD - scans Machine Readable Travel Document, contained in various IDs and passports
- RECOGNIZER_EUDL - scans the front of European driver's license
- RECOGNIZER_MYKAD - scans the front of Malaysian ID
- RECOGNIZER_DOCUMENT_FACE - scans documents with face image and returns document images
Scan method returns scan fields in JSON format and images (image is returned as Base64 encoded JPEG)
- scanningResult.resultList : array of scanning results in JSON format (each activated recognizer can produce its own result)
- scanningResult.resultImageCropped : cropped document image
- scanningResult.resultImageSuccessful : full image on which scan gave valid scanning result
LicenseKey parameter must be provided.
Can I create a custom UI overlay?
Yes you can, but you will have to implement it natively for android and ios, you can see native implementation guides here(Android) and here(ios).