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cardano-pab-client - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.7 to 0.0.8




@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ /**

import type * as S from "@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-browser";
import { ExecutionUnits, ExportTx, ExportTxInput, Redeemer, WalletInfo } from "../common";
import { ExecutionUnits, ExportTx, ExportTxInput, Redeemer, Result, WalletInfo } from "../common";
import TxInputsInfo from "./TxInputsInfo";

@@ -65,2 +65,5 @@ /**

interface ExecutionUnitsEvaluator {
evaluate: (balancedTx: string, inputsInfo: ExportTxInput[]) => Promise<Result<Array<[Redeemer, ExecutionUnits]>>>;
export default class Balancer {

@@ -91,8 +94,8 @@ protocolParameters: ProtocolParameters;

* rebalanceTx methods within the same object.
* @param calculateExUnits Function that exposes the balanced transaction and the complete
* information of the inputs to allow the calculation of the execution units of each redeemer
* (this calculation could be done using the tx budget service, or with any other method).
* @returns The fully-balanced transaction ready to be signed by a wallet.
* @param exUnitsEvaluator An object that can evaluate the execution units of the redeemers of the
* transaction. An instance of the `TxBudgetApi` can be used here.
* @returns The fully-balanced transaction ready to be signed by a wallet, or an error if
* something happened.
fullBalanceTx({ transaction, inputs }: ExportTx | Omit<ExportTx, "redeemers">, { utxos, collateral, changeAddress }: WalletInfo, { feeUpperBound, mergeSignerOutputs, changeOutputIndex }: BalanceTxConfig & RebalanceTxConfig, calculateExUnits: (balancedTx: string, inputsInfo: ExportTxInput[]) => Promise<Array<[Redeemer, ExecutionUnits]>>): Promise<string>;
fullBalanceTx({ transaction, inputs }: ExportTx | Omit<ExportTx, "redeemers">, { utxos, collateral, changeAddress }: WalletInfo, { feeUpperBound, mergeSignerOutputs, changeOutputIndex }: BalanceTxConfig & RebalanceTxConfig, exUnitsEvaluator: ExecutionUnitsEvaluator): Promise<Result<string>>;

@@ -99,0 +102,0 @@ * Balances the given transaction.



@@ -46,3 +46,3 @@ "use strict";

const CoinSelection_1 = __importStar(require("./CoinSelection"));
const serLibPrinter_1 = require("./serLibPrinter");
const common_1 = require("../common");
const TxInputsInfo_1 = __importDefault(require("./TxInputsInfo"));

@@ -80,15 +80,24 @@ class Balancer {

* rebalanceTx methods within the same object.
* @param calculateExUnits Function that exposes the balanced transaction and the complete
* information of the inputs to allow the calculation of the execution units of each redeemer
* (this calculation could be done using the tx budget service, or with any other method).
* @returns The fully-balanced transaction ready to be signed by a wallet.
* @param exUnitsEvaluator An object that can evaluate the execution units of the redeemers of the
* transaction. An instance of the `TxBudgetApi` can be used here.
* @returns The fully-balanced transaction ready to be signed by a wallet, or an error if
* something happened.
fullBalanceTx({ transaction, inputs }, { utxos, collateral, changeAddress }, { feeUpperBound, mergeSignerOutputs, changeOutputIndex }, calculateExUnits) {
fullBalanceTx({ transaction, inputs }, { utxos, collateral, changeAddress }, { feeUpperBound, mergeSignerOutputs, changeOutputIndex }, exUnitsEvaluator) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const txInputsInfo = yield TxInputsInfo_1.default.init(transaction, inputs, utxos);
const balancedTx = yield this.balanceTx(transaction, txInputsInfo, { utxos, collateral, changeAddress }, { feeUpperBound, mergeSignerOutputs });
const executionUnits = yield calculateExUnits(balancedTx, txInputsInfo.toExportTxInputs());
const balancedTxWithExUnits = this.setExecutionUnits(balancedTx, executionUnits);
const rebalancedTx = this.rebalanceTx(balancedTxWithExUnits, txInputsInfo, { collateral, changeAddress }, { changeOutputIndex });
return rebalancedTx;
try {
const txInputsInfo = yield TxInputsInfo_1.default.init(transaction, inputs, utxos);
const balancedTx = yield this.balanceTx(transaction, txInputsInfo, { utxos, collateral, changeAddress }, { feeUpperBound, mergeSignerOutputs });
const evaluation = yield exUnitsEvaluator.evaluate(balancedTx, txInputsInfo.toExportTxInputs());
if ((0, common_1.failed)(evaluation)) {
return (0,`Execution units evaluation failed: ${evaluation.error}`);
const executionUnits = evaluation.value;
const balancedTxWithExUnits = this.setExecutionUnits(balancedTx, executionUnits);
const rebalancedTx = this.rebalanceTx(balancedTxWithExUnits, txInputsInfo, { collateral, changeAddress }, { changeOutputIndex });
return (0, common_1.success)(rebalancedTx);
catch (error) {
return (0,,;

@@ -141,3 +150,3 @@ }

const r = redeemers.get(i);
const rTag = capitalizeFirstLetter((0, serLibPrinter_1.showRedeemerTag)(r.tag()));
const rTag = r.tag().to_js_value();
const rIndex = Number(r.index().to_str());

@@ -211,7 +220,7 @@ for (let j = 0; j < execUnits.length; j += 1) {

if (!burnedValue.is_zero()) {
console.log("BURNED VALUE IN THE TX:", (0, serLibPrinter_1.showValue)(burnedValue));
console.log(`BURNED VALUE IN THE TX: ${burnedValue.to_json()}`);
alreadyPaidValue = alreadyPaidValue.checked_sub(burnedValue);
console.log("TOTAL VALUE ALREADY PAID BY INPUTS:", (0, serLibPrinter_1.showValue)(alreadyPaidValue));
console.log(`TOTAL VALUE ALREADY PAID BY INPUTS: ${alreadyPaidValue.to_json()}`);
return alreadyPaidValue;

@@ -236,6 +245,6 @@ }

if (!mintedValue.is_zero()) {
console.log("MINTED VALUE IN THE TX:", (0, serLibPrinter_1.showValue)(mintedValue));
console.log(`MINTED VALUE IN THE TX: ${mintedValue.to_json()}`);
totalValueToPay = totalValueToPay.checked_sub(mintedValue);
console.log("TOTAL VALUE IN OUTPUTS + FEE:", (0, serLibPrinter_1.showValue)(totalValueToPay));
console.log(`TOTAL VALUE IN OUTPUTS + FEE: ${totalValueToPay.to_json()}`);

@@ -308,3 +317,3 @@ return totalValueToPay;

const changeAddrInBech32 = this.S.Address.from_hex(changeAddress).to_bech32();
console.log(`PAYING ${(0, serLibPrinter_1.showValue)(change)} OF CHANGE TO ${changeAddrInBech32}`);
console.log(`PAYING ${change.to_json()} OF CHANGE TO ${changeAddrInBech32}`);
if (change.coin().compare(this.S.BigNum.from_str("2")) < 0) {

@@ -334,3 +343,3 @@ // the change value is less than minAda so look for a suitable utxo to receive it

// if there are plutus scripts invovled in the tx, use the wallet's collaterals
// if there are plutus scripts involved in the tx, use the wallet's collaterals
if (txWitnessSet.plutus_scripts()) {

@@ -445,3 +454,3 @@ // then there is the need to set the collateral

else {
console.log("RUNNING COIN SELECTION TO PAY:", (0, serLibPrinter_1.showValue)(mustBePaid));
console.log(`RUNNING COIN SELECTION TO PAY: ${mustBePaid.to_json()}`);
CoinSelection_1.default.setProtocolParameters(minUtxo, linearFee.minFeeA.toString(), linearFee.minFeeB.toString(), maxTxSize.toString());

@@ -522,3 +531,3 @@ const selection = yield CoinSelection_1.default.randomImprove(candidateUtxosForCoinSelection, mustBePaid, 20, this.S);

if (selectedOutput.address().to_hex() === changeAddress) {
console.log("Change output:", (0, serLibPrinter_1.showTransactionOutput)(selectedOutput));
console.log(`Change output: ${selectedOutput.to_json()}`);
return {

@@ -550,3 +559,3 @@ changeOutput: selectedOutput,

Change address of the wallet in bech32: ${this.S.Address.from_hex(changeAddress).to_bech32()}
Outputs: ${(0, serLibPrinter_1.showTransactionOutputs)(outputs)}
Outputs: ${outputs.to_json()}

@@ -566,3 +575,3 @@ }

const oldChangeOutputAmount = deepCopy(oldChangeOutput.amount(), this.S.Value);
console.log("Old change output value:", (0, serLibPrinter_1.showValue)(oldChangeOutputAmount));
console.log(`Old change output value: ${oldChangeOutputAmount.to_json()}`);
// Formula for calculating the new coin (i.e. lovelace) amount of the change output:

@@ -574,3 +583,3 @@ // newCoin = oldCoin + (oldFee - newFee)

console.log("New change output value:", (0, serLibPrinter_1.showValue)(newChangeValue));
console.log(`New change output value: ${newChangeValue.to_json()}`);
return, this.S.Address), newChangeValue);

@@ -727,5 +736,4 @@ }

const capitalizeFirstLetter = (s) => s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
function deepCopy(objectToCopy, serLibClass) {
return serLibClass.from_hex(objectToCopy.to_hex());

@@ -124,3 +124,2 @@ "use strict";

var _a, _b, _c;
console.log("utxo address:", utxo.output().address().to_bech32());
const datumHash = utxo.output().data_hash();

@@ -127,0 +126,0 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention

@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ /**

import { Address, Hash64, Paginate, Result, TransactionUnspentOutput, TransactionWitnessSet, Value, WalletInfo } from "../common";
import { WalletAddress } from "../ContractEndpoints/types";
* Class that has the CIP-30 wallet methods plus some other useful ones for the usage of the
* library itself, such as `getWalletInfo` and `signAndSubmit`.
* library itself, such as `getWalletAddress`, `getWalletInfo` and `signAndSubmit`.

@@ -67,3 +68,2 @@ export default class CIP30WalletWrapper {

submitTx(tx: string): Promise<Hash64>;
getWalletId(): Promise<string>;

@@ -76,2 +76,8 @@ * An utility functionality to get the wallet information in the format that the Balancer methods

* Gets the **first one of the used addresses** of the CIP30 wallet and parses it into a
* `WalletAddress` value.
* @returns The first used address of the wallet as `WalletAddress`.
getWalletAddress(): Promise<WalletAddress>;
* Functionality to sign and submit the given transaction.

@@ -78,0 +84,0 @@ * @param transaction Transaction cbor.

@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const blake2b_1 = __importDefault(require("blake2b"));
const SerLibLoader_1 = __importDefault(require("../SerLibLoader"));
const common_1 = require("../common");
const Address_1 = __importDefault(require("../Address"));
* Class that has the CIP-30 wallet methods plus some other useful ones for the usage of the
* library itself, such as `getWalletInfo` and `signAndSubmit`.
* library itself, such as `getWalletAddress`, `getWalletInfo` and `signAndSubmit`.

@@ -128,12 +128,2 @@ class CIP30WalletWrapper {

getWalletId() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const walletUsedAddresses = yield this.wallet.getUsedAddresses();
const walletUnusedAddresses = yield this.wallet.getUnusedAddresses();
const addresses = walletUnusedAddresses.concat(walletUsedAddresses);
return (0, blake2b_1.default)(20)

@@ -159,2 +149,19 @@ * An utility functionality to get the wallet information in the format that the Balancer methods

* Gets the **first one of the used addresses** of the CIP30 wallet and parses it into a
* `WalletAddress` value.
* @returns The first used address of the wallet as `WalletAddress`.
getWalletAddress() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const [addr] = yield this.wallet.getUsedAddresses();
const result = yield Address_1.default.fromHex(addr);
if ((0, common_1.failed)(result)) {
throw new Error(`An unexpected error happened: the first used address of the wallet was
incorrectly parsed by the fromHex emthod of Address class.`);
const address = result.value;
return address.toWalletAddress();
* Functionality to sign and submit the given transaction.

@@ -161,0 +168,0 @@ * @param transaction Transaction cbor.

* @packageDocumentation
* A class that uses the PAB to interact with contracts implemented with a
* specific design pattern. This can be resumed like so
* - `start` to initialize a new contract.
* - `connect` to connect to an already existing contract instance.
* specific design pattern.
* In summary it provides the following functions
* - `start` to activate a contract instance that yields a transaction.
* - `connect` to activate a contract instance with no yield of transaction.
* - `reload` to get the observable state defined by the contract in the Haskell off-chain code.

@@ -18,32 +19,30 @@ * - `doOperation` for getting the unbalanced transaction of any other operation.

* Create a new instance of a contract and obtain its unbalanced transaction.
* @param walletId Id of the wallet being used to activate the contract.
* @param callInit Name of the endpoint and its parameters to activate the contract or only the
* @param call Name of the endpoint and its parameters to activate the contract or only the
* parameters if the there's only one possible tag.
* @param pabApi Api instance for this contract to use.
* @param pabUrl Base URL of the PAB that will be used.
* @returns A new instance of the class and an unbalanced transaction to initiate the contract.
static start(walletId: string, callInit: {
endpointTag?: string;
params: unknown;
}, pabApi: PABApi): Promise<[ContractEndpoints, Result<ExportTx>]>;
static start(pabUrl: string, call: {
tag?: string;
contents: unknown;
}): Promise<[ContractEndpoints, Result<ExportTx>]>;
* Connect to an already created instance of a contract on the blockchain.
* @param walletId Id of the wallet being used to activate the contract.
* @param callConnect Name of the endpoint and its parameters to connect to the contract or just
* @param call Name of the endpoint and its parameters to connect to the contract or just
* the parameters if there's only one possible tag.
* @param pabApi PAB API instance for this contract to use.
* @param pabUrl Base URL of the PAB that will be used.
* @returns a new instance of the class.
static connect(walletId: string, callConnect: {
endpointTag?: string;
params: unknown;
}, pabApi: PABApi): Promise<ContractEndpoints>;
static connect(pabUrl: string, call: {
tag?: string;
contents: unknown;
}): Promise<ContractEndpoints>;
* Gets the observable state contained in the status of the PAB.
* @param callReload Name of the reload endpoint and its required parameters.
* @param call Name of the reload endpoint and its required parameters.
* @returns The observable state if suceeded, or a string error otherwise.
reload(callReload: {
endpointTag: string;
params: unknown;
reload(call: {
tag: string;
contents: unknown;
}): Promise<Result<unknown>>;

@@ -55,5 +54,5 @@ /**

doOperation(callEndpoint: {
endpointTag: string;
params: unknown;
doOperation(call: {
tag: string;
contents: unknown;
}): Promise<Result<ExportTx>>;

@@ -60,0 +59,0 @@ /**

@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ "use strict";

* A class that uses the PAB to interact with contracts implemented with a
* specific design pattern. This can be resumed like so
* - `start` to initialize a new contract.
* - `connect` to connect to an already existing contract instance.
* specific design pattern.
* In summary it provides the following functions
* - `start` to activate a contract instance that yields a transaction.
* - `connect` to activate a contract instance with no yield of transaction.
* - `reload` to get the observable state defined by the contract in the Haskell off-chain code.

@@ -23,3 +24,7 @@ * - `doOperation` for getting the unbalanced transaction of any other operation.

var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const PABApi_1 = __importDefault(require("../PABApi"));
const common_1 = require("../common");

@@ -33,11 +38,11 @@ class ContractEndpoints {

* Create a new instance of a contract and obtain its unbalanced transaction.
* @param walletId Id of the wallet being used to activate the contract.
* @param callInit Name of the endpoint and its parameters to activate the contract or only the
* @param call Name of the endpoint and its parameters to activate the contract or only the
* parameters if the there's only one possible tag.
* @param pabApi Api instance for this contract to use.
* @param pabUrl Base URL of the PAB that will be used.
* @returns A new instance of the class and an unbalanced transaction to initiate the contract.
static start(walletId, callInit, pabApi) {
static start(pabUrl, call) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const cid = yield pabApi.activate(walletId, callInit);
const pabApi = new PABApi_1.default(pabUrl);
const cid = yield pabApi.activate(call);
const inst = new ContractEndpoints(pabApi, cid);

@@ -50,13 +55,12 @@ const etx = yield inst.waitForNewExportTx();

* Connect to an already created instance of a contract on the blockchain.
* @param walletId Id of the wallet being used to activate the contract.
* @param callConnect Name of the endpoint and its parameters to connect to the contract or just
* @param call Name of the endpoint and its parameters to connect to the contract or just
* the parameters if there's only one possible tag.
* @param pabApi PAB API instance for this contract to use.
* @param pabUrl Base URL of the PAB that will be used.
* @returns a new instance of the class.
static connect(walletId, callConnect, pabApi) {
static connect(pabUrl, call) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const cid = yield pabApi.activate(walletId, callConnect);
const inst = new ContractEndpoints(pabApi, cid);
return inst;
const pabApi = new PABApi_1.default(pabUrl);
const cid = yield pabApi.activate(call);
return new ContractEndpoints(pabApi, cid);

@@ -66,9 +70,10 @@ }

* Gets the observable state contained in the status of the PAB.
* @param callReload Name of the reload endpoint and its required parameters.
* @param call Name of the reload endpoint and its required parameters.
* @returns The observable state if suceeded, or a string error otherwise.
reload(callReload) {
reload(call) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { tag, contents } = call;
const oldStatus = yield this.pabApi.status(this.contractId);
yield this.pabApi.endpoint(this.contractId, callReload);
yield this.pabApi.endpoint(this.contractId, tag, contents);
const observableState = yield this.getObservableState(oldStatus);

@@ -83,6 +88,7 @@ return observableState;

doOperation(callEndpoint) {
doOperation(call) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { tag, contents } = call;
const oldStatus = yield this.pabApi.status(this.contractId);
yield this.pabApi.endpoint(this.contractId, callEndpoint);
yield this.pabApi.endpoint(this.contractId, tag, contents);
const etx = this.waitForNewExportTx(oldStatus);

@@ -89,0 +95,0 @@ return etx;

@@ -5,16 +5,17 @@ /**

import Address from "./Address";
import AssetClass from "./PABApi/types/AssetClass";
import Balancer from "./Balancer";
import CIP30WalletWrapper from "./CIP30WalletWrapper";
import Balancer from "./Balancer";
import ContractEndpoints from "./ContractEndpoints";
import PABApi from "./PABApi";
import Value from "./PABApi/types/Value";
import AssetClass from "./PABApi/types/AssetClass";
import SerLibLoader from "./SerLibLoader";
import TxOutRef from "./PABApi/types/TxOutRef";
import { Plutus } from "./PABApi/types/Plutus";
import ContractEndpoints from "./ContractEndpoints";
import WalletAddress from "./ContractEndpoints/WalletAddress";
import TxBudgetAPI from "./TxBudgetApi";
import SerLibLoader from "./SerLibLoader";
import TxInputsInfo from "./Balancer/TxInputsInfo";
import { getWalletInitialAPI, getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost } from "./utilities";
import Value from "./PABApi/types/Value";
import { Plutus } from "./PABApi/types/Plutus";
import { getWalletInitialAPI, getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost, setMetadataMessage } from "./utilities";
import { failed, succeeded } from "./common";
export { CIP30WalletWrapper, PABApi, ContractEndpoints, TxBudgetAPI, Balancer, TxInputsInfo, SerLibLoader, Value, AssetClass, TxOutRef, WalletAddress, Plutus, getWalletInitialAPI, getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost, succeeded, failed, };
import { WalletAddress } from "./ContractEndpoints/types";
export { CIP30WalletWrapper, PABApi, ContractEndpoints, TxBudgetAPI, Balancer, Address, TxInputsInfo, SerLibLoader, Value, AssetClass, TxOutRef, WalletAddress, Plutus, getWalletInitialAPI, getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost, setMetadataMessage, succeeded, failed, };

@@ -10,32 +10,33 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.failed = exports.succeeded = exports.getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost = exports.getWalletInitialAPI = exports.Plutus = exports.WalletAddress = exports.TxOutRef = exports.AssetClass = exports.Value = exports.SerLibLoader = exports.TxInputsInfo = exports.Balancer = exports.TxBudgetAPI = exports.ContractEndpoints = exports.PABApi = exports.CIP30WalletWrapper = void 0;
exports.failed = exports.succeeded = exports.setMetadataMessage = exports.getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost = exports.getWalletInitialAPI = exports.Plutus = exports.TxOutRef = exports.AssetClass = exports.Value = exports.SerLibLoader = exports.TxInputsInfo = exports.Address = exports.Balancer = exports.TxBudgetAPI = exports.ContractEndpoints = exports.PABApi = exports.CIP30WalletWrapper = void 0;
const Address_1 = __importDefault(require("./Address"));
exports.Address = Address_1.default;
const AssetClass_1 = __importDefault(require("./PABApi/types/AssetClass"));
exports.AssetClass = AssetClass_1.default;
const Balancer_1 = __importDefault(require("./Balancer"));
exports.Balancer = Balancer_1.default;
const CIP30WalletWrapper_1 = __importDefault(require("./CIP30WalletWrapper"));
exports.CIP30WalletWrapper = CIP30WalletWrapper_1.default;
const Balancer_1 = __importDefault(require("./Balancer"));
exports.Balancer = Balancer_1.default;
const ContractEndpoints_1 = __importDefault(require("./ContractEndpoints"));
exports.ContractEndpoints = ContractEndpoints_1.default;
const PABApi_1 = __importDefault(require("./PABApi"));
exports.PABApi = PABApi_1.default;
const Value_1 = __importDefault(require("./PABApi/types/Value"));
exports.Value = Value_1.default;
const AssetClass_1 = __importDefault(require("./PABApi/types/AssetClass"));
exports.AssetClass = AssetClass_1.default;
const SerLibLoader_1 = __importDefault(require("./SerLibLoader"));
exports.SerLibLoader = SerLibLoader_1.default;
const TxOutRef_1 = __importDefault(require("./PABApi/types/TxOutRef"));
exports.TxOutRef = TxOutRef_1.default;
const Plutus_1 = require("./PABApi/types/Plutus");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Plutus", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return Plutus_1.Plutus; } });
const ContractEndpoints_1 = __importDefault(require("./ContractEndpoints"));
exports.ContractEndpoints = ContractEndpoints_1.default;
const WalletAddress_1 = __importDefault(require("./ContractEndpoints/WalletAddress"));
exports.WalletAddress = WalletAddress_1.default;
const TxBudgetApi_1 = __importDefault(require("./TxBudgetApi"));
exports.TxBudgetAPI = TxBudgetApi_1.default;
const SerLibLoader_1 = __importDefault(require("./SerLibLoader"));
exports.SerLibLoader = SerLibLoader_1.default;
const TxInputsInfo_1 = __importDefault(require("./Balancer/TxInputsInfo"));
exports.TxInputsInfo = TxInputsInfo_1.default;
const Value_1 = __importDefault(require("./PABApi/types/Value"));
exports.Value = Value_1.default;
const Plutus_1 = require("./PABApi/types/Plutus");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Plutus", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return Plutus_1.Plutus; } });
const utilities_1 = require("./utilities");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "getWalletInitialAPI", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return utilities_1.getWalletInitialAPI; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return utilities_1.getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "setMetadataMessage", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return utilities_1.setMetadataMessage; } });
const common_1 = require("./common");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "failed", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return common_1.failed; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "succeeded", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return common_1.succeeded; } });

@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@ /**

* Wrapper of the activate endpoint of the PAB.
* @param walletId Id of the wallet being used to activate the contract.
* @param callActivate Name of the endpoint and its parameters for activate the contract. If
* @param call Name of the endpoint and its parameters for activate the contract. If
* there's only one possible tag name for activating, it receives *only* the parameters.
* @returns A contract ID to the activated contract.
activate(walletId: string, callActivate: {
endpointTag?: string;
params: unknown;
activate(call: {
tag?: string;
contents: unknown;
}): Promise<ContractId>;

@@ -36,8 +35,6 @@ /**

* @param contractId Id of the instance of the contract on which the endpoint is being called.
* @param callEndpoint Name of the endpoint being called and its parameters.
* @param tag Name of the endpoint to call.
* @param contents Parameters of the endpoint.
endpoint(contractId: ContractId, callEndpoint: {
endpointTag: string;
params: unknown;
}): Promise<void>;
endpoint(contractId: ContractId, tag: string, contents: unknown): Promise<void>;

@@ -44,0 +41,0 @@ * Obtains and returns the status of a contract.

@@ -33,14 +33,13 @@ "use strict";

* Wrapper of the activate endpoint of the PAB.
* @param walletId Id of the wallet being used to activate the contract.
* @param callActivate Name of the endpoint and its parameters for activate the contract. If
* @param call Name of the endpoint and its parameters for activate the contract. If
* there's only one possible tag name for activating, it receives *only* the parameters.
* @returns A contract ID to the activated contract.
activate(walletId, callActivate) {
activate(call) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { tag, contents } = call;
const dummyWalletId = "0".repeat(40);
const params = {
caID: callActivate.endpointTag !== undefined
? { tag: callActivate.endpointTag, contents: callActivate.params }
: callActivate.params,
caWallet: { getWalletId: walletId },
caID: tag !== undefined ? { tag, contents } : contents,
caWallet: { getWalletId: dummyWalletId },

@@ -63,7 +62,8 @@ const response = yield`${this.pabUrl}/contract/activate`, JSON.stringify(params), { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } });

* @param contractId Id of the instance of the contract on which the endpoint is being called.
* @param callEndpoint Name of the endpoint being called and its parameters.
* @param tag Name of the endpoint to call.
* @param contents Parameters of the endpoint.
endpoint(contractId, callEndpoint) {
endpoint(contractId, tag, contents) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield`${this.pabUrl}/contract/instance/${contractId}/endpoint/${callEndpoint.endpointTag}`, JSON.stringify(callEndpoint.params), { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } });
yield`${this.pabUrl}/contract/instance/${contractId}/endpoint/${tag}`, JSON.stringify(contents), { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } });

@@ -70,0 +70,0 @@ }

@@ -33,2 +33,8 @@ /**

const singleton: (cs: CurrencySymbol, tn: TokenName, quantity: number) => Value;
type PubKeyHash = {
getPubKeyHash: string;
const mkPubKeyHash: (kh: string) => {
getPubKeyHash: string;
function isCurrencySymbol(cs: unknown): cs is CurrencySymbol;

@@ -35,0 +41,0 @@ function isTokenName(tn: unknown): tn is TokenName;

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ "use strict";

Plutus.singleton = (cs, tn, quantity) => (Plutus.mkValue([[cs, [[tn, quantity]]]]));
Plutus.mkPubKeyHash = (kh) => ({ getPubKeyHash: kh });
// Validation functions

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ function isCurrencySymbol(cs) {

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ /**

* Endpoint to estimate the execution units of each redeemer of the given transaction.
* Endpoint to evaluate the execution units of each redeemer of the given transaction.
* @param tx The transaction cbor.

@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ * @param inputsInfo Complete information about the inputs of the transaction.

estimate(tx: string, inputsInfo: ExportTxInput[]): Promise<Result<Array<[Redeemer, ExecutionUnits]>>>;
evaluate(tx: string, inputsInfo: ExportTxInput[]): Promise<Result<Array<[Redeemer, ExecutionUnits]>>>;
export {};

@@ -37,6 +37,4 @@ "use strict";

// // GET request method for checking if the service is up
// public async health() { ... }
* Endpoint to estimate the execution units of each redeemer of the given transaction.
* Endpoint to evaluate the execution units of each redeemer of the given transaction.
* @param tx The transaction cbor.

@@ -47,3 +45,3 @@ * @param inputsInfo Complete information about the inputs of the transaction.

estimate(tx, inputsInfo) {
evaluate(tx, inputsInfo) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {

@@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ const estimParam = {

inputs: inputsInfo,
redeemers: [], // the estimator doesn't need the redeemers, but the placeholder is needed
redeemers: [], // the service doesn't need the redeemers, but the placeholder is needed
let estimation;
let evaluation;
try {
estimation = (yield`${this.config.baseUrl}/estimate`, JSON.stringify(estimParam), {
evaluation = (yield`${this.config.baseUrl}/evaluate`, JSON.stringify(estimParam), {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },

@@ -66,8 +64,8 @@ timeout: this.config.timeout,

if (estimation.Left) {
return (0,;
if (evaluation.Left) {
return (0,;
if (estimation.Right) {
if (evaluation.Right) {
const res = [];
const ent = Object.entries(estimation.Right);
const ent = Object.entries(evaluation.Right);
for (let t = 0; t < ent.length; t += 1) {

@@ -85,3 +83,3 @@ const [k, e] = ent[t];

tmpUnit = {
mem: 16000000,
mem: 14000000,
cpu: 10000000000,

@@ -99,3 +97,3 @@ };

return (0,"Unkown estimator failure");
return (0,"Unknown budget service failure");

@@ -102,0 +100,0 @@ }

@@ -44,2 +44,19 @@ /**

export declare function getWalletInitialAPI(window: NeededWindow, walletName: SupportedWallet): CIP30WalletInitialAPI;
* Adds a message as metadata into the given transaction with the schema defined in CIP20.
* See
* **IMPORTANT NOTE**: this function updates the transaction body by setting the field 7:
* and also sets the auxiliary data field
* So, this should be done **before** the rebalancing step and the calculation of the tx execution
* units since the transaction fee will go up a little bit because of the tx being a few bytes
* bigger.
* @param transaction The transaction cbor.
* @param msg The message as a string to put into the metadata.
* @returns The transaction cbor with the metadata message and hash fields set.
export declare function setMetadataMessage(transaction: string, msg: string): Promise<string>;
export {};

@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getWalletInitialAPI = exports.getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost = void 0;
exports.setMetadataMessage = exports.getWalletInitialAPI = exports.getProtocolParamsFromBlockfrost = void 0;
const axios_1 = __importDefault(require("axios"));
const SerLibLoader_1 = __importDefault(require("./SerLibLoader"));

@@ -67,1 +68,54 @@ * Utility function for getting the protocol parameters from blockfrost API, which are needed

exports.getWalletInitialAPI = getWalletInitialAPI;
* Adds a message as metadata into the given transaction with the schema defined in CIP20.
* See
* **IMPORTANT NOTE**: this function updates the transaction body by setting the field 7:
* and also sets the auxiliary data field
* So, this should be done **before** the rebalancing step and the calculation of the tx execution
* units since the transaction fee will go up a little bit because of the tx being a few bytes
* bigger.
* @param transaction The transaction cbor.
* @param msg The message as a string to put into the metadata.
* @returns The transaction cbor with the metadata message and hash fields set.
function setMetadataMessage(transaction, msg) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!msg) {
return transaction;
yield SerLibLoader_1.default.load();
const S = SerLibLoader_1.default.lib;
const tx = S.Transaction.from_hex(transaction);
const metadataText = S.TransactionMetadatum.new_text(msg);
// ${metadata}
const metadataList =;
const metadataIntoList = S.TransactionMetadatum.new_list(metadataList);
// [ ${metadata} ]
const metadataMap =;
metadataMap.insert_str("msg", metadataIntoList);
const metadataIntoMap = S.TransactionMetadatum.new_map(metadataMap);
// { msg: [ ${metadata} ] }
const txMetadata =;
txMetadata.insert(S.BigNum.from_str("674"), metadataIntoMap);
// {
// "key": "674",
// "json": { msg: [ ${metadata} ] }
// "bytes": ...
// }
let auxData = tx.auxiliary_data();
if (!auxData) {
auxData =;
const auxDataHash = S.hash_auxiliary_data(auxData);
const newTxBody = tx.body();
return, tx.witness_set(), auxData).to_hex();
exports.setMetadataMessage = setMetadataMessage;
"name": "cardano-pab-client",
"version": "0.0.7",
"version": "0.0.8",
"description": "A set of tools to develop frontends that interact with the Plutus Application Backend.",

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ "author": "Plank",

"prepublish": "rm -rf dist && npm run build",
"generate-docs": "npx typedoc --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --plugin typedoc-plugin-missing-exports"
"generate-docs": "npx typedoc --plugin typedoc-plugin-missing-exports"

@@ -45,3 +45,2 @@ "repository": {

"typedoc": "^0.23.22",
"typedoc-plugin-markdown": "^3.14.0",
"typedoc-plugin-missing-exports": "^1.0.0",

@@ -52,5 +51,4 @@ "typescript": "^4.8.4"

"@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-browser": "11.1.0",
"axios": "^1.1.3",
"blake2b": "^2.1.4"
"axios": "^1.1.3"

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ # Cardano PAB client library

function startContract(): ContractEndpoints {
function startContract(): ContractEndpoints | undefined {
// NOTE: all the modules of this library MUST be imported dynamically like this

@@ -20,2 +20,3 @@ const {

} = await import("cardano-pab-client");

@@ -35,81 +36,46 @@

// Try to get unbalanced transaction from PAB
const walletId = await wallet.getWalletId();
const pabApi = new PABApi("http://localhost:9080");
const [endpoints, pabResponse] = await ContractEndpoints.start(
{ endpointTag: "Init", params: [] },
if (!succeeded(pabResponse)) {
if (failed(pabResponse)) {
`Didn't got the unbalanced transaction from the PAB. Error: ${pabResponse.error}`
`Didn't get the unbalanced transaction from the PAB. Error: ${pabResponse.error}`
} else {
// the pab yielded the unbalanced transaction. balance, sign and submit it.
const etx = pabResponse.value;
// the pab yielded the unbalanced transaction. balance, sign and submit it.
const etx = pabResponse.value;
const walletInfo = await wallet.getWalletInfo();
const txBudgetApi = new TxBudgetAPI({
baseUrl: "http//:localhost:3001",
timeout: 10000,
const walletInfo = await wallet.getWalletInfo();
const txBudgetApi = new TxBudgetAPI({
baseUrl: "http//:localhost:3001",
timeout: 10000,
const fullyBalancedTx = await balancer.fullBalanceTx(
// configuration for the balanceTx and rebalanceTx methods which are interally
// used by this method
{ feeUpperBound: 1000000, mergeSignerOutputs: false },
// a high-order function that exposes the balanced tx and the inputs info so to
// calculate the executions units, which are then set in the transaction and
// goes to the rebalancing step
async (balancedTx, inputsInfo) => {
const txBudgetResponse = await txBudgetApi.estimate(balancedTx, inputsInfo);
if (succeeded(txBudgetResponse)) {
const units = txBudgetResponse.value;
return units;
// if the tx budget service fails or it isn't available,
// fallback to hardcoded units
// directly use the serialization library is useful here
// must be dynamically imported too!
const { SerLibLoader } = await import("cardano-pab-client");
await SerLibLoader.load();
const S = SerLibLoader.lib;
// parse the transaction cbor into a nice format
const tx = S.Transaction.from_hex(balancedTx).to_js_value();
// ... here you have all the info of the transaction
// in particular, access to the redeemers like so
const { redeemers } = tx.witness_set;
// also, have the complete information about the inputs (not only
// the references) in the inputsInfo object
if (redeemers) {
redeemers.forEach((r: S.RedeemerJSON) => /*...*/);
// do stuff...
return [
[{ tag: "Mint", index: 0 }, { mem: 4000000, cpu: 1500000000 }],
[{ tag: "Spend", index: 2 }, { mem: 6000000, cpu: 1800000000 }],
// ...
// no redeemers, so no hardcoded units are needed.
return [];
// print to the console the fully balanced tx cbor for debugging purposes
console.log(`Balanced tx: ${fullyBalancedTx}`);
// now that the transaction is balanced, sign and submit it with the wallet
const response = await wallet.signAndSubmit(fullyBalancedTx);
if (succeeded(response)) {
const txHash = response.value;
alert(`Start suceeded. Tx hash: ${txHash}`);
} else {
alert(`Start failed when trying to submit it. Error: ${response.error}`);
const balancerResponse = await balancer.fullBalanceTx(
// configuration for the balanceTx and rebalanceTx methods which are interally
// used by this method
{ feeUpperBound: 1000000, mergeSignerOutputs: false },
// the tx budget service api that will calculate the execution units of the redeemers of the tx
if (failed(balancerResponse)) {
alert(`Balancer failed with error: ${balancerResponse.error}`);
const fullyBalancedTx = balancerResponse.value;
// print to the console the fully balanced tx cbor for debugging purposes
console.log(`Balanced tx: ${fullyBalancedTx}`);
// now that the transaction is balanced, sign and submit it with the wallet
const walletResponse = await wallet.signAndSubmit(fullyBalancedTx);
if (failed(walletResponse)) {
alert(`Start failed when trying to submit it. Error: ${walletResponse.error}`);
const txHash = response.value;
alert(`Start suceeded. Tx hash: ${txHash}`);
// the ContractEndpoints instance is connected to the PAB, so we can return it to

@@ -140,2 +106,13 @@ // continue doing operations with it.

// ...
## Codebase docs as website
They are a set of HTMLs, so to run them into a website you could go to the `docs/` folder and run the following commands
docker build --tag docs-site:latest .
docker run -it --name docs -p 5000:80 docs-site:latest
That will run the docs at http://localhost:5000.
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