Async++ =)
A better/different control flow library for node.js. Designed for task-independent parallelism where specified functions are all guaranteed to execute even if some fail.
Executes specified functions in parallel
Useful for I/O tasks where executions are independent but coordination is required after execution.
makes the following guarantees:
- All functions execute even if some report errors
- Callback is made after all functions complete execution (e.g. after completion of the longest running)
- Errors and results are reported for each function using the original index locations or object keys
- If all functions execute without errors then
will be undefined (rather than an empty array or object) -- provides a useful quick test for total success
Runs in a single node.js process, so not parallelized across cores. CPU intesive tasks will not benefit from parallelization for this reason. I/O latent tasks will experience the largest gains since all waiting will happen simultaneously.
#Add the module to your project
bsync = require "bsync"
#Example data
theData = [1,2,3,4,5]
#The function we want to run in parallel
theFunction = (theValue, callback) ->
if theValue < 3
callback undefined, theValue + 10
callback new Error "The value was too large!"
#Create an array (or object) of functions for bsync.parallel
workers = []
for aValue in theData
workers.push bsync.apply theFunction, aValue #Note: comma after function pointer and omit callback
#Execute in parallel
bsync.parallel workers, (allErrors, allResults) ->
if allErrors?
console.log "Some errors occurred!", allErrors
console.log "The results:", allResults
Executes specified functions in series
Useful for maintenance tasks where executions are sequenced for reasons other than logical control flow (such as bandwidth limitations) -- e.g. when each execution is independent.
makes the following guarantees:
- Each specified function executes in the order specified
- all functions execute even if prior calls report errors
Execute functions in series calling cbEach() after each function executes
Input (parameters)
execFuncs -- Array of applied functions (use bsync.apply)
cbEach -- Callback after each execution of a specified function
cbDone -- Final callback when execution of all functions is complete
Output (calls)
cbEach(error, data, stats, sequence, next)
error, data -- as reported by execFunc'tion
stats -- {completed: x, inTotal: x, withData: x, withErrors: x}
sequence -- the sequence number (index) of the function that just completed execution; useful for referencing the input parameter data
next -- Callback when ready to start the next execution in the series sequence (usage: next() )
cbDone(error, stats) -- a single error object if any errors occurred, but that doesn't indicate complete failure. Check stats.
stats -- {completed: x, inTotal: x, withData: x, withErrors: x}
exports.seriesEach = (execFuncs, cbEach, cbDone) ->
#--Load Module
bsync = require "bsync"
#--Example Data to Work On
param1 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
#--Define eachFunction; The eachFunction is called after each workFunction completes or crashes
eachFunction = (err, data, stats, sequence, next) ->
console.log "[eachFunction]", err, data, stats, sequence
console.log "The input to this function for param1 was", param1[sequence] #In case you need to reference it for retry-style operations; Make sure to keep the input data in context
#--Apply Work Functions
for i in [0...10] #i = 0 to 9 using coffeescript notation
workers.push bsync.apply theWorkFunction, param1[i], param2 #note: omit callback parameter
#--Execute Work Functions
bsync.seriesEach workers, eachFunction, (error, stats) ->
console.log stats