BuckleScript bindings for PIXI v5 (Work in progress)
Refer to documentation for existing coverage.
npm install bs-pixi
And add bs-pixi
into bs-dependencies
in your project bsconfig.json
About Bindings
PIXI.js relies heavily on inheritance, which in the context of bucklescript bindings is often realized via functors where module containing subclass functionality would "spread" the implementation of the ancestor module (closest is mixin) - see Extending Modules. This is often referred to as implementation inheritance. One example is in bs-webapi-incubator. In addition to this approach here we bind directly to javascript classes via bucklescript supported class type
bindings, with most apis accepting all structural subtypes:
external addChild: (Js.t(#C.displayObject), ~child: Js.t(#C.displayObject as 'a)) => Js.t('a) = "addChild";
denotes structural subtype, so when we see Js.t(#C.displayObjects)
we can feed any js object types that are structural subtypes of displayObject directly without upcasting to a type which is defined in a module where addChild
is defined. Also this allows us to utilize model functions as well as object methods for the same functionality like:
let point = PIXI.Point.create(~x=1.0, ~y=5.0, ());
let x = point##x;
let x = point |. PIXI.Point.getX;
Although using object methods for anything slightly more complex as simple accessors is not really practical, as [@bs]
class object methods do not support currying, labeled and optional parameters, feel free to use it if you feel comfortable with it, as in next example.
let app = PIXI.Application.create(~options=PIXI.Application.createApplicationOptions(
~resolution=DomRe.window |. Obj.magic |. Js.Dict.unsafeGet("devicePixelRatio"), ()),
|> Webapi.Dom.Document.asHtmlDocument
|. Belt.Option.flatMap(document => document |> Webapi.Dom.HtmlDocument.body)
|. => body |> Webapi.Dom.Element.appendChild(app##view))
|> ignore;
let container = PIXI.Container.create();
app##stage |. PIXI.Container.addChild(container);
let texture = PIXI.Texture.from(~source=`String(""), ());
for (i in 0 to 24) {
let bunny = PIXI.Sprite.create(texture);
bunny##anchor##set(0.5, 0.5);
bunny |. PIXI.Sprite.setX(float_of_int(i mod 5 * 40));
bunny |. PIXI.Sprite.setY(floor(float_of_int(i) /. 5.) *. 40.);
container |. PIXI.Container.addChild(bunny) |> ignore;
container##pivot##x #= (container##width /. 2.);
container##pivot##y #= (container##height /. 2.);
app##ticker |. PIXI.Ticker.add(delta => {
container |. PIXI.Container.setRotation(container##rotation -. 0.01 *. delta);
}, ());
Any contribution is greatly appreciated. Take a look at Feel free to reach out in issues for any questions.