Security News
Bun 1.2 Released with 90% Node.js Compatibility and Built-in S3 Object Support
Bun 1.2 enhances its JavaScript runtime with 90% Node.js compatibility, built-in S3 and Postgres support, HTML Imports, and faster, cloud-first performance.
A mini type checker for locking down the external edges of your code. Mainly for use in modules when you don"t know who'll be using the code. Minimal boilerplate code keeps your functions hyper readable and lets them be their beautiful minimal best selves (...or something?)
Blork is fully unit tested and 100% covered (if you're into that!).
npm install blork
The primary use case of Blork is validating function input arguments. The args()
function is provided for this purpose, and should be passed two arguments:
| The arguments object provided automatically to functions in Javascripttypes
| An array identifying the types for the arguments (list of types is available below)import { args } from "blork";
// An exported function other (untrusted) developers may use.
export default function myFunc(definitelyString, optionalNumber)
// Check the args.
args(arguments, ["string", "number?"]);
// Rest of the function.
return "It passed!";
// Call with good args.
myFunc("abc", 123); // Returns "It passed!"
myFunc("abc"); // Returns "It passed!"
// Call with invalid args.
myFunc(123); // Throws TypeError "arguments[0]: Must be string (received 123)"
myFunc("abc", "abc"); // Throws TypeError "arguments[1]: Must be number (received "abc")"
myFunc(); // Throws TypeError "arguments[0]: Must be string (received undefined)"
myFunc("abc", 123, true); // Throws TypeError "arguments: Too many arguments (expected 2) (received 3)"
The check()
function allows you to test individual values with more granularity. The check()
function is more versatile and allows more use cases than validating function input arguments.
can be passed three arguments:
| The value to checktype
| The type to check the value against (list of types is available below)import { check } from "blork";
// Checks that pass.
check("Sally", "string"); // No error.
check("Sally", String); // No error.
// Checks that fail.
check("Sally", "number"); // Throws TypeError "Must be number (received "Sally")"
check("Sally", Boolean); // Throws TypeError "Must be true or false (received "Sally")"
// Checks that fail (with a prefix/name set).
check("Sally", "num", "name"); // Throws TypeError "name: Must be number (received "Sally")"
check(true, "str", "status"); // Throws TypeError "status: Must be string (received true)"
Another common use for check()
is to validate an options object:
import { check } from "blork";
// Make a custom function.
function myFunc(options)
// Check all the options with a literal type (note that keepAlive is optional).
check(options, { name: "string", required: "boolean", keepAlive: "number?" });
Appending ?
question mark to any type string makes it optional. This means it will accept undefined
in addition to the specified type.
// This check fails because it"s not optional.
check(undefined, "number"); // Throws TypeError "Must be number (received undefined)"
// This check passes because it"s optional.
check(undefined, "number?"); // No error.
// Null does not count as optional.
check(null, "number?"); // Throws TypeError "Must be number (received null)"
Blork can perform deep checks on objects and arrays to ensure the schema is correct. To do object or array checks pass literal arrays or literal objects to check()
or args()
// Check object properties.
check({ name: "Sally" }, { name: "string" }); // No error.
// Check all array items.
check(["Sally", "John", "Sonia"], ["str"]); // No error.
// Check tuple-style array.
check([1029, "Sonia"], ["number", "string"]); // No error.
// Failing checks.
check({ name: "Sally" }, { name: "string" }); // No error.
check(["Sally", "John", "Sonia"], ["str"]); // No error.
check([1029, "Sonia"], ["number", "string"]); // No error.
check([1029, "Sonia", true], ["number", "string"]); // Throws TypeError: "Array: Too many array items (expected 2) (received 3)"
Arrays and objects can be deeply nested within each other and Blork will recursively check the schema all the way down:
// Deeply nested check (passes).
// Will return 1
{ id: 1028, name: "Sally", status: [1, 2, 3] },
{ id: 1062, name: "Bobby", status: [1, 2, 3] }
{ id: Number, name: String, status: [Number] }
// Deeply nested check (fails).
// Will throw TypeError "Array[1][status][2]: Must be number (received "not_a_number")"
{ id: 1028, name: "Sally", status: [1, 2, 3] },
{ id: 1062, name: "Bobby", status: [1, 2, "not_a_number"] }
{ id: Number, name: String, status: [Number] }
Register your own checker using the add()
function. This is great if 1) you're going to be applying the same check over and over, or 2) want to integrate your own checks with Blork's built-in types so your code looks clean.
import { add, check } from "blork";
// Register your new checker.
// Name of checker.
// Checker to validate a string containing "cat".
(v) => typeof v === "string" && v.strToLower().indexOf("cat") >= 0,
// Description of what the variable _should_ contain.
// Gets shown in the error message.
"string containing 'cat'"
// Passes.
check("That cat is having fun", "catty"); // No error.
check("That CAT is having fun", "catty"); // No error.
// Fails.
check("A dog sits on the chair", "catty"); // Throws TypeError "Must be string containing "cat" (received "A dog sits on the chair")"
// Combine a custom checkers with a built-in checker using `&` syntax.
// The value must pass both checks or an error will be thrown.
check("A CAT SAT ON THE MAT", "catty & upper+"); // No error.
check("A DOG SAT ON THE MAT", "catty & upper+"); // Throws TypeError "Must be string containing 'cat' and non-empty uppercase string""
import { add, args } from "blork";
// Use your checker to check function args.
function myFunc(str)
// Validate the function's args!
args(arguments, ["catty"]);
// Big success.
return "It passed!";
// Passes.
myFunc("That cat is chasing string"); // Returns "It passed!"
// Fails.
myFunc("A dog sits over there"); // Throws TypeError "arguments[1]: Must be string containing "cat" (received "A dog sits over there")"
To change the error object Blork throws when a type doesn't match, use the throws()
import { throws, check } from "blork";
// Make a custom error type for yourself.
class MyError extends Error {};
// Register your custom error type.
// Test a value.
check(true, "false"); // Throws MyError "Must be false (received true)"
To create an instance of Blork with an independent set of checkers (added with add()
) and an independently set throws()
error object, use the blork()
This functionality is provided so you can ensure multiple versions of Blork in submodules of the same project don't interfere with each other, even if they have been (possibly purposefully) deduped in npm. This is how you can ensure if you've set a custom error for a set of checks, that custom error type is always thrown.
import { blork } from "blork";
// Create a new set of functions from Blork.
const { check, args, add, throws } = blork();
// Set a new custom error on the new instance.
throws(class CustomError extends TypeError);
// Add a custom checker on the new instance.
add("mychecker", v => v === "abc", "'abc'");
// Try to use the custom checker.
check("123", "mychecker"); // Throws CustomChecker("Must be 'abc' (received '123')")
Types are generally accessed via a string reference. This list shows all Blork built-in checkers:
Type string reference | Description |
null | Value is null |
undefined , undef , void | Value is undefined |
defined , def | Value is not undefined |
boolean , bool | Value is true or false |
true | Value is true |
false | Value is false |
truthy | Any truthy values (i.e. == true) |
falsy | Any falsy values (i.e. == false) |
number , num | Numbers excluding NaN/Infinity (using typeof and finite check) |
number+ , num+ | Numbers more than or equal to zero |
number- , num- | Numbers less than or equal to zero |
integer , int | Integers (using Number.isInteger()) |
integer+ , int+ | Positive integers including zero |
integer- , int- | Negative integers including zero |
string , str | Strings (using typeof) |
string+ , str+ | Non-empty strings (using str.length) |
lowercase , lower | Strings with no uppercase characters |
lowercase+ , lower+ | Non-empty strings with no uppercase characters |
uppercase , upper | Strings with no lowercase characters |
uppercase+ , upper+ | Non-empty strings with no lowercase characters |
function , func | Functions (using instanceof Function) |
object , obj | Plain objects (using instanceof Object and constructor check) |
object+ , obj+ | Plain objects with one or more properties (using Object.keys().length) |
objectlike | Any object-like object (using instanceof Object) |
iterable | Objects with a Symbol.iterator method (that can be used with for..of loops) |
array , arr | Plain instances of Array (using instanceof Array and constructor check) |
array+ , arr+ | Plain instances of Array with one or more items |
arraylike | Any object, not just arrays, with numeric .length property |
arguments , args | Arguments objects (any object, not just arrays, with numeric .length property) |
map | Instances of Map |
map+ | Instances of Map with one or more items |
weakmap | Instances of WeakMap |
set | Instances of Set |
set+ | Instances of Set with one or more items |
weakset | Instances of WeakSet |
promise | Instances of Promise |
date | Instances of Date |
date+ , future | Instances of Date with a value in the future |
date- , past | Instances of Date with a value in the past |
regex , regexp | Instances of RegExp (regular expressions) |
any , mixed | Allow any value (transparently passes through with no error) |
// Pass.
check("abc", "str"); // No error.
check("abc", "lower"); // No error.
check(100, "whole"); // No error.
check([1, 2, 3], "array+"); // No error.
check(new Date(2180, 1, 1), "future"); // No error.
// Fail.
check(123, "str"); // Throws TypeError "Must be string (received 123)"
check({}, "object+"); // Throws TypeError "Must be object with one or more properties (received Object(0))"
check([], "array+"); // Throws TypeError "Must berray with one or more items (received Array(0))"
Any type can be made optional by appending a ?
question mark to the type reference. This means the check will also accept undefined
in addition to the specified type.
// Pass.
check(undefined, "str?"); // No error.
check(undefined, "lower?"); // No error.
check(undefined, "whole?"); // No error.
check([undefined, undefined, 123], ["number?"]); // No error.
// Fail.
check(123, "str?"); // Throws TypeError "Must be string (received 123)"
check(null, "str?"); // Throws TypeError "Must be string (received null)"
You can use &
and |
to join string types together, to form AND and OR chains of allowed types. This allows you to compose together more complex types like number | string
or date | number | null
or string && custom-checker
is used to create an OR type, meaning any of the values is valid, e.g. number|string
or string | null
// Pass.
check(123, "str|num"); // No error.
check("a", "str|num"); // No error.
// Fail.
check(null, "str|num"); // Throws TypeError "Must be string or number (received null)"
check(null, "str|num|bool|func|obj"); // Throws TypeError "Must be string or number or boolean or function or object (received null)"
is used to create an AND type, meaning the value must pass all of the checks to be valid. This is primarily useful for custom checkers e.g. lower & username-unique
// Pass.
check("this cat is crazy!", "lower & catty"); // No error.
check("THIS cat is crazy!", "string & catty"); // No error.
// Fail.
check(null, "str & num"); // Throws TypeError "Must be string and number (received null)"
Note: &
has a higher precedence than |
, meaning a type like string & lower | upper
compiles to (lower | upper) & string
Note: All built in checkers like lower
or int+
already check the basic type of a value, so there's no need to use string & lower
or number & int+
. These will work but you'll be double checking.
Note: Spaces around the &
or |
are not required (but can be more readable).
For convenience some constructors (e.g. String
) and constants (e.g. null
) can be used as types in args()
and check()
. The following built-in objects and constants are supported:
Type | Description |
Boolean | Same as 'boolean' type |
String | Same as 'string' type |
Number | Same as 'number' type |
true | Same as 'true' type |
false | Same as 'false' type |
null | Same as 'null' type |
undefined | Same as 'undefined' type |
You can pass in any class name, and Blork will check the value using instanceof
and generate a corresponding error message if the type doesn't match.
Using Object
and Array
constructors will work also and will allow any object that is instanceof Object
or instanceof Array
. Note: this is not the same as e.g. the 'object'
and 'array'
string types, which only allow plain objects an arrays (but will reject objects of custom classes extending Object
or Array
// Pass.
check(true, Boolean); // No error.
check("abc", String); // No error.
check(123, Number); // No error.
check(new Date, Date); // No error.
check(new MyClass, MyClass); // No error.
check(Promise.resolved(true), Promise); // No error.
check([true, true, false], [Boolean]); // No error.
check({ name: 123 }, { name: Number }); // No error.
// Fail.
check("abc", Boolean); // Throws TypeError "Must be true or false (received "abc")"
check("abc", String); // Throws TypeError "Must be string (received "abc")"
check("abc", String, "myVar"); // Throws TypeError "myVar: Must be string (received "abc")"
check(new MyClass, OtherClass); // Throws TypeError "Must ben instance of OtherClass (received MyClass)"
check({ name: 123 }, { name: String }); // Throws TypeError "name: Must be string (received 123)"
check({ name: 123 }, { name: String }, "myObj"); // Throws TypeError "myObj[name]: Must be string (received 123)"
To check the types of object properties, use a literal object as a type. You can also deeply nest these properties and the types will be checked recursively and will generate useful debuggable error messages.
Note: it is fine for objects to contain additional properties that don't have a type specified.
// Pass.
check({ name: "abc" }, { name: "str" }); // No error.
check({ name: "abc" }, { name: "str?", age: "num?" }); // No error.
check({ name: "abc", additional: true }, { name: "str" }); // Throws nothing (additional properties are fine).
// Fail.
check({ age: "apple" }, { age: "num" }); // Throws TypeError "age: Must be number (received "apple")"
check({ size: { height: 10, width: "abc" } }, { size: { height: "num", width: "num" } }); // Throws TypeError "size[width]: Must be number (received "abc")"
To check that the type of all properties in an object all conform to a type, use an ANY
key. This allows you to check objects that don't have known keys (e.g. from user generated data). This is similar to how indexer keys work in Flow or Typescript.
import { check, ANY } from "blork";
// Pass.
check({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { [ANY]: "num" }); // No error.
check({ name: "Dan", a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { name: "str", [ANY]: "num" }); // No error.
// Fail.
check({ a: 1, b: 2, c: "abc" }, { [ANY]: "num" }); // Throws TypeError "c: Must be number (received "abc")"
If you wish you can use this functionality with the undefined
type to ensure objects do not contain additional properties (object literal types by default are allowed to contain additional properties).
// Pass.
check({ name: "Carl" }, { name: "str", [ANY]: "undefined" }); // No error.
// Fail.
check({ name: "Jess", another: 28 }, { name: "str", [ANY]: "undefined" }); // Throws TypeError "another: Must be undefined (received 28)"
To check an array where all items conform to a specific type, pass an array as the type. Arrays and objects can be deeply nested to check types recursively.
// Pass.
check(["abc", "abc"], ["str"]); // No error.
check([123, 123], ["num"]); // No error.
check([{ names: ["Alice", "John"] }], [{ names: ["str"] }]); // No error.
// Fail.
check(["abc", "abc", 123], ["str"]); // Throws TypeError "Array[2]: Must be number (received 123)"
check(["abc", "abc", 123], ["number"]); // Throws TypeError "Array[0]: Must be string (received "abc")"
Similarly, to check the format of tuples, pass an array with two or more items as the type. If two or more types are in an type array, it is considered a tuple type and will be rejected if it does not conform exactly to the tuple.
// Pass.
check([123, "abc"], ["num", "str"]); // No error.
check([123, "abc"], ["num", "str", "str?"]); // No error.
// Fail.
check([123], ["num", "str"]); // Throws TypeError "Array[1]: Must be string (received undefined)"
check([123, 123], ["num", "str"]); // Throws TypeError "Array[1]: Must be string (received 123)"
check([123, "abc", true], ["num", "str"]); // Throws TypeError "Array: Too many items (expected 2 but received 3)"
Please see (
syntax for class methods (PRs welcome)|
and &
and args()
no longer return anything (previously returned the number of passing values).boolean
(message/description for the checker can be passed in as third field to add()
Blork! Mini runtime type checking in Javascript
The npm package blork receives a total of 43,711 weekly downloads. As such, blork popularity was classified as popular.
We found that blork demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
Bun 1.2 enhances its JavaScript runtime with 90% Node.js compatibility, built-in S3 and Postgres support, HTML Imports, and faster, cloud-first performance.
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