Official Bugsnag Notifier for Node.js
The Bugsnag Notifier for Node.js is designed to give you
instant notification of exceptions from your Node.js applications.
By default, the notifier hooks into uncaughtException
event, which means any
uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Bugsnag
What is Bugsnag?
Bugsnag captures exceptions in real-time from your web,
mobile and desktop applications, helping you to understand and resolve them
as fast as possible. Create a free account.
- Automatic notification of uncaught exceptions
- Send your own non-fatal exceptions
to Bugsnag
- Minimal CPU and memory footprint.
- Track which users and urls were affected by an exception.
- Optional integration with connect/express middleware to give your exceptions
context from the request.
- Send additional meta-data along with your exceptions using
- Filter sensitive data before sending exceptions with
Installation & Setup
Add bugsnag to your package.json dependencies.
"dependencies": {
"bugsnag": "latest"
Run npm install to install the latest bugsnag notifier version.
npm install
Require bugsnag in your node.js script.
bugsnag = requre("bugsnag");
Register the bugsnag notifier.
See the full documentation for the register function for more details.
Using Express or Connect Middleware
In order to have bugsnag report on any exceptions in your express
or connect app, you need to configure bugsnag to handle exceptions
from within those libraries. In order to do that, simply pass
the bugsnag register call into app.use().
Send Non-Fatal Exceptions to Bugsnag
If you would like to send non-fatal exceptions to Bugsnag, you can pass any
object or string to the notify
bugsnag.notify(new Error("Non-fatal"));
You can also send additional meta-data with your exception:
bugsnag.notify(new Error("Non-fatal"), {extraData:{username:"bob-hoskins"}});
###Manual Error Class
If you would like to set the class of error that has occurred,
you can call the notifyWithClass
bugsnag.notifyWithClass("RuntimeError", new Error("Non-fatal"));
The bugsnag.register takes an optional second parameter, containing an object of
options. The options can be a combination of any of the following.
By default, bugsnag looks at the NODE_ENV environment variable to see what releaseStage
the script is running in. If that is not set, bugsnag assumes you are running in production.
If you want to override this behavior, set the releaseStage as part of the call to register.
The bugsnag notifier will look for a package.json file in the root of the project and pull
the application version from that file. If this behavior is incorrect, you can pass an appVersion
into register to set your own custom version.
Bugsnag highlights stacktrace lines that are in your project for you, and automatically hides code that
is in third party libraries. If bugsnag is not hiding stacktrace lines in third party libraries, it is
likely that the projectRoot is being incorrectly calculated. You can set it when calling register to
a path relative to the bugsnag.js file or an absolute path.
If the bugsnag notifier is unable to locate your package JSON file, you can pass in either a fully
qualified path, or a path relative to the location of the bugsnag.js file to the register method.
If your package.json file is in your project root, this is usually unnecessary.
Bugsnag will automatically register for the uncaughtexception event. If you do not wish for this
to happen, you can disable the functionality as part of the register call.
By default the notifier will only notify bugsnag of production exceptions. If you wish to be notified
about development exceptions, then you can set the notifyReleaseStages option.
bugsnag.register("your-api-key-goes-here",{notifyReleaseStages:["development", "production"]});
Bugsnag supports the SSL encryption of exception reports. If you require this level of security, you can
enable SSL support within the notifier.
Both notify
and notifyWithClass
take an optional final object parameter that provides bugsnag with more
information as to what was happening in the node script when the exception occurred.
Bugsnag will use any context passed into the notify method when notifying bugsnag of the exception. You can
set this option to any string value, and you will be able to see the context aggregated in the web dashboard.
bugsnag.notify(new Error("Something went badly wrong"), {context:"/users/new"});
Bugsnag will use any userId passed into the notify method when notifying bugsnag of the exception. You can
set this option to any string value and bugsnag will use that to count users affected.
bugsnag.notify(new Error("Something went badly wrong"), {userId: "bob-hoskins"});
Bugsnag can also pull the context (URL) and userID (remote IP address) from the node.js request object
if you pass that in to the notify method.
bugsnag.notify(new Error("Something went badly wrong"), {req: req});
The notifier will also pull out extra information about the request to help you diagnose the exception
if you pass the request to the notify method.
Bugsnag can also send any extra data you want to be sent along with the exception report to bugsnag. To
do this just set the extraData option to an object containing the information you want to send.
bugsnag.notify(new Error("Something went badly wrong"), {extraData: {username:"bob-hoskins"}});
Bugsnag uses the concept of "contexts" to help display and group your
exceptions. Contexts represent what was happening in your application at the
time an exception occurs. In a network based node app, this would typically
be the URL requested. If you provide access to the node.js request object,
bugsnag will use the URL for you.
If you would like to set the bugsnag context manually, you can call
Note: The context here can be overridden when calling bugsnag.notify or
Bugsnag helps you understand how many of your users are affected by each
exception. In order to do this, we send along a userId with every exception.
If you provide access to the node.js request object, bugsnag will use the
remote IP address to identify the user.
If you would like to override this userId
, for example to set it to be a
username of your currently logged in user, you can call setUserId
Note: The userId here can be overridden when calling bugsnag.notify or
It is often very useful to send some extra application or user specific
data along with every exception. To do this, you can call the
bugsnag.setExtraData({username: "bob-hoskins"});
Reporting Bugs or Feature Requests
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the github issues page for this
project here:
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been
implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested
it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Thanks!
The Bugsnag node.js notifier is released under the
MIT License. Read the full license here: