Draws text in a rectangle on a canvas, on multiple lines.
To install use:
npm i canvas-multiline-emoji
Exports a single function that draws text on a canvas, breaking it into multiple lines if needed.
Also shrinks the font size to make in fit in the defined rectangle.
Returns the font size used
const fontSize = await drawText(canvas2Dcontext, text, options);
import fs from 'node:fs';
import { Canvas } from 'canvas';
import { drawText } from 'canvas-multiline-emoji';
const canvas = new Canvas(500, 500);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const text = 'The old rusted farm equipment 🤪 surrounded the house predicting its demise. He uses onomatopoeia as a weapon of mental destruction. 👍';
const options = {
font: 'OpenSans',
verbose: true,
rect: {
x: 50,
y: 50,
width: canvas.width - (50 * 2),
height: canvas.height - (50 * 2),
minFontSize: 10,
maxFontSize: 40,
lineHeight: 1.2
const test = async () => {
ctx.fillStyle = '#4a4aad';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = '#ceceec';
const fontSizeUsed = await drawText(ctx, text, options);
console.log('Font size used: ', fontSizeUsed);
const buffer = canvas.toBuffer();
fs.writeFileSync('test.png', buffer);
The options
type is defined as MultilineOptions
and (almost) all its keys are optional.
Parameter | Description | Default |
font | Font name / family to use | sans-serif |
rect | Rectangle object with x, y, width, height. Text will be drawn inside this. | Canvas Size |
minFontSize | Minimum font size to use. | 8 |
maxFontSize | Maximum font size to use. | 100 |
lineHeight | Multiplicator for line height | 1 |
stroke | Defines whether strokeText will be used instead of fillText | false |
verbose | Defines whether if should print debug info | false |
logFunction | Custome function for logging. | console.log |
This module requires some kind of Canvas object.
Inspired on: https://gitlab.com/davideblasutto/canvas-multiline-text