browserify-cache - Strong and weak caching for Browserify bundles
"Last-Modified" and "If-Modified-Since" are "weak" caching. If the "If-Modified-Since" header is set, then Browserify can send 304 Not Modified, if appropriate, which saves bandwidth.
"Expires" or "Cache-Control: max-age" are "strong" caching. The browser can simply pull from its own cache in certain cases to save an entire HTTP request.
In the client HTML, your Browserify bundle URL should contain the UNIX timestamp that matches the last modified date of the bundle.
var browserify = require('browserify');
var browserifyCache = require('browserify-cache');
var browserifyMiddleware = browserify(config.browserify);
app.use(express.browserifyCache(config.browserify, browserifyMiddleware) );
'browserifyMount': function() {
return config.browserify.mount + '.' + browserifyMiddleware.modified.getTime() + '.js';