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make flexbox containers in typescript using emotion
Uses emotionjs to style a div using flexbox styles. React components can easily set any flexbox style using component properties. Typescript gives you nice code completion and type-safe validations.
Full docs are published at https://nathanstitt.github.io/boxible/
import { Box } from "boxible";
const Layout = () => (
<Box direction={{ mobile: "columReverse", tablet: "column" }}>
<Box justify="between">
<Box align="start">Left</Box>
<Box align="end" direction="column">
<span>Right Top</span>
<span>Right Center</span>
<Box justify="center">Bottom Center</Box>
On a desktop sized (>992px), the display will be:
Left Right Top
Right Center
Bottom Center
And on a mobile sized device (<=576px) the display would be:
Bottom Center
Right Center
Left Right Top
Screen sizes are defined as SCREEN_SIZES
in styles.ts
Their definitions can be overridden as detailed in the hacking sizes test.ts
Boxible Props
property | allowed values | default |
align | baseline, center, end, start, stretch | |
alignContent | around, between, center, end, start, stretch | |
direction | column, row | row |
justify | around, between, center, end, evenly, start | |
flex | true, false, grow, shrink | |
basis | string value, auto, full, 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 2/3 | |
gap | boolean | false |
height | string,( min, max ) | |
width | string, ( min, max ) | |
fill | boolean, 'horizontal', 'vertical' | |
wrap | boolean | false |
className | string | |
pad | Size | Area |
margin | | Size |
align, alignContent, direction, and justify are "responsive" and can alternatively be prefixed with a size
Since the Box element is a emotionjs component, you can also use the "as" prop to render elements other than div, such
as label
to wrap inputs.
<Box as="label">
<input name="foo" />
<b>Click to focus input</b>
| | click to focus input
Boxible is based loosely on Grommt’s Box component, but re-written in Typescript
and with a few differences, such as no animation support.