Security News
New Python Packaging Proposal Aims to Solve Phantom Dependency Problem with SBOMs
PEP 770 proposes adding SBOM support to Python packages to improve transparency and catch hidden non-Python dependencies that security tools often miss.
Advanced tools
Wasm wrapper for cdflib. Compute cumulative distribution functions, inverses, and parameters of statistical distributions
cdflib_wasm is a WebAssembly packaging of the cdflib library as it appears in the presto project.
This library contains routines to compute cumulative distribution functions, inverses, and parameters of the distribution for the following set of statistical distributions:
(1) Beta
(2) Binomial
(3) Chi-square
(4) Noncentral Chi-square
(5) F
(6) Noncentral F
(7) Gamma
(8) Negative Binomial
(9) Normal
(10) Poisson
(11) Student's t
(12) Noncentral Student's t
Given values of all but one parameter of a distribution, the other is computed. These calculations are done with C pointers to Doubles. dcdflib.c README file
Functions | Documentation |
cdfbet | Calculates parameters of the beta distribution. |
cdfbin | Calculates parameters of the binomial distribution. |
cdfchi | Calculates parameters of the chi-square distribution. |
cdfchn | Calculates parameters of the non-central chi-square distribution. |
cdff | Calculates parameters of the F distribution. |
cdffnc | Calculates parameters of the non-central F distribution. |
cdfgam | Calculates parameters of the gamma distribution. |
cdfnbn | Calculates parameters of the negative binomial distribution. |
cdfnor | Calculates parameters of the normal distribution. |
cdfpoi | Calculates parameters of the Poisson distribution. |
cdft | Calculates parameters of the student's t distribution. |
cdftnc | Calculates parameters of the non-central student's t distribution. |
Calculates any one parameter of the beta distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from 0 to X of the chi-square
Input range: [0, 1].
X <--> Upper limit of integration of beta density.
Input range: [0, 1].
Search range: [0, 1]
A <--> The first parameter of the beta density.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [1D-100, 1D100]
B <--> The second parameter of the beta density.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [1D-100, 1D100]
Calculates P from X, A and B
const p = cdflib.cdfbet_1(x, a, b);
Calculate X from P, A and B
const x = cdflib.cdfbet_2(p, a, b);
Calculate A from P, X and B
const a = cdflib.cdfbet_3(p, b, x);
Calculate B from P, X and A
const b = cdflib.cdfbet_4(a, p, x);
Calculates any one parameter of the binomial distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The cumulation from 0 to S of the binomial distribution.
(Probablility of S or fewer successes in XN trials each
with probability of success PR.)
Input range: [0, 1].
S <--> The number of successes observed.
Input range: [0, XN]
Search range: [0, XN]
XN <--> The number of binomial trials.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [1E-100, 1E100]
PR <--> The probability of success in each binomial trial.
Input range: [0, 1].
Search range: [0, 1]
Calculate P from S, XN, PR
const p = cdflib.cdfbin_1(s, xn, pr);
Calculate S from P, XN, PR
const s = cdflib.cdfbin_2(p, xn, pr);
Calculate XN from P, S, PR
const xn = cdflib.cdfbin_3(p, s, pr);
Calculate PR from P, S and XN
const pr = cdflib.cdfbin_4(p, s, xn);
Calculates any one parameter of the chi-squared distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from 0 to X of the chi-square
Input range: [0, 1].
X <--> Upper limit of integration of the non-central
chi-square distribution.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
DF <--> Degrees of freedom of the
chi-square distribution.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [ 1E-100, 1E100]
Calculate P from X and DF
const p = cdflib.cdfchi_1(x, df);
Calculate X from P and DF
const x = cdflib.cdfchi_2(p, df);
Calculate DF from P and X
const df = cdflib.cdfchi_3(p, x);
Calculates any one parameter of the non-central chi-squared distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from 0 to X of the non-central chi-square
Input range: [0, 1-1E-16).
X <--> Upper limit of integration of the non-central
chi-square distribution.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
DF <--> Degrees of freedom of the non-central
chi-square distribution.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [ 1E-100, 1E100]
NC <--> Non-centrality parameter of the non-central
chi-square distribution.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E4]
Warning The computation time required for this routine is proportional to the noncentrality parameter (NC). Very large values of this parameter can consume immense computer resources. This is why the search range is bounded by 10,000.
Calculate P from X and DF
const p = cdflib.cdfchn_1(x, df, nc);
Calculate X from P, DF and NC
const x = cdflib.cdfchn_2(p, df, nc);
Calculate DF from P, X and NC
const df = cdflib.cdfchn_3(x, p, nc);
Calculate NC from P, X and DF
const pnonc = cdflib.cdfchn_4(x, df, p);
Calculates any one parameter of the F distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from 0 to F of the f-density.
Input range: [0, 1].
F <--> Upper limit of integration of the f-density.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
DFN < --> Degrees of freedom of the numerator sum of squares.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [ 1E-100, 1E100]
DFD < --> Degrees of freedom of the denominator sum of squares.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [ 1E-100, 1E100]
Warning The value of the cumulative F distribution is not necessarily monotone in either degrees of freedom. There thus may be two values that provide a given CDF value. This routine assumes monotonicity and will find an arbitrary one of the two values.
Calculate P from F, DFN and DFD
const p = cdflib.cdff_1(dfc, dfd, f);
Calculate F from P, DFN and DFD
const f = cdflib.cdff_2(dfn, dfd, p);
Calculate DFN from P, F and DFD
const dfn = cdflib.cdff_3(p, dfd, f);
Calculate DFD from P, F and DFN
const dfd = cdflib.cdff_4(dfn, p, f);
Calculates any one parameter of the Non-central F distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from 0 to F of the non-central f-density.
Input range: [0, 1-1E-16).
F <--> Upper limit of integration of the non-central f-density.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
DFN < --> Degrees of freedom of the numerator sum of squares.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [ 1E-100, 1E100]
DFD < --> Degrees of freedom of the denominator sum of squares.
Must be in range: (0, +infinity).
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [ 1E-100, 1E100]
NC <-> The non-centrality parameter
Input range: [0, infinity)
Search range: [0, 1E4]
The computation time required for this routine is proportional to the noncentrality parameter (PNONC). Very large values of this parameter can consume immense computer resources. This is why the search range is bounded by 10,000.
The value of the cumulative noncentral F distribution is not necessarily monotone in either degrees of freedom. There thus may be two values that provide a given CDF value. This routine assumes monotonicity and will find an arbitrary one of the two values.
Calculate P from F, DFN, DFD and NC
const p = cdflib.cdffnc_1(dfc, dfd, nc, f);
Calculate F from P, DFN, DFD and NC
const f = cdflib.cdffnc_2(dfn, dfd, nc, p);
Calculate DFN from P, F, DFD and NC
const dfn = cdflib.cdffnc_3(p, dfd, nc, f);
Calculate DFD from P, F, DFN and NC
const dfd = cdflib.cdffnc_4(dfn, p, nc, f);
Calculate NC from P, F, DFN and DFD
const pnonc = cdflib.cdffnc_5(dfn, dfd, p, f);
Calculates any one parameter of the gamma distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from 0 to X of the gamma density.
Input range: [0, 1].
X <--> The upper limit of integration of the gamma density.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
SHAPE <--> The shape parameter of the gamma density.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: [1E-100, 1E100]
SCALE <--> The scale parameter of the gamma density.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
Search range: (1E-100, 1E100]
Calculate P from X, SHAPE and SCALE
const p = cdflib.cdfgam_1(scale, shape, x);
Calculate X from P, SHAPE and SCALE
const x = cdflib.cdfgam_2(scale, shape, p);
Calculate SHAPE from P, X and SCALE
const shape = cdflib.cdfgam_3(scale, p, x);
Calculate SCALE from P, X and SHAPE
const scale = cdflib.cdfgam_4(p, shape, x);
Calculates any one parameter of the negative binomial distribution given values for the others.
The cumulative negative binomial distribution returns the probability that there will be F or fewer failures before the XNth success in binomial trials each of which has probability of success PR.
The individual term of the negative binomial is the probability of
S failures before XN successes and is
Choose(S, XN+S-1) * PR^(XN) * (1-PR)^S
P <--> The cumulation from 0 to S of the negative
binomial distribution.
Input range: [0, 1].
S <--> The upper limit of cumulation of the binomial distribution.
There are F or fewer failures before the XNth success.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
XN <--> The number of successes.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
PR <--> The probability of success in each binomial trial.
Input range: [0, 1].
Search range: [0, 1].
Calculate P from S, XN, PR
const p = cdflib.cdfnbn_1(s, xn, pr);
Calculate S from P, XN, PR
const s = cdflib.cdfnbn_2(p, xn, pr);
Calculate XN from P, S, PR
const xn = cdflib.cdfnbn_3(s, p, pr);
Calculate PR from P, S and XN
const pr = cdflib.cdfnbn_4(s, p, xn);
Calculates any one parameter of the normal distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from -infinity to X of the normal density.
Input range: (0, 1].
X < --> Upper limit of integration of the normal-density.
Input range: ( -infinity, +infinity)
MEAN <--> The mean of the normal density.
Input range: (-infinity, +infinity)
STD <--> Standard Deviation of the normal density.
Input range: (0, +infinity).
The normal density is proportional to
exp( - 0.5 * (( X - MEAN)/STD)**2)
Calculate P from X, MEAN and STD
const p = cdflib.cdfnor_1(mean, std, x);
Calculate X from P, MEAN and STD
const x = cdflib.cdfnor_2(mean, p, std);
Calculate MEAN from P, X and STD
const mean = cdflib.cdfnor_3(p, std, x);
Calculate STD from P, X and MEAN
const sd = cdflib.cdfnor_4(mean, p, x);
Calculates any one parameter of the Poisson distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The cumulation from 0 to S of the poisson density.
Input range: [0, 1].
S <--> Upper limit of cumulation of the Poisson.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
XLAM <--> Mean of the Poisson distribution.
Input range: [0, +infinity).
Search range: [0, 1E100]
Calculate P from S and XLAM
const p = cdflib.cdfpoi_1(s, xlam);
Calculate A from P and XLAM
const a = cdflib.cdfpoi_2(p, xlam);
Calculate XLAM from P and S
const xlam = cdflib.cdfpoi_3(p, s);
Calculates any one parameter of the student's t distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from -infinity to t of the t-density.
Input range: (0, 1].
T <--> Upper limit of integration of the t-density.
Input range: ( -infinity, +infinity).
Search range: [ -1E100, 1E100 ]
DF <--> Degrees of freedom of the t-distribution.
Input range: (0 , +infinity).
Search range: [1e-100, 1E10]
Calculate P from T and DF
const p = cdflib.cdft_1(df, t);
Calculate T from P and DF
const t = cdflib.cdft_2(p, df);
Calculate DF from P and T
const df = cdflib.cdft_3(p, t);
Calculates any one parameter of the non-central student's t distribution given values for the others.
P <--> The integral from -infinity to t of the noncentral t-den
Input range: (0, 1].
T <--> Upper limit of integration of the noncentral t-density.
Input range: ( -infinity, +infinity).
Search range: [ -1E100, 1E100 ]
DF <--> Degrees of freedom of the noncentral t-distribution.
Input range: (0 , +infinity).
Search range: [1e-100, 1E10]
NC <--> Noncentrality parameter of the noncentral t-distribution.
Input range: [-infinity , +infinity).
Search range: [-1e4, 1E4]
Calculate P from T, DF, NC
const p = cdflib.cdftnc_1(df, nc, t);
Calculate T from P, DF, NC
const t = cdflib.cdftnc_2(df, nc, p);
Calculate DF from P, NC, T
const df = cdflib.cdftnc_3(p, nc, t);
Calculate NC from P, DF, T
const pnonc = cdflib.cdftnc_4(df, p, t);
Wasm wrapper for cdflib. Compute cumulative distribution functions, inverses, and parameters of statistical distributions
The npm package cdflib_wasm receives a total of 2 weekly downloads. As such, cdflib_wasm popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that cdflib_wasm demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
PEP 770 proposes adding SBOM support to Python packages to improve transparency and catch hidden non-Python dependencies that security tools often miss.
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