blog-easy-client is a javascript client library for blog-easy which enables us to integrates a full automated blog system to a website without having to write any code.
It consists of :
A javascript client library for the browser (this repository)
- It adds a simple yet powerful Blog content management system (cms) to your client side page
- We can easily add and alter
, Sub-headers
, Paragraphs
, Notes
, List
, images
, code-snippets
and many more elements - It provides a default styling for all the blog elements
- It enables us to customize the styling of all the elements
A Node.js package (for server)
- It can automatically upload, update the post sent by its javascript cms client library
- It provides middlewares for automatic upload, update, search, view all post, view single post, and deletion
- It enables to choose a databse either mongoDB or mysql to store blog data
- It creates search engine friendly content
npm i blog-easy-client
Once you have installed the blog-easy-client library, you can now init the client.
Using CDN
<script src=""></script>
using NPM
import { blogEasy } from 'blog-easy-client'
How to use
wrapper: ,
post: ,
Example for uploading
wrapper: document.getElementById('container'),
post: '/blogPost',
type: 'upload'
Example for editing
wrapper: document.getElementById('container'),
post: '/blogPost',
type: 'edit'
How to style elements
To style elements you need to link your custom CSS and pass the class name to the elements as follow:
wrapper: document.getElementById('container'),
post: '/blogPost',
type: 'upload',
header : 'custom_class_name',
subHeader : 'custom_class_name',
para : 'custom_class_name',
h3 : 'custom_class_name',
h4 : 'custom_class_name',
h5 : 'custom_class_name',
h6 : 'custom_class_name',
list : 'custom_class_name',
listElem : 'custom_class_name',
paraSpace : 'custom_class_name',
note : 'custom_class_name',
code : 'custom_class_name',
imageBox : 'custom_class_name',
coverImage : 'custom_class_name',
date : 'custom_class_name'
For styling all the text of code, Select all the child element with a *
, Example : your_class *{}
How to use variables which are automatically passed to the views by blog-easy
Inside the view of getting all Blog Post
<form action="/blog" method="GET">
<input name= "search" type="search" value="<%= search %>" placeholder="your search query here....">
The route for the action will be same as getting all blog post route
- How to create next button
<% if(next) {%>
<a href="/blog?page=<%= page+1 %>&search=<%= search %>">Next</a>
<% } %>
- How to create back button
<% if(back) {%>
<a href="/blog?page=<%= page-1 %>&search=<%= search %>">Back</a>
<% } %>
<% posts.forEach(post =>{ %>
<a href="/blog/<%= post.slug %>">
<p><%= post.title %></p>
<div style="
background:url('<%= post.coverImage %>');
background-size: cover;">
<p><%- readableDate %></p>
<% }) %>
Inside the view of getting Single blog post
<div><%- blogHtml %></div>
You can use <%= blogTitle %>
and <%= blogImageSrc %>
in their meta tags for creating search engine friendly content
- How to create edit button
<a href="/blog/<%= slug %>/edit">
You can implement your own logic for showing button only if user is logged in or is admin
- How to create delete button
<form action="/post-delete" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="slug" value="<%= slug %>">
You can implement your own logic for showing button only if user is logged in or is admin
- Automatic compression of images
- Converting the cover image into 2 qualities ( preview and original, to decrease the load time of view while viewing multiple post at a time )
- Tag adding feature