Work in progress...
A light-weight JavaScript component library meant to be awesome with Turbolinks.
Has hard dependencies on both jQuery and lodash.
npm install burger
gem install burger
What I'm going on about, friend
- Rails template rendering is very powerful
- Paired with Turbolinks it is a very snappy experience
- Sometimes vanilla jQuery isn't enough, but Backbone/React/Angular/Ember is overkill
- Not intended to be a full framework, just a library for small pieces of JavaScript behaviour
Looking for features, guy?
- ES6/Coffeescript class based component declaration
- Data syncing with data-tags
- Simple two-way binding
- Some other crap
Some things to get working
- Light template binding
- more operations for dealing with children
- Some other crap
<div data-burger="MyComponent" data-user=<%= current_user.to_json %>>...</div>
class MyComponent extends Burger.Component
constructor: (el) ->
@data.user # user data as json
# bind to updating user.first_name
@data.bind 'user.first_name', (value) ->
# do something with updated value
@data.set('user.first_name', 'Gabe')
@emit('someEventToAllOtherComponents', 42)
@on 'someEventFromAnotherComponent', (event, something) ->
# do something with something
@children # all components which are lower in hierarchy
# returns an array of all child BrewhouseComponent
# returns an array of all child components where data-cool-dude is 'Chuck'
@children.where(coolDude: 'Chuck')
# returns the first found child component where data-can-code is 'Chan'
# and then bind to changes in puns
@children.find(canCode: 'Chan').data.bind 'puns', (pun) ->
# do something with pun