cBio Portal API Client
cBio Portal API client. Parses tab separated responses into JSON format. Works in node and in the browser via a module loader such as Webpack (soon: just finalizing the browser build).
This library can be used programatically or via the command line.
Under active development: This library is currently under active development. The module API is not finalized and is likely to change before v1.
$ npm install cbioportal-api-client --save
Programmatic Usage
API Reference
import CbioPortal from 'cbioportal-api-client';
const cbioPortal = CbioPortal();
.then(response => {
cbioPortal.getGeneticProfiles({ cancer_study_id: 'gbm_tcga' })
.then(response => {
Command Line Usage
Note: Requires node.
$ npm install -g cbioportal-api-client
$ cbioportal-api-client --help
Usage: cbioportal-api-client [options] [command]
getCancerStudies get cancer study meta-data
getTypesOfCancer get clinical cancer types
getGeneticProfiles [options] get genetic profile data for a cancer study.
getCaseLists [options] get case lists stored for a specific cancer study.
getProfileData [options] get genomic profile data for one or more genes.
getAlterationSummary [options] summarize alterations for the profile data.
You can get usage info for specific commands using [command] --help
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --format <format> response format
$ cbioportal-api-client getProfileData -s gbm_tcga_cnaseq -p gbm_tcga_mutations -g TP53
$ cbioportal-api-client getAlterationSummary -s gbm_tcga_cnaseq -p gbm_tcga_mutations,gbm_tcga_gistic -g TP53,MDM2,MDM4
API Reference
- cbioportal-api-client
- cbioportal-api-client/utils/convertResponse ⇒
Converts tab delimited responses to JSON format
- cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations ⇒
Summarizes alterations for results
cbioportal-api-client ⏏ exports.default(config) ⇒ cbioPortal
Creates a new cBio Portal API client
Kind: exports method of cbioportal-api-client
Returns: cbioPortal
Param | Type | Description |
config | Object | Configuration options object. |
config.requestOpts | Object | Override the request congfiguration object. |
Basic usage:
import CbioPortal from 'cbioportal-api-client';
const cbioPortal = CbioPortal();
.then(response => {
cbioportal-api-client~cbioPortal : Object
cbioPortal API Object Prototype. Used as the object prototype
when creating an API client object via the module factory method.
Kind: inner constant of cbioportal-api-client
See: Use CbioPortal() for object creation.
cbioPortal.getTypesOfCancer() ⇒ Promise
Retrieves a list of all the clinical types of cancer stored on the server.
Kind: instance method of cbioPortal
Returns: Promise
Fulfills: Array
response data converted from TSV to JSON
cbioPortal.getCancerStudies() ⇒ Promise
Retrieves meta-data regarding cancer studies stored on the server.
Kind: instance method of cbioPortal
Returns: Promise
Fulfills: Array
response data converted from TSV to JSON
cbioPortal.getGeneticProfiles(query) ⇒ Promise
Retrieves meta-data regarding all genetic profiles, e.g.
mutation or copy number profiles, stored about a specific cancer study.
Kind: instance method of cbioPortal
Returns: Promise
Fulfills: Array
response data converted from TSV to JSON
Param | Type | Description |
query | Object | |
query.cancer_study_id | string | Cancer study ID |
cbioPortal.getCaseLists(query) ⇒ Promise
Retrieves meta-data regarding all case lists stored about a specific cancer study.
For example, a within a particular study, only some cases may have sequence data, and another subset of cases may have been sequenced and treated with a specific therapeutic protocol.
Multiple case lists may be associated with each cancer study, and this method enables you to retrieve meta-data regarding all of these case lists.
Kind: instance method of cbioPortal
Returns: Promise
Fulfill: response data converted from TSV to JSON
Param | Type | Description |
query | Object | |
query.cancer_study_id | string | Cancer study ID |
cbioPortal.getProfileData(query) ⇒ Promise
Retrieves genomic profile data for one or more genes.
Note: If you pass in multiple genetic profile IDs and multiple genes, the library will make multiple requests as the API does not support this type of query.
Kind: instance method of cbioPortal
Returns: Promise
Fulfill: response data converted from TSV to JSON
Param | Type | Description |
query | Object | |
query.case_set_id | string | A unique ID used to identify the case list ID in subsequent interface calls. This is a human readable ID. For example, "gbm_all" identifies all cases profiles in the TCGA GBM study. |
query.genetic_profile_id | Array.<string> | string | One or more genetic profile IDs |
query.gene_list | Array.<string> | string | One or more genes, specified as HUGO Gene Symbols or Entrez Gene IDs |
cbioPortal.getAlterationSummary(query) ⇒ Promise
Summarize gene alterations
Kind: instance method of cbioPortal
Returns: Promise
Param | Type | Description |
query | Object | |
query.case_set_id | string | A unique ID used to identify the case list ID in subsequent interface calls. This is a human readable ID. For example, "gbm_all" identifies all cases profiles in the TCGA GBM study. |
query.genetic_profile_id | Array.<string> | string | One or more genetic profile IDs |
query.gene_list | Array.<string> | string | One or more genes, specified as HUGO Gene Symbols or Entrez Gene IDs |
cbioportal-api-client/utils/convertResponse ⇒ Promise
Converts tab delimited responses to JSON format
Returns: Promise
- Resolves with the response JSON
Param | Type | Description |
response | string | TSV string |
cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations ⇒ Promise
Summarizes alterations for results
Returns: Promise
- Resolves with the summary
Fulfills: Object
Object with results, see example
Param | Type | Description |
dataSets | Object | Array | Converted response dataset(s) |
Basic Usage:
import CbioPortal from 'cbioportal-api-client';
import { summarizeAlterations } from 'cbioportal-api-client/dist/utils';
const cbioPortal = CbioPortal();
case_set_id: 'gbm_tcga_cnaseq',
genetic_profile_id: ['gbm_tcga_mutations', 'gbm_tcga_gistic'],
gene_list: ['tp53', 'mdm2', 'mdm4']
.then(response => summarizeAlterations(response))
.then(result => console.log(result));
summary: {
genes: {
tp53: {
mutated: 29,
cna: 2,
combined: 30
mdm2: {
mutated: 1,
cna: 9,
combined: 10
mdm4: {
mutated: 0,
cna: 10,
combined: 10
overall: 47