A simple library for generate syntax pasers based BNF syntax descriptions.
There are a few changes from standard BNF forms to help produce cleaner syntax tree outputs that BNFs normally provide.
First of all provide the BNF representation of you language, and parse that into a syntax tree. This tree can then be compiled down into a representation ready to parse syntax trees for the compiled language.
import { BNF, Parse, Compile } from "bnf-parser";
let result = BNF.parse(LANGUAGE_BNF);
let tree = Compile(result);
let syntax = tree.parse(FILE);
A compiled BNF can be saved as a JSON file and reloaded later
fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(tree.serialize()));
let tree = new Parser(
JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8') )
BNF Syntax
program ::= %w* ( def %w* )+ ;
# Consumes a single wild character
any ::= !"" ;
# Whitespace
w ::= comment | " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" ;
comment ::= "#" !"\n"* "\n" ;
name ::= ...( letter | digit | "_" )+ ;
letter ::= "a"->"z" | "A"->"Z" ;
digit ::= "0"->"9" ;
constant ::= single | double ;
double ::= %"\"" ( ( "\\" ...any ) | !"\""+ )* %"\"" ;
single ::= %"\'" ( ( "\\" ...any ) | !"\'"+ )* %"\'" ;
def ::= %w+ %"::=" %w* expr %w* %";" ;
expr ::= expr_arg %w* ( ...expr_infix? %w* expr_arg %w* )* ;
expr_arg ::= expr_prefix ( constant | expr_brackets | ) ...expr_suffix? ;
expr_prefix ::= "%"? "..."? "!"? ;
expr_infix ::= "->" | "|" ;
expr_suffix ::= "*" | "?" | "+" ;
expr_brackets ::= %"(" %w* expr %w* %")" ;
Escape Codes
Code | Result |
\b | Backspace |
\f | Form Feed |
\n | New Line |
\r | Carriage Return |
\t | Horizontal Tab |
\v | Vertical Tab |
- | Unrecognised escapes will result in just the character after the slash |
Repetition ?
, +
, *
Only one repetition mark should exist per argument.
term # once
term? # one or zero
term+ # at least once
term* # zero or more
Omit %
This operator will lead to the syntax under this operator being removed from the final syntax tree, however still remain as part of syntax validation. For instance in the BNF syntax above...
The omit character goes in front af a single term, and must be the front most operator placing it in from of any not
or gather
Not !
This operator must be between two single length constants, this will accept all characters within the range of the two bounds (inclusive).
Range ->
"a"->"z" # will consume a single character
"a"->"z"* # will consume as many characters as are in the range
This operator must be between two single length constants, this will accept all characters within the range of the two bounds (inclusive). Until the repetition count is reached.
The first operand must have no repetitions, however the repetition markers on the last operand will apply to the whole group.
This is a pre-initialised BNF parser, which can be given a BNF string input.
const BNF: Parser;
Is initialised with a built syntax tree. Once initialized it can be given input strings to generate output syntax trees for a given language.
class Parser {
constructor(blob: any)
input: string,
partial = false,
entry = "program"
): SyntaxNode | ParseError
setVerbose(mode: boolean) { }
Given a SyntaxNode
tree generated from the BNF pre-initialized parser it can generate a new parser.
function Compile(tree: SyntaxNode): Parser
class Reference {
clone(): Reference
toString(): string
class ReferenceRange {
constructor(from: Reference, to: Reference)
clone(): ReferenceRange
toString(): string
class ParseError {
constructor(msg: string, ref: ReferenceRange)
toString(): string
class SyntaxNode {
type: string;
value: SyntaxValue;
ref: ReferenceRange;
constructor(type: string, value: SyntaxValue, ref: ReferenceRange) {};
flat(): string {};
class ParseError {
stack: string[]
msg: string
ref: ReferenceRange
constructor(msg: string, ref: ReferenceRange) { }
add_stack(elm: string) { }
hasStack(): boolean { }
toString() { }
class Reference {
line: number;
col: number;
index: number;
constructor(line: number, col: number, index: number) { }
advance(newline: boolean = false) { }
clone(): Reference { }
toString(): string { }
Reference Range
class ReferenceRange {
start: Reference;
end: Reference;
constructor(from: Reference, to: Reference) { }
span(other: ReferenceRange) { }
clone(): ReferenceRange { }
toString(): string { }
Syntax Tree
There are two main core abstractions for how the syntax trees are generated from a BNF, sequences and selects.
A sequence is a linear list of elements that make up a match. A top level sequence (right side of the ::=
) will resolve with the .type
of the matching name (the name on the left of the ::=
), any sub-sequences ()
will appear as a syntax node with the name (...)
with subsequent values being evaluated the same as the top level.
If there is a repetition marker such as name+
there will be an extra noded added with the type (...)+
of whom's children will be the number of times the pattern was matched.
Will resolve as the syntax tree of the first matching option. For instance if you have the select statement variable | number
, if the parser matches a variable it would be the same as having a variable
at that point in the sequence.
Any omit statement within a sequence will be removed, and then looking at the outputted syntax tree it is like they never existed, however they are still critical to a successful match. In the case that they are within a select, they will still be visible with .type
of omit
, with no child nodes.
This does not alter the outputted syntax tree form in relation to the sequence or select it is within, however it will squash all of it's child nodes back down into a single string. Node that this will reflect the affects of any omit operations which occurred within the child nodes.
It's .values
will be a single string of all characters it could consume until it matched with the target expression.
Ranges will appear with the .type
of range
with .value
being a single string with the characters consumed by this expression, inclusing any repetition markers (so a range with +
will be a string of length at least one).
Ranges will appear with the .type
of literal
with .value
being a copy of the exact literal as a string.