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calculus-of-constructions - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.1 to 0.1.2



"name": "calculus-of-constructions",
"version": "0.1.1",
"version": "0.1.2",
"description": "Minimal, fast, robust implementation of the Calculus of Constructions on JavaScript",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "src/main.js",

## Calculus of Constructions
A lightweight implementation of the Calculus of Constructions in JavaScript. CoC is both a minimalistic programming language, similar to the Lambda Calculus, but with a very powerful type system, and a constructive foundation for mathematics.
A lightweight implementation of the [Calculus of Constructions]( in JavaScript. CoC is both a minimalistic programming language (similar to the [Lambda Calculus](, but with a very powerful type system) and a constructive foundation for mathematics, serving as the basis of proof assistants such as [Coq](
## Features
- Core calculus with Lambda, Forall, Application, Variables and, as you love paradoxes, Fix and Type in Type.
- Core lang with `Lambda`, `Forall`, `Application`, `Variables` and, as you love paradoxes, `Fix` and `Type in Type`.
- Let bindings as syntax sugars.
- `Let` bindings as syntax sugars.

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ - Extremelly minimalistic, unbloated, pure ASCII syntax.

- A robust parser, which allows arbitrary grammar nestings, including of `let`s.
- A robust parser, which allows arbitrary grammar nestings, including of `Let`s.

@@ -24,26 +24,32 @@ - A smart stringifier which names vars so that [combinators]( are stringified uniquely, regardless of the context.

- All that in less than 400 lines of code, ang a gziped minified size of laughable `2.3kb`.
- Can deal with files, solves devs recursively, auto-imports missing names.
- Can pretty-print terms showing names for known combinators.
- All that in less than 400 lines of code, ang a gziped minified size of just `2.3kb`.
## Syntax
- Lambda: `name:Type Body`
- **Lambda:** `name:Type Body`
A function that receives `name` of type `Type` and returns `Body`.
- Forall: `name.ArgType BodyType`
- **Forall:** `name.ArgType BodyType`
The type of functions that receive `name` of type `ArgType` and return `BodyType`.
- Fix: `self@ Term`
- **Fix:** `self@ Term`
The term `Term` with all instances of `self` replaced by itself.
- Apply: `(f x y z)`
- **Apply:** `(f x y z)`
The application of the function `f` to `x`, `y` and `z`.
- Let: `name=Term Body`
- **Let:** `name=Term Body`
Let `name` be the term `Term` inside the term `Body`.
The name can be omitted from `Lambda` and `Forall`, so, for example, the equivalent of `Int -> Int` is just `.Int Int`. All other special characters are ignored, so you could write `λ a: Type -> Body` if that is more pleasing to you.
## Usage

@@ -75,2 +81,4 @@

Check out the [example]( directory for cool examples of the command-line interface usage.
## Example:

@@ -104,3 +112,3 @@

To aid you grasp the minimalist syntax, it is equivalent to this Idris program:
To aid you grasp the minimalist syntax, it is equivalent to this [Idris]( program:

@@ -136,1 +144,40 @@ ```haskell

## Parsing files, solving dependencies and pretty-printing names
This library allows you to parse files. It solves dependencies recursively. Imports are implicit (any unbound variable is imported). Example:
// A list of files where terms can reference on each-other.
var files = {
"NAT": "(Nat. * Succ. (.Nat Nat) Zero. Nat Nat)",
"C0": "(N:* S:(.N N) Z:N Z)",
"C1": "(N:* S:(.N N) Z:N (S Z))",
"PAIR": "(T:* P:(.NAT .NAT T) (P C0 C1))"
// Parses those files, returns the resulting terms.
var terms =;
It also has a name-aware pretty-printer. That is, sometimes the normal form of a term is huge, and `` will be hard to read. You can make this output much better by letting the library name combinators inside the normal form. Study this example:
// Name of combinators we know.
var nameOf = {}
for (var name in files)
nameOf[[name])] = name;
// Stringifies the PAIR term, naming combinators inside it.
var PAIR =
comb => {
if (nameOf[] !== "PAIR")
return nameOf[]
// Notice that here we didn't return the full normal form
// of PAIR. Instead, NAT, C0 and C1 were pretty-printed.
console.log(PAIR === "(a:* (a:(.NAT (.NAT a)) (a C0 C1)))");

@@ -8,33 +8,51 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

var CoC = require("./main.js");
var path = require("path");
var args = process.argv.slice(2);
var path = process.cwd();
var call = process.argv[2];
var file = process.argv[3] || "main";
var files = {__main: args.pop()};
fs.readdirSync(process.cwd()).forEach(function(name) {
if (name.slice(-4) === ".coc")
files[name.slice(0, -4)] = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), name), "utf8");
var main = fs.existsSync(file) ? fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8") : file;
var term =;
var terms =;
switch (process.argv[2]) {
case "type":
var nameOf = {};
for (var name in terms)
nameOf[[name])] = name;
case "norm":
function print(map, term, pretty) {
return[term]||, function(comb) {
return pretty && nameOf[comb] !== term && nameOf[comb];
case "eval":
if (args[0] === "help") {
console.log("$ coc term # shows the base form of term.coc");
console.log("$ coc type term # shows the type of term.coc");
console.log("$ coc norm term # shows the normal form of term.coc");
console.log("$ coc pretty term # pretty-prints the base form of term.coc");
console.log("$ coc pretty type term # pretty-prints the type of term.coc");
console.log("$ coc pretty norm term # pretty-prints the normal form of term.coc");
case "help":
console.log("$ coc eval main # evaluates term on file named `main`")
console.log("$ coc type main # infers type of term on file named `main`")
console.log("$ coc type main # normalizes term on file named `main`")
var pretty = false;
if (args[0] === "pretty") {
pretty = true;
var map = function(x) { return x; };
if (args[0] === "type") {
map = CoC.type;
if (args[0] === "norm") {
map = CoC.norm;
console.log(, function(comb) {
return pretty && nameOf[] !== "__main" && nameOf[];

@@ -7,122 +7,146 @@ // Syntax (parser and stringifier).

// String * Int -> {term: Term, deps: [String], index: Int}
// Parses a source string to a Sol term. May receive a list of types for free
// vars. Returns the term and a list of free vars.
function parse(source, index) {
var index = index || 0;
var deps = [];
var used = {};
// (s : Either String (Map String String)) -> case s of { Left s => String, Right s => Map String String }
// Receives a source or an object mapping names to sources,
// returns either a term of a map of names and terms.
function read(sources) {
if (typeof sources !== "object")
sources = {"$": sources};
var term = (function parse() {
while (/[^a-zA-Z\(\)_0-9\.@:\-\*\%\#\{\}\[\]]/.test(source[index]||""))
var terms = {};
if (source[index] === "(") {
var app = parse();
var arg = [];
while (source[index] !== ")") {
while (/\s/.test(source[index])) ++index;
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
var appTerm = app(depth, binders, aliases);
for (var i=0, l=arg.length; i<l; ++i)
appTerm = Core.App(appTerm, arg[i](depth, binders, aliases));
return appTerm;
function parseTerm(name) {
var source = sources[name];
var index = 0;
} else if (source[index] === "*") {
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
return Core.Set;
if (!source)
return Core.Set;
} else {
var binder = "";
while (/[a-zA-Z0-9_]/.test(source[index]||""))
binder += source[index++];
if (source[index] === ":") {
if (terms[name])
return terms[name];
// Recursive parser
var term = (function parse() {
// Skip special characters
while (/[^a-zA-Z\(\)_0-9\.@:\-\*\%\#\{\}\[\]]/.test(source[index]||""))
var type = parse();
var body = parse();
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
return Core.Lam(
type(depth, binders, aliases),
body(depth+1, binders.concat(binder), aliases));
} else if (source[index] === ".") {
// Application
if (source[index] === "(") {
var type = parse();
var body = parse();
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
return Core.For(
type(depth, binders, aliases),
body(depth+1, binders.concat(binder), aliases));
var app = parse();
var arg = [];
while (source[index] !== ")") {
while (/\s/.test(source[index])) ++index;
} else if (source[index] === "@") {
var body = parse();
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
return Core.Fix(body(depth+1, binders.concat(binder), aliases));
var appTerm = app(depth, binders, aliases);
for (var i=0, l=arg.length; i<l; ++i)
appTerm = Core.App(appTerm, arg[i](depth, binders, aliases));
return appTerm;
} else if (source[index] === "=") {
// Set
} else if (source[index] === "*") {
var value = parse();
var context = parse();
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
var newAliases = {};
for (var key in aliases)
newAliases[key] = aliases[key];
newAliases[binder] = value;
return context(depth, binders, newAliases);
return Core.Set;
} else{
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
var binderIndex = binders.lastIndexOf(binder);
if (binderIndex === -1) {
if (aliases[binder]) {
return aliases[binder](depth, binders, aliases);
if (!(used[binder] < 0)) {
binderIndex = -deps.length;
used[binder] = binderIndex;
} else {
binderIndex = used[binder];
// Either a binder or a binding expression
} else {
var binder = "";
while (/[a-zA-Z0-9_]/.test(source[index]||""))
binder += source[index++];
// Lambda
if (source[index] === ":") {
var type = parse();
var body = parse();
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
return Core.Lam(
type(depth, binders, aliases),
body(depth+1, binders.concat(binder), aliases));
// Forall
} else if (source[index] === ".") {
var type = parse();
var body = parse();
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
return Core.For(
type(depth, binders, aliases),
body(depth+1, binders.concat(binder), aliases));
// Fix
} else if (source[index] === "@") {
var body = parse();
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
return Core.Fix(body(depth+1, binders.concat(binder), aliases));
// Let
} else if (source[index] === "=") {
var value = parse();
var context = parse();
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
var newAliases = {};
for (var key in aliases)
newAliases[key] = aliases[key];
newAliases[binder] = value;
return context(depth, binders, newAliases);
// Binder
} else {
return function(depth, binders, aliases) {
var binderIndex = binders.lastIndexOf(binder);
if (binderIndex === -1) {
if (aliases[binder]) {
return aliases[binder](depth, binders, aliases);
} else {
return parseTerm(binder);
return Core.Var(depth - binderIndex - 1);
return Core.Var(depth - binderIndex - 1);
})()(0, [], []);
return {term: term, deps: deps, index: index};
})()(0, [], []);
// String -> Term
function read(source) {
return parse(source).term;
return terms[name] = term;
// Number -> String
// Turns a number into a var name (a, b, c... aa, ab...).
function toName(nat) {
var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var name = "";
do {
name += alphabet[nat % alphabet.length];
nat = Math.floor(nat / alphabet.length);
} while (nat > 0);
return name;
for (var name in sources)
return terms["$"] || terms;
// Term, (Term -> Maybe String) -> String
// Stringifies a term. `combinatorName` is called on each combinator and may
// return a name for it.
function format(term, combinatorName) {
// Term, Maybe (Either (Map String String) (Term -> Maybe String)) -> String
// Stringifies a term. `combinatorName` is called on each
// combinator and may return a name for it.
function show(term, combinatorName) {
if (!term) return "E";
if (!combinatorName)
combinatorName = function(){ return null };
function toName(nat) {
var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var name = "";
do {
name += alphabet[nat % alphabet.length];
nat = Math.floor(nat / alphabet.length);
} while (nat > 0);
return name;
function extend(a,b) {

@@ -191,4 +215,6 @@ var c = {};

return (function go(term, args) {
if (term.isCombinator && combinatorName && combinatorName(term))
return combinatorName(term);
if (term.isCombinator && combinatorName) {
var name = combinatorName(term);
if (name) return name;
switch (term.ctor) {

@@ -221,19 +247,6 @@ case Core.VAR: return args[args.length-term.idx-1] || (term.idx>0?"v"+term.idx:"f"+(-term.idx));

// Term -> String
function show(term) {
return format(term, function(term) { return null; });
// Term -> IO
function print(term) {
return {
parse: parse,
format: format,
read: read,
show: show,
print: print
show: show

@@ -42,1 +42,27 @@ const CoC = require("./../src/main.js");

describe("Files", () => {
it("Should be able to solve dependencies and stringify combinator names", () => {
var files = {
"NAT": "(Nat. * Succ. (.Nat Nat) Zero. Nat Nat)",
"C0": "(N:* S:(.N N) Z:N Z)",
"C1": "(N:* S:(.N N) Z:N (S Z))",
"PAIR": "(T:* P:(.NAT .NAT T) (P C0 C1))"
var terms =;
var nameOf = {}
for (var name in files)
nameOf[[name])] = name;
var shown =
comb => {
if (nameOf[] !== "PAIR")
return nameOf[]
assert(shown === "(a:* (a:(.NAT (.NAT a)) (a C0 C1)))");

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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