English | 中文
This is a Cesium development kit that includes functionalities such as layer loading, coordinate conversion, coordinate picking, camera control, measurement, plotting, model loading and manipulation (translation, rotation scaling), 3Dtiles view position adjustment, weather effects (rain, snow, fog), scene rendering with radar scan and information box display capabilities. It also provides features for flow line visualization, lighting effects including dynamic wall and other luminous materials rendering.
Additionally it supports Post effects, visibility analysis tools for perspective analysis and slope analysis. Furthermore it offers Inundation analysis as well as volume analysis capabilities and terrain excavation functionality.
- materials
- analysis
- plotting
- dragging
- radar scan
- First-person roaming
npm install cesium_dev_kit
import { initCesium } from 'cesium_dev_kit'
1、Import all
The initialization of 'initCesium' allows for the acquisition of all extension modules.
1.1 The initCesium method configuration parameter list
Property | Type | Description | Default |
cesiumGlobal | Object | Cesium Object | undefined |
threeGlobal | Object | THREE Object | undefined |
containerId | String | Cesium mounts dom container id | undefined |
threeContainerId | String | Three mounts dom container id | undefined |
viewerConfig | Object | viewer base configuration (same as official website) | {} |
extreaConfig | Object | Configure additional parameters, such as {logo: true, // Whether to display logo depthTest: true, // Enable depth detection AccessToken:'', // configure access_token } | {} |
MapImageryList | Array | To configure the base image, see ImageryProvider | [] |
defaultStatic | Array | Static resource configurations used by shaders (such as image urls) | undefined |
1.2 The initCesium method returns the result
name | Type | Description |
viewer | Object | Cesium instance object |
material | Object | Material module (Modify physical material) |
graphics | Object | Graphics modules (e.g. creating PolygonGraphics objects, etc.) |
math3d | Object | Three-dimensional mathematical tool |
primitive | Object | Primitives manipulate objects (such as creating polygon using primivite, etc.) |
draw | Object | Drawing modules (e.g. polygons, rectangles) |
passEffect | Object | Post-processing module |
customCesiumPlugin | Object | Custom sensor extensions |
control | Object | Control modules (such as model positioning, dragging, etc.) |
plugin | Object | Additional plugins (such as expanding css3 animation, terrain cropping) |
base | Object | Basic modules (e.g. coordinate conversion, layer initialization, etc.) |
analysis | Object | Analysis modules (e.g., slope, direction, visibility, visibility analysis) |
attackArrowObj | Object | Plotting (attack) |
straightArrowObj | Object | Plotting (straight hit) |
pincerArrowObj | Object | Plotting(Pincer attack) |
ThreeJs | Object | Integrate ThreeJS extension objects |
1.3 Use case
<div id="cesiumContainer" class="map3d-contaner"></div>
import { initCesium } from 'cesium_dev_kit'
import { defaultStatic } from '../defaultStaticConf'
export default {
mounted() {
methods: {
initMap() {
const tempData = [
id: 3,
name: 'gaodeMap02',
type: 'UrlTemplateImageryProvider',
classConfig: {
url: 'https://webst02.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?style=6&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',
interfaceConfig: {},
offset: '0,0',
invertswitch: 0,
filterRGB: '#ffffff',
showswitch: 1,
weigh: 13,
createtime: 1624346908,
updatetime: 1647395260,
const { viewer,material,graphics} =
new initCesium({
cesiumGlobal: Cesium,
containerId: 'cesiumContainer',
viewerConfig: {
infoBox: false,
shouldAnimate: true,
extraConfig: {
depthTest: true
MapImageryList: tempData,
2、Import on demand
The import of a single extension class can be tailored to meet specific functional requirements, thereby minimizing code redundancy.
import {Graphics, Material,Primitive,Draw,Analysis,CustomCesiumPlugin,PassEffect,Plugin,ThreeJs} from 'cesium_dev_kit'
2.1 Extension class:
- Graphics:Various graphic operations
- Material: Material manipulation
- Primitive: Cooperate with various primitive operations of shader
- Draw: Various drawing objects
- Analysis: Various analysis objects
- CustomCesiumPlugin: Custom sensor expansion
- PassEffect: Post effect object
- Plugin: Various extension functions
- ThreeJs: Integrate ThreeJS extension objects
2.2 Draw Use case:
<div id="cesiumContainer" class="map3d-contaner"></div>
import { Draw } from 'cesium_dev_kit'
export default {
mounted() {
methods: {
initMap() {
const tempData = [
id: 3,
name: 'gaodeMap02',
type: 'UrlTemplateImageryProvider',
classConfig: {
url: 'https://webst02.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?style=6&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',
interfaceConfig: {},
offset: '0,0',
invertswitch: 0,
filterRGB: '#ffffff',
showswitch: 1,
weigh: 13,
createtime: 1624346908,
updatetime: 1647395260,
const drawObj = new Draw({
cesiumGlobal: Cesium,
containerId: 'cesiumContainer',
viewerConfig: {
infoBox: false,
shouldAnimate: true,
extraConfig: {
MapImageryList: tempData
this.c_viewer = drawObj.viewer
this.draw = drawObj.draw
this.StraightArrowObj = drawObj.straightArrowObj
this.AttackArrowObj = drawObj.attackArrowObj
this.PincerArrowObj = drawObj.pincerArrowObj
Used in h5
- Import index.umd.js directly into html
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.umd.js"></script>
new cesium_dev_kit.initCesium({...})
Use example
Browser support
The 'Chrome 80+' browser is recommended for local development
Modern browsers (chrome, Firefox, Microsoft edge, etc.) are supported. Internet Explorer is not supported
This project includes but is not limited to the reference and reference of the above materials, thank you very much for sharing
Project deficiency and optimization
- 1、Extended classes not using type detection (TS)
- 2、No usage documentation (please refer to the case)
- 3、No exception catching and handling
How to contribute
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
- If you want to contribute, you can Raise an issue Or submit a Pull Request.
Pull Request:
- The procedure for submitting a
pull request
is as follows
- Fork cesium_dev_kit
- Clone a new repository made with forking.
- Create your own branch:
git checkout -b feat/xxxx
- Install modules with npm or yarn command.
- Let's develop!
- Submit your changes:
git commit -am 'feat(function): add xxxxx'
- Push your branch:
git push origin feat/xxxx
- Make a new
pull request
in cesium_dev_kit repository.
Git Contribution submission specification
New featuresfix
Fix bugsdocs
Format and style (changes that do not affect code operation)refactor
Optimize related, such as improving performance and experiencetest
Add testbuild
Compilation related modifications, changes to project construction or dependenciesci
Continuous integration modificationchore
Changes in the construction process or auxiliary toolsrevert
Rollback to previous versionworkflow
Workflow improvementmod
Uncertain modification classificationwip
Under developmenttypes
Welcome interested friends to join together to improve the function, so that the work is more efficient, the development is simpler, and the life is more comfortable.
I am grateful to the generous individuals who awarded me these little stars, thank you for your support :heart:
![Stargazers repo roster for @dengxiaoning/cesium_dev_kit](https://bytecrank.com/nastyox/reporoster/php/stargazersSVG.php?user=dengxiaoning&repo=cesium_dev_kit)
、 @InPanda、 luyufanzhi
... thank you for your attention :heart:
![Forkers repo roster for @dengxiaoning/cesium_dev_kit](https://bytecrank.com/nastyox/reporoster/php/forkersSVG.php?user=dengxiaoning&repo=cesium_dev_kit)