This module converts JSON configuration into a proper bunyan configuration object.
It is useful when you want/need to restrict your configuration to a JSON object,
where you cannot reference process.stdout
or instantiate plugins.
npm install bunyan-config --save
var jsonConfig = {
name: 'myLogger',
streams: [{
stream: 'stdout' // shorthand config
}, {
stream: { name: 'stderr' } // full version
}, {
type: 'raw',
stream: { // full version with params
name: 'bunyan-logstash',
// The value of `streamParams` is stream-specific.
params: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 5005
}, {
type: 'raw',
stream: {
name: 'bunyan-redis',
params: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379
serializers: {
req: 'bunyan:stdSerializers.req',
fromNodeModules: 'someNodeModule',
fromNodeModulesWithProps: 'someNodeModule:a.b.c',
custom: './lib/customSerializers:custom',
another: './lib/anotherSerializer',
absolutePath: '/path/to/serializer:xyz'
// or
serializers: 'module:property.parent.child' // relative and absolute module references are also supported
var bunyanConfig = require('bunyan-config')(jsonConfig);
var logger = require('bunyan').createLogger(bunyanConfig);
Supported streams
- stdout
- stderr
- bunyan-logstash
- bunyan-redis
- bunyan-logentries
Please submit pull requests with support for additional streams.
Supported serializers
Any serializer exposed as a node module or as a (deep) property on any node module.
Relative module references are resolved from the current working directory.