Case anything 🐫
npm i case-anything
camelCase, kebab-case, PascalCase... a simple integration with nano package size. (SMALL footprint!)
I created this package because most other packages that do simple case changing are so big...
I wanted to try my hand at the smallest iteration possible.
Meet the family
case-anything supports tree-shaking and is side-effect free!
import { camelCase, pascalCase, kebabCase, snakeCase, constantCase } from 'case-anything'
const testString = 'PonytaVaporeon_poliwrath-BUTTERFREE'
camelCase(testString) === 'ponytaVaporeonPoliwrathButterfree'
pascalCase(testString) === 'PonytaVaporeonPoliwrathButterfree'
kebabCase(testString) === 'ponyta-vaporeon-poliwrath-butterfree'
snakeCase(testString) === 'ponyta_vaporeon_poliwrath_butterfree'
There is also spaceCase
and pathCase
, which does not convert the casing:
import { spaceCase, pathCase } from 'case-anything'
const testString = 'PonytaVaporeon_poliwrath-BUTTERFREE'
spaceCase(testString) === 'Ponyta Vaporeon poliwrath BUTTERFREE'
pathCase(testString) === 'Ponyta/Vaporeon/poliwrath/BUTTERFREE'
There is also upper, lower and capital case. These will all convert the casing & also add spaces in between:
import { upperCase, lowerCase, capitalCase } from 'case-anything'
const testString = 'PonytaVaporeon_poliwrath-BUTTERFREE'
lowerCase(testString) === 'ponyta vaporeon poliwrath butterfree'
capitalCase(testString) === 'Ponyta Vaporeon Poliwrath Butterfree'
When spaces are involved
As soon as there is a space in the target string, it will regard the input as a "sentence" and only split each part at the spaces.
See this example to understand each case:
const testString = "listen I'm O.K.!"
camelCase(listenImOK) === 'listenImOk'
pascalCase(listenImOK) === 'ListenImOk'
kebabCase(listenImOK) === 'listen-im-ok'
snakeCase(listenImOK) === 'listen_im_ok'
constantCase(listenImOK) === 'LISTEN_IM_OK'
spaceCase(listenImOK) === "listen I'm O.K.!"
pathCase(listenImOK) === "listen/I'm/O.K.!"
lowerCase(listenImOK) === "listen i'm o.k.!"
upperCase(listenImOK) === "LISTEN I'M O.K.!"
capitalCase(listenImOK) === "Listen I'm O.k.!"
When special alphabet is involved
Currently what keeps the package small is the fact that I use a simple regex to find all the parts in a string:
That means that alphabet letters like é, ç, ü, ī and many others aren't compatible.
If there is a simple way to include these via unicode ranges in the regex, please feel free to open a PR or issue!
Package size
We'll compare this package with blakeembrey/change-case, a very famous package on npm.
| case-anything | change-case |
camelCase | 1.1K (572) | 27.2K (6K) |
pascalCase | 1.1K (561) | 27.4K (6.1K) |
kebabCase | 1.1K (541) | 26.8K (5.9K) |
snakeCase | 1.1K (540) | 26.8K (5.9K) |
constantCase | 1.1K (540) | 27.2K (6K) |
pathCase | 1K (530) | 26.8K (5.9K) |
Source code
What keeps my package small, is that it's literally just a regex:
export function splitOnSpecialChars (string: string): any[] {
return string.match(/^[a-z]+|[A-Z][a-z]+|[a-z]+|[0-9]+|[A-Z]+(?![a-z])/g)