A multi-tiered caching solution for node.
If you use superagent from node, check out superagent-cache to get superagent queries with cache-service built right in.
What Does cache-service Do?
cache-service allows you to create redundant, cache-agnostic caching configurations. By default, it supports redis and node-cach, but you can add any cache you want as long as you follow the same interface.
Basic Usage
Require and instantiate cache-service as follows:
var cs = require('cache-service').cacheService;
var cacheService = new cs();
This gives you the default configuration. Now you can cache like normal with the benefit of a tiered solution:
function getData(key, cb){
cacheService.get(key, function (err, response){
cb(err, response);
performQuery(key, function (err, response){
var value = response.body.user;
cacheService.set(key, value);
cb(err, user);
npm install cache-service
Run Tests
npm test
What Does the Default Configuration Give Me?
By following the Basic Usage example above, cache-service will:
- attempt to setup a primary redis cache connection (see the constructor section to see how to connect to redis)
- setup a node-cache instance that will act as a fallback cache if a redis cache connection is created and the primary and only cache if the redis cache connection is not created
All caches will have a defaultExpiration of 900 seconds unless specified otherwise.
cache-service's constructor takes two optional parameters in the following order: cacheServiceConfig and cacheModuleConfig:
var cacheService = new cs(cacheServiceConfig, cacheModuleConfig);
Cache Service Configuration Object
This is where you set cache-service-level config options.
A namespace to be applied to all keys generated for this instance of cache-service.
- type: string
- default: empty string
When false, cache-service will log only errors. When true, cache-service will log all activity (useful for testing and debugging).
- type: boolean
- default: false
Let's say you have an instance of cache-service with two caches inside of it: cacheA and cacheB. If cacheA has a shorter defaultExpiration than cacheB and cacheA does not have the key for which you're looking, cache-service will then look in cacheB. If cache-service finds the desired key in cacheB and writeToVolatileCaches
is true
, cache-service will then write that key to cacheA.
This is particularly useful if you want to have a short-term in-memory cache with the most used queries and a longer-term redis cache with all of the cached data.
- type: boolean
- default: true
Cache Module Configuration Object
This is where you tell cache-service which caches you want and how you want them configured. Here is an example cacheModuleConfig:
var cacheModuleConfig = [
type: 'node-cache',
defaultExpiration: 300,
cacheWhenEmpty: false
type: 'redis',
defaultExpiration: 900,
cacheWhenEmpty: false
This config would attempt to create a primary node-cache instance with a fallback redis cache. The node-cache instance would have a 5-minute defaultExpiration and the redis instance would have a 15-minute default expiraiton.
Here are all the available options:
This is the type of cache you want to use. Currently, the only options are 'redis', 'node-cache', and 'custom'. If you choose 'redis' or 'node-cache', cache-service will create an instance of that cache type for you using the assiciated config options. If you choose 'custom', you can pass in your own cache instance and it will work as long as you match the Cache Module Interface.
If you need external access to a redis or node-cache instance, you can instantiate a cache-module and then pass it as a 'custom' cache. See Standalone Cache Module Usage for more info.
redisData (only for use with type
This is the most generic way to pass in your redis configuraiton options.
var redisData = {
port: myRedisPort,
hostname: myRedisHostname,
auth: myRedisAuth
redisUrl (only for use with type
If you have all of your redis params already prepared as a URL in the following format: http://uri:password@hostname:port
, then you can simply pass that URL with the object key redisUrl
redisEnv (only for use with type
If you have a redis URL contained in an env variable (in process.env[redisEnv]), cache-service can retrieve it for you if you pass the env variable name with the object key redisEnv
The expiration to include when executing cache set commands. Can be overridden via .set()
's optional expiraiton param.
- type: int
- default: 900
- measure: seconds
By default, if two subsequent caches have the same defaultExpiraiton
, the second of the two caches will be checked in the event that the first cache does not have a key. If checkOnPreviousEmpty
is false
, cache-service will not check subsequent caches with the same defaultExpiration
- type: boolean
- default: true
Whether a cache should not be written to. Useful if you're sharing a redis cache with another team and your contract with them is that you will not alter their data.
- type: boolean
- default: false
postApi (Currently not implemented)
Only for use with superagent-cache. Whether this cache should be evaluated only in the event of an API failure. This is useful when you want to have an extremely long-term cache to serve data when an API is down. Currently, only the first cache module with postApi set to true will be used.
- type: boolean
- default: false
.get(key, callback (err, response))
Retrieve a value by a given key.
- key: type: string
- callback: type: function
- err: type: object
- response: type: string or object
.mget(keys, callback (err, response))
Retrieve the values belonging to a series of keys. If a key is not found, it will not be in response
- keys: type: an array of strings
- callback: type: function
- err: type: object
- response: type: object, example: {key: 'value', key2: 'value2'...}
.set(key, value [, expiraiton, callback])
Set a value by a given key.
- key: type: string
- callback: type: function
- expiration: type: int, measure: seconds
- callback: type: function
.mset(obj [, callback])
Set multiple values to multiple keys
- obj: type: object, example: {'key': 'value', 'key2': 'value2'...}
- callback: type: function
.del(keys [, callback (err, count)])
Delete a key or an array of keys and their associated values.
- keys: type: string || array of strings
- callback: type: function
- err: type: object
- count: type: int
Flush all keys and values from an instance of cache-service.
- Add standalone cache usage documentation and examples
- Add
and .mset()
functions - Upgrade from redis-mock to mock-redis-client