BuckleScript binding for apollo-server-express.
npm install --save graphql express body-parser bs-express bs-graphql bs-apollo-server-express
# or
yarn add graphql express body-parser bs-express bs-graphql bs-apollo-server-express
As always, you will need to indicate to BuckleScript that the binding is available.
"bs-dependencies": [
You can start a GraphQL server using bs-graphql, bs-express and this binding:
let app = Express.App.make ();
let schema = GraphQL.Utilities.buildSchema "type Query { hello: String }";
let rootValue = {"hello": fun () => "world"};
let middleware = ApolloServerExpress.createGraphQLExpressMiddleware schema ::rootValue;
external bodyParserJson : unit => Express.Middleware.t = "json" [@@bs.module "body-parser"];
Express.App.use app (bodyParserJson ());
Express.App.useOnPath app middleware path::"/graphql";
Express.App.listen app port::8080;
Now you can make GraphQL queries to http://localhost:8080