indentStyle | "tabs", "spaces" | "spaces" | The type of whitespace to use when indenting the beginning of lines. Has no effect if formatIndent is false |
indentSpaceCount | number | 4 | The number of spaces to use when indentStyle is 'spaces'. Default is 4. Has no effect if formatIndent is false or if indentStype is set to "tabs" |
formatIndent | boolean | true | If true, the code is indented. If false, the existing indentation is left intact. |
keywordCase | "lower", "upper", "title", "original" | "lower" | Replaces all keywords with the upper or lower case settings specified (excluding types...see typeCase ). If set to 'original' , they are not modified at all. |
typeCase | "lower", "upper", "title", "original" | Value from keywordCase | Replaces all type keywords (function , integer , string , etc...) with the upper or lower case settings specified. If set to "original" , they are not modified at all. If falsey (or omitted), it defaults to the value in keywordCase |
compositeKeywords | "split", "combine", "original" | "split" | Forces all composite keywords (i.e. elseif , endwhile , etc...) to be consistent. If "split" , they are split into their alternatives (else if , end while ). If "combine" ', they are combined (elseif , endwhile ). If "original" or falsey, they are not modified. |
removeTrailingWhiteSpace | boolean | true | Remove (or don't remove) trailing whitespace at the end of each line |
keywordCaseOverride | object | undefined | Provides a way to override keyword case at the individual TokenType level |
typeCaseOverride | object | undefined | Provides a way to override type keyword case at the individual TokenType level.Types are defined as keywords that are preceeded by an as token. |
formatInteriorWhitespace | boolean | true | All whitespace between items is reduced to exactly 1 space character and certain keywords and operators are padded with whitespace. This is a catchall property that will also disable the following rules: insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis , insertSpaceBetweenEmptyCurlyBraces insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces |
insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis | boolean | false | If true, a space is inserted to the left of an opening function declaration parenthesis. (i.e. function main () or function () ). If false, all spacing is removed (i.e. function main() or function() ). |
insertSpaceBetweenEmptyCurlyBraces | boolean | false | If true, empty curly braces will contain exactly 1 whitespace char (i.e. { } ). If false, there will be zero whitespace chars between empty curly braces (i.e. {} ) |
insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces | boolean | true | If true, ensure exactly 1 space after leading and before trailing curly braces. If false, REMOVE all whitespace after leading and before trailing curly braces (excluding beginning-of-line indentation spacing) |
insertSpaceBetweenAssociativeArrayLiteralKeyAndColon | boolean | false | If true, ensure exactly 1 space between an associative array literal key and its colon. If false, all space between the key and its colon will be removed |
formatSingleLineCommentType | `"singlequote" , "rem" | "original"` | "original" |
formatMultiLineObjectsAndArrays | boolean | true | For multi-line objects and arrays, move everything after the { or [ and everything before the } or ] onto a new line.` |