Branca allows you to generate and verify encrypted API tokens.
This specification defines the external format and encryption scheme of the
token to help interoperability between userland implementations. Branca is closely
based on Fernet specification.
Payload in Branca token is an arbitrary sequence of bytes. This means payload can
be for example a JSON object, plain text string or even binary data serialized
by MessagePack or Protocol Buffers.
Install the library using Yarn or npm.
$ yarn add branca
$ npm install branca
Token payload can be any arbitrary data such as string containing an email
const key = "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommit";
const branca = require("branca")(key);
const token = branca.encode("");
const payload = branca.decode(token);
Sometimes you might prefer JSON.
const key = "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommit";
const branca = require("branca")(key);
const json = JSON.stringify({"scope": ["read", "write", "delete"]});
const token = branca.encode(json);
const payload = JSON.parse(branca.decode(token));
You can keep the token size small by using a space efficient serialization method such as MessagePack or Protocol Buffers.
const key = "supersecretkeyyoushouldnotcommit";
const branca = require("branca")(key);
const msgpack = require("msgpack5")();
const packed = msgpack.encode({"scope": ["read", "write", "delete"]});
const token = branca.encode(packed);
const binary = branca.decode(token);
const payload = msgpack.decode(Buffer.from(binary));
You can run tests manually with the following command.
$ node test.js
Token Format
Branca token consists of header, ciphertext and an authentication tag. Header
consists of version, timestamp and nonce. Putting them all together we get
following structure.
Version (1B) || Timestamp (4B) || Nonce (24B) || Ciphertext (*B) || Tag (16B)
String representation of the above binary token must use base62 encoding with
the following character set.
Version is 8 bits ie. one byte. Currently the only version is 0xBA
. This is a
magic byte which you can use to quickly identify a given token. Version number
guarantees the token format and encryption algorithm.
Timestamp is 32 bits ie. unsigned big endian 4 byte UNIX timestamp. By having a
timestamp instead of expiration time enables the consuming side to decide how
long tokens are valid. You cannot accidentaly create tokens which are valid for
the next 10 years.
Storing timestamp as unsigned integer allows us to avoid 2038 problem. Unsigned
integer overflow will happen in year 2106.
Nonce is 192 bits ie. 24 bytes. These should be cryptographically secure random
bytes and never reused between tokens.
Payload is encrypted and authenticated using IETF XChaCha20-Poly1305.
Note that this is Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (AEAD) where the
he header part of the token is the additional data. This means the data in the
header (version, timestamp and nonce) is not encrypted, it is only
authenticated. In laymans terms, header can be seen but it cannot be tampered.
The authentication tag is 128 bits ie. 16 bytes. This is the
Poly1305 message authentication
code. It is used to make sure that the payload, as well as the
non-encrypted header has not been tampered with.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.