A standalone,
beacon receiver for boomerang.
Read more.
![Build status](
- boomcatch version: 3.2.3
- node.js versions: 0.10 and later
At the system level
First you must
install node.
You can then
install boomcatch via npm:
npm install -g boomcatch
Local to a node.js project
Add boomcatch
to the dependencies
in your project's package.json
then run:
npm install
From the command line
To see
the list of command line options
boomcatch --help
Available options are:
--host <name>
Host name to accept HTTP connections on.
The default is (INADDR_ANY).
--port <port>
Port to accept HTTP connections on.
Defaults to
80 for HTTP or
443 for HTTPS.
Start the server
in HTTPS mode.
PFX/PKCX12 string
containing the private key,
certificate and
CA certs
for HTTPS mode.
Path to private key file
for HTTPS mode.
Ignored if --httpsPfx
is set.
Path to certificate file
for HTTPS mode.
Ignored if --httpsPfx
is set.
Passphrase for
or --httpsKey
--path <path>
URL path to accept requests to.
The default is /beacon.
--referer <regex>
HTTP referers to accept requests from.
The default is .*
--origin <origin>
Comma-separated list of URL(s)
for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
The default is * (any origin),
specify 'null' to force same origin.
--limit <milliseconds>
Minimum elapsed time to allow
between requests from the same IP adderss.
The default is 0.
--maxSize <bytes>
Maximum body size to allow for POST requests.
The default is -1 (unlimited).
Prevent the command
from logging output
to the console.
--syslog <facility>
Use syslog-compatible logging,
with the specified facility level.
--workers <count>
The number of worker processes to spawn.
The default is -1
(one worker per CPU).
--delayRespawn <milliseconds>
The length of time to delay
before respawning worker processes.
The default is 0.
--maxRespawn <count>
The maximum number of times
to respawn worker processes.
The default is -1
--validator <path>
Validator used to accept or reject request data.
The default is permissive
(always accept requests).
--mapper <path>
Data mapper used to transform data before forwarding,
loaded with require.
The default is statsd.
--prefix <prefix>
Prefix for mapped metric names.
The default is the empty string
(no prefix).
--forwarder <path>
Forwarder used to send data,
loaded with require.
The default is udp.
--fwdHost <name>
Host name to forward mapped data to.
The default is
This option is only effective
with the UDP forwarder.
--fwdPort <port>
Port to forward mapped data on.
The default is 8125.
This option is only effective
with the UDP forwarder.
--fwdSize <bytes>
Maximum packet size
for forwarded data.
The default is 512.
This option is only effective
with the UDP forwarder.
--fwdUrl <url>
URL to forward mapped data to.
This option is only effective
with the HTTP forwarder.
--fwdMethod <method>
Method to forward mapped data with.
The default is GET.
This option is only effective
with the HTTP forwarder.
--fwdDir <path>
Directory to write mapped data to.
This option is only effective
with the file forwarder.
From a node.js project
var path = require('path'),
boomcatch = require('boomcatch');
host: '',
port: 8080,
https: true,
httpsKey: 'foo.key',
httpsCert: 'bar.cert',
httpsPass: 'baz',
path: '/perf',
referer: /^\w+\.example\.com$/,
origin: [
limit: 100,
maxSize: 1048576,
log: console.log,
workers: require('os').cpus().length,
validator: path.resolve('./myvalidator'),
mapper: path.resolve('./mymapper'),
prefix: 'mystats.rum.',
forwarder: 'http',
fwdUrl: '',
fwdMethod: 'POST'
Boomcatch implements
four extension points
to control
how beacon requests
are handled:
and forwarders.
Read more about them here.
Before sumitting any pull requests,
please ensure that you have
adhered to the contribution guidelines.
To clone the repository:
git clone
To set up the development environment:
npm install
To lint the code:
npm run lint
To run the unit tests:
npm test
Change log
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