Utilities for working with Lightning Network BOLT 07
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Sample code for working with bolt07 utility functions:
- Channel:
delimited format designed to be readable. - Id: The raw channel id format specified by bolt07.
- Number: Interpreting the raw channel id format as a uint64.
Chan Format
const {chanFormat} = require('bolt07');
const id = '15fbe70000260000';
const number = '1584113681139367936';
try {
const fromNumber = chanFormat({number}).channel;
// fromNumber === '1440743x38x0'
} catch (err) {
// valid channel, no error
try {
const fromId = chanFormat({id}).channel;
// fromId === '1440743x38x0'
} catch (err) {
// valid id, no error
Chan Number
const {chanNumber} = require('bolt07');
const channel = '1440743x38x0';
const id = '15fbe70000260000';
try {
const fromChannel = chanNumber({channel}).number;
// fromChannel === '1584113681139367936'
} catch (err) {
// valid channel, no error
try {
const fromId = chanNumber({id}).number;
// fromId === '1584113681139367936'
} catch (err) {
// valid id, no error
Decode Chan Id
Returns components of a channel id or channel number.
const {decodeChanId} = require('bolt07');
const channel = '1440743x38x0';
const id = '15fbe70000260000';
const number = '1584113681139367936';
try {
const fromChannel = decodeChanId({channel});
// fromChannel.block_height === 1440743
// fromChannel.block_index === 38
// fromChannel.output_index === 0
} catch (err) {
// valid channel, no error
try {
const fromId = decodeChanId({id});
// fromId.block_height === 1440743
// fromId.block_index === 38
// fromId.output_index === 0
} catch (err) {
// valid id, no error
try {
const fromNumber = decodeChanId({channel});
// fromNumber.block_height === 1440743
// fromNumber.block_index === 38
// fromNumber.output_index === 0
} catch (err) {
// valid number, no error
Encode Chan Id
Returns channel id when components are specified
const {encodeChanId} = require('bolt07');
try {
const encoded = encodeChanId({
block_height: 1440743,
block_index: 38,
output_index: 0,
// === '1440743x38x0'
// === '15fbe70000260000'
// encoded.number === '1584113681139367936'
} catch (err) {
// valid components, no error
Raw Chan Id
Returns a raw channel id in numeric format.
const {rawChanId} = require('bolt07');
const channel = '1440743x38x0';
const number = '1584113681139367936';
try {
const idFromNumber = rawChanId({number}).id;
// idFromNumber === '15fbe70000260000'
} catch (err) {
// valid number, no error
try {
const idFromChannel = rawChanId({channel}).id;
// idFromChannel === '15fbe70000260000'
} catch (err) {
// valid channel, no error